Bo B Bunny
Well-Known Member
How are they doing now?
Is drizzle on antibiotics..I think they all are.
I don't think that you're imagining his poops are smaller...could be very slow insidious onset of stasis.
This is off the top but some vets order bene-bac with antibiotics. It may (or may not establish gut flora )
I have found that bene-bac has sometimes made my rabbits poop..I just learned that by accident over different times of giving it to different buns.
You can get bene-bac either from some vets or at petco in the small animal section.
Also I would feed drizzle a lot of greens that are clean but left wet and encourage any other fluid intake.
If the problem persists maybe the vet could do an x-ray and see if their is any type of blockage.
I have used mineral oil (very dangerous to administer because of aspiration) but I would saydon't usein a rabbit that doesn't take meds well or one that is on an antibiotic (decreases absorption of the drug)
Mineral oil or laxatone is usally a "no-no" but I have used it occaionally to jumpstart a rabbit that is beginning to go into stasis and it has always worked.
Possibly you should talk with your vet about Drizzle because as I said above I don't think you are imagining it.
Ok. I'll stop and get the bene-bac or acidophilus. Thanks, Dawn!Yogurt is an old technique, and is out dated because rabbits are lactose intolerant.
My vet gives me acidophilus pills, which is the active pro-biotic in yogurt but with out the lactose. I give a half a pill twice a day mixed with a little bit of juice.
You can also get other types of "good bacteria" to give a bun like bene-bac.
My advice would be to not give yogurt and use acidophilus instead. You can find it in most health stores.
Ok, I'll do that. I'll grab some pedialyte and bene-bac when I'm out today (before I go to the doctors). I'll just keep a closer eye on his poops for a while. He's still active when he's out of his cage. I posted a new video on my blog of him today actually, so you can see for yourself. I may keep him out for some time today to get some more exercise time than usual. Maybe it will encourage his gut to move better?ok...Im just catching up here.
Im with Dawn in that I wouldnt give Yogurt. Ive actually heard Pineapple juice is no good either (not so much that its bad but that it doesnt really do anything). As Dawn mentioned a lot of vets just arent current on rabbit medicine, doesnt mean they arent a great be prepared to guide her, Ive had to do this many times.
As for Drizzle, I wouldnt worry too much about the poops if hes eating and drinking as usual. He's still active, right? I like the idea of adding apple juice or flavored pedialyte to the water. Misting his hay with some when you put it into his cage might encourage him as well.
Well, Hazel has stopped sneezing. And they are all on Baytril. Drizzle and Hazel have both stopped since they've been on it. Hazel's discharge was clear but she has none now. Latte is less but it's still there. I remember my old vet (who treated him when he had his first tilt) said that he possibly broke some sinus bones and will sneeze every now and then because of this. However, the reason he went on it was the combo of the sneezing and the fact that I saw his tilt was slightly worse (and he was less active). Latte seems to be getting on better now.For the sneezing, its possible it could be a mild allergy. Is the discharge heavy or light? Im more inclined to just wait it out and keep an eye on her teeth and eyes and breathing. Baytril probably wont do much.
:nodYep, that's about it in a nutshell. But, whatever gets the job done, right? :thumbupLOL! I can see you holding a crasin and the bunny mouth opening...... SHOOT! she scores!!!
bunny is mad......![]()
Latte still sneezes from time to time but no discharge and he's active. Hazel sneezed once today but this was the first time since last Thurs. that she sneezed and it was only once. No discharge. Drizzle is always lazy when he's in his cage. He just kinda lays there, but when he's out he'll run around a lot. Eating wise, he's eating a lot more hay on his own so that's good. It's probably because I've been giving him less pellets and making him eat the hay instead when he's hungryOk so just to catch up-Hazel and Latter are ok since the Baytril but Drizzle's poops are still smaller than normal? Is anything else off with Drizzle other than smaller than usual poops (some with hair)? Is he eating/drinking and active as usual?
Thanks regarding the photo. I was feeling artistic...even though there was poop involved! I'll keep him out longer today for active play. Maybe for a few hours or so while I'm cleaning. And I'll go grab some pedialyte. I just forgot to yesterday with all of the chaos.Great photo, btw! They actually dont look too bad to me, even the ones with hair. Ive had bouts where my boys have poops like that. I would just keep him active and get him to eat lots of hay and drink lots of fluids. If you want you could syringe him some pedialyte each day to get some extra fluids in him.
Yeah he sounds non critical to me then. Really, for a slow blockage that starting (like some hair in the gut) theres not much they can do other than fluids fluids fluids, hay and exercise. So just keep him hydrated and eating that hay. I would give him lots of run time. If it was a severe blockage you would feel his belly harden and get very very distended.
That makes more sense in regards to the Bene-bac. I'll wait till I'm sure how to administer it. The people at Petco were clueless.Ive never used Benebac so Im not sure. It sounds like they mean 1/2 tube today and 1/2 tube 3 days from now? I have to run now but try doing a search here on the forum to see if anyone else had instructions for administering it.
I'll check in later. Keep me posted!