Drizzle's poops seem way too small, Hazel is making a weird noise...

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Ok, are you sick? you had that blood draw! I need to ask.

Bo had the same thing (small poos) after a bought of gas/stasis. Just keep encouraging the hay and water. That's what got him going. I also did give him a bit (a tiny bit) of banana to encourage him some..... but that was when he started pooing again.

I agree, bunnies pick up on our stress so much. :bunnyhug:

His poops really arent all that small and he's active and everything. At this point, I dont think theres much else the vet could even do. I think my vet would just tell me the same things youre doing..exercise, hydration, hay.

Pumpkin is an extra good source of fiber so it might be good to have him try some of that.

But really, I think this is just a minor passing thing you just sort of have to ride out..

Everything will be ok. *hugs*

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Ok, are you sick? you had that blood draw! I need to ask.

Not too sick right now. Just a bought of a cold. Thanks for asking! :hug2:
But the blood was drawn becausemy hubby and I were talking about possibly trying to have kids next year. I have some, let's call them medical issues, and have been on meds for years now. I finally decided to get off of them. I went to the doc on Wed. and, since I stopped taking BCPs, she put me on pre-natal vitamins just in case I get pregnant sooner. I guess she says it's good to take them beforehand. But whatever, they're multivitamins just with extra iron.

But also to make sure, she wanted me to get tested for Rubella Anti-bodies. Apparently, even if you get the Rubella Vaccine it can wear off over time and affect the fetus (such as cataracts, lung defects) if you don't have any anti-bodies. So, they're just checking for that stuff. If I don't have any, they'll just give me the vaccine again. And yet again, I passed out during the test...this makes it7/8 blood tests that I've passed out. The only one where I didn't pass out, I was lying down. And they checked my iron and sugar last year and said I was fine, so I don't know

So, it's not for something bad at all. I'm not dying, so that's good.Right now we're just playing it by ear. If it happens, it happens now. But we're waiting to try until next summer/fall/winter. :nodMy hubby thinks I'm crazy about the rabbits, just wait till we have kids! :craziness

And just an update on Drizzle:

I added some pedialyte to his water last night before hitting the hay. We had poops in the litter box last night! :litterhealthy:Yay! They're still not too big but there seemed to be a lot...at least 20 or so.

I had gotten him some orchard grass hay last night that I mixed a tiny bit in with the Timothy Hay so maybe he'd eat it more (spice it up a little). Sure enough it worked.

Before bed, I fed him some papaya baby food off of a spoon and he ate it up. So far so good today.
Haley wrote:
Im so glad to hear both you and Drizzle are doing ok! :)
Me, too!!! :D


Glad to hear the little Maisie-twin is doing good. :)

She sends a very pretty picture his way to encourage him to KEEP GOING!! :D

"I's in a tunnel and ams not comin' out until you're all betters again!!"


Aww I'm glad it's nothing serious. I didn't mean to be nosey, but I was concerned :)

Good you are on the vitamins. Thing is, you need to keep the folic acid up - very important for getting pregnant and not having a child with neural tube defects.

I had the Rh- and hubby Rh+ thing and had to have those shots after the kids were born. I was also borderline diabetic so I had to go through the glucose tolerance tests. That was awful! They do it in several hours and early in the morning. You drink this stuff that's like a melted but thick orange popcicle..... and super super sweet...... by the end I was nearly vomiting! LOL!

I hope all goes well when you do decide to "go for it!" :)

Glad you have poos too! YIPPEEE!
First off, Maisie and Gabriel are just ADORABLE! I love tube photos!:adorable:
And Rosie, Drizzle thinks Maisie is bootiful! :inlove::bunny5

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Aww I'm glad it's nothing serious. I didn't mean to be nosey, but I was concerned :)

Good you are on the vitamins. Thing is, you need to keep the folic acid up - very important for getting pregnant and not having a child with neural tube defects.
You're not being nosey. Thanks for checking up on me!:bunnyhug:Actually you all should feel very special because I haven't really gone out and told a lot of people about this yet. I'm trying to keep in on the DL with my folks because I've already been getting the "So when are we getting a grandbaby?" question. :crazinessUm, when I'm good and ready!

These vitamins make me SO nauseous though. I think it's because of all the extra iron in them. :yuck

And those tests you had don't sound good AT ALL. My mom did tell me though that you have to get a lot of blood tests when your pregnant. I'm not looking forward to that at all. :nurse:

And as for Drizzle...
He's been getting 4-4.5 hours of exercise a day. The baby gas drops REALLY helped, so I guess itwas just hair and gas. So far, so good. He seems to be feeling better. And I could tell because I was chasing him around with a broom all day yesterday picking up poops. :sweepLast night he was being a stinker with eating again, but some papaya seemed to perk up his appetite.

Well all, I'm off to take a nap in a little while. I went to bed at 11pm last night and had to get up at 3am to take my parents to the airport. So, I'm a little tired...:caffeine.
Try taking the iron tablets with orange juice, or on am empyt stomach first thing in the morning, or just before you go to bed.

I have to take iron tablets religiously or I end up needing transfusions, and those are the things that are supposed to make the tablets less aggravating for your stomach.

Good luck with the babydom :) And hope the buns keep on the improve.
Thanks for the tips, Fluffball! I'll definitely try them.

Ok, now Hazel is sneezing every now and then again. Her nose is a little wet, but no colored discharge. She still has to take antibiotics for 4 more days, and she gets another dop of Bene-bac tomorrow. So I'm hoping she's just sneezing from hay dust or from shedding. I think these buns are trying to drive me crazy!
Sorry, double posted! I'm still trying to get my computer to work properly after the viruses invaded my computer on Wed. See the bun's blog for me details...
This thread is going in a million different directions but I didn't help by putting gabe's pics on there

I also cannot handle iron because it upsets my stomach , makes me belch the taste and makes me constipated (stasis).
I found this low dose iron called ironschel at GNC that is chelated. I can take it without any symptoms. I don't know if it is appropriate for a pregnant woman but I also have had low iron and it helped me back into the normal range again.

Just wanted to update:

Today is the last day for meds! Yay! My cut up arms will thank me! LOL! :surrender

Drizzle's poops are looking more and more 'normal.' He finally willingly eats pumpkin (didn't like it at first). Latte's poops were looking iffy because he's molting now, but the pumpkin cleared that out and they're good again. It was cute because his little white tip on his nose was bright orange this morning! :brownbunny

Poor Drizzle though...I clipped his nails on Sunday and messed the very last one up and he was bleeding like crazy. It's ok now, but I felt so bad and he just had the most pathetic 'stop abusing me' look on his face. :nerves1

Can bunnies choke on their water when they drink from a bottle? Just a few minutes ago, I heard Hazel drinking, then she sneezed a couple times and then sounded like she hacked. It was just once then the sneezing stopped too. Coincidence or respiratory issue?
I think she slipped while drinking her water and choked herself and got some down the wrong pipe...thus the sneezing. Weird though. I'm keeping a sharp eye on her.:shock:
Maisie (who INSISTS on drinking with her head as upside down as a bun can get it) also does that little choke/sneeze/trying-to-get-something-out-of-her-nose sound sometimes after drinking. She's never had any health problems...just something she does now and then...and I observe her for a couple days to be SURE (even though she's done it probably a good couple of dozen times now) that she's okay.

But, don't worry too much...you're probably right...she probably got some up her nose, and maybe down the wrong pipe a bit. But, she'll be fine.

I think it's kinda like how occassionally we humans have that happen...and it's not something I've worried about too much.
