Hello. This is Ronnie. Sky is a typical girl and loves to talk, I am wanting her to get her own blog.
Anyways. A few days ago momma took me inside because her dad was going to mow the lawn. He never got to doing it that day, but I did get to stay in during a horrific rainstorm. Unfortunately I was stuck in an makeshift NIC cube cage of three panels by one panel. I did like being close to my people though. Moma is getting more and more convinced that she should get me neutered and bring me inside. In fact, she told me that that is going to be one of her financial goals since she is taking a financial course at church. I am telling her that I would be a great inside pet and she believes me. I am a lot calmer that Skyler and if moma can catch me I will cuddle well. Moma tells be that when Sky cuddles she likes to be right up against mama's nose. She also seems to like to be held and loves to jump on top of things. I like my four feet on the ground and at momas side.
Speaking of Skyler jumping things, yesterday mom was letting Sky run around the room and she jumped right into a trash can. Silly rabbit. The dog was rolling on the floor laughing at it.
I have decided that moma is ok and so now I follow her around everywhere trying to get her to feed me. I can tell mom is happy that I don't run away from her anymore.
I am trying to get mom to change her avie. Why is my thing pink? I am the guy. And sky gets the pretty blue, that is so not fair!
The dog got a haircut! I barely recognized her without all that hair. She looks smaller than me, which she very well maybe. I still like to antagonize her though. It is so fun!
Ok, now here are some pics.
Me in the small cage "Please let me out! I'm innocent!
I'm coming!
Oooh! A camera. CHEESE!!
Sky wouldn't stay still so moma didn't get any good pictures of her, but her is a video.