rabbitgirl wrote:
Dwarf breeders DON'T SHOOT ME!!! :shock::shock:
Nethiescan get a bit "snippy"....mine is EVIL!!!
I like biiiiiiiig rabbits better.
P.S. Angela and Lanna, your dwarfs are gorgeous. Are they tempermental or have I just been unlucky in the ones I've met?
Ohhh discussion on dwarfs. *rubs hands together* my favorite!
I've raised Netherland Dwafs.. as a mater of fact I still have a viewin my barn. I'm also raising Dwarf Hotots right now. Rabbits shouldn'tbe judged by their breedbased ontheirpersonality.
For example, Dwarf Hotots are known for their jaws. I've had manyfriends get into Dwarf Hotots and quickly got out because of their'attitude'. I've NEVER had a problem with Dwarf Hotots biting me. As amatter of fact my Dwarf Hotots lick me like crazy! I started out withsweet Dwarf Hotots and breed that nice personality into my herd. Iwon't breed a mean rabbit into my herd. I don't care if its got thebest body in the barn, if it bites me and draws blood..it goes.
Now Netherland Dwarfs...
I've got a father and his son and daughter in my barn. They are theSWEETEST rabbits around. The father allowed my 4 year old cousin (whoby the way never handled rabbits) use him for peewee showmanship. Hewas small enough for her to handle and he loved the love she gave. Allof his children are very sweet and would let a 2 yr old lug themaround. Then I've got a hyper 6 yr old ND in my barn but he's hyper forlove. Once you hold him or start petting him he's as calm as the NDline that let you pet them. Then I've got a ND that I wouldn't trustwith a child. He used to try to nip me, but I put a stop to that! He'svery greedy towards his food etc.
Checkerd Giants are another breedthat are judged souly ontheir breed.People think every Checkered Giant will chop yourfingers off! Yes, I've seena kid at fair who had to have hisfingersewed back on after arabbit bit it off. Itwas his own rabbit so he should have known better. I've also seen sweetCheckered Giants that lay down and just want some lovin'! Honestly, I'mafraid of Checkereds because of their mean characteristic. I avoid themat all costs but I noticed it was the'lines'thatresulted in the mean vs. nice.
Rabbits should be judged on their personality as an individual rabbitrather then by their breed. As you can see, I've got 5 ND's left in mybarn with 3 different personalities! I'm a soul believer that rabbitspersonalities come from their 'lines'. I've never bred a mean rabbitbecause I don't risk that chance of getting a mean rabbit out of abreeding.
If you find the right breeder with a solid line with a goodpersonality..then give the ND's a try! They are a real joy to have!They are also much cheaper to raise then a bigger breed. They requiresmaller cages, less food, and have smaller litters. This way you don'thave to find homes for as many rabbits. The average Netherland Dwarflitter is about 3 or 4 kits. Now some have less and some have more, itall depends on the 'model' of the doe.
I feel bad for those people who want a rabbit so bad and then end upgetting a line with a bad personality. Dwarf Hotots are really dolls ifyou get the right line and the same for Netherland Dwarfs! Rose, I'msorry you've met the rotton apples in a pit full of riped apples. :?