Dropped Dutchess off at the vet. Great but puzzling news. He said the sludge in her bladder was gone, she was peeing fine, and he got a urine sample. He looked at her teeth. The molars were tall but not enough to trim. He does not see anything wrong with her lungs or spine on the X-ray. He did a rabbit blood panel. Her skin looks much better. He said her stomach looks full of food and she has small but evident poops on imaging. So am not sure what has been wrong or why she is better. He is ordering an appetite stimulant (cyproheptadine). Not sure why she had urine scald, and “severe“ sludge on X-ray, and wouldn’t eat or drink for the past several days. Will focus on increasing her water consumption and making her exercise. He said he could not justify sedating her and flushping her bladder or filing her teeth. So I hope all is well with her now. I hope all the hours she and I spent together this week (at all hours) forcing food and water (and cranberry juice) into her and making her run around more helped. Have my fingers crossed that she is well now as I am almost psychotically tired.