Don't think about white bunnies

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Heya, this is Ronnie. The dog tried to give me a bath today, so I am still recovering. I guess she saw the dirty pictures after all. Who let her on here? Or maybe she just thinks I taste good (Oh no!)
I don't have any pictures because my mom has been busy. Oh yeah, she used adobe photoshop to make that lovely picture of me. She says she takes requests if anyone wants anything.
Well, I've got to go, some boys are over and are being really noisey so I can't think.


Aina wrote:
Heya, this is Ronnie. The dog tried to give me a bath today,so I am still recovering. I guess she saw the dirty pictures after all.Who let her on here? Or maybe she just thinks I taste good(Oh no!)
LOL!!! Ronnie, you are a hoot!! Tell your mom that once she's not sobusy, we would love more photos to keep us not thinking of whiterabbits :D

Heya. So Tuesday momma brought home anotherbunny. I havn't gotten to meet her yet but I can't wait! Maggie told meher name is Sky. Today it is raining so momma brought meinside for a while, but she didn't even let me get a glimpse ofSky. I did see Sky earlier when momma took her outside totake some picture of her because she said the lighting wasperfect. She is so pretty! The dog tells me that Sky doesn'tmind the dog as much as I do, but I don't believe her. Who could notmind the annoying dog? At least now Maggie is making herself useful andbringing me information about the other bunny. Nowthat momma has the yard succure she is letting me out more. What shedoesn't know is that I can open gates, mwahaha! Unfortunatlyone time she found me. When she did I ran right back to the place thatI got out and ran back in. I was just trying to show momma where thedog can get out, i don't know why she was mad at me.
The camera is broken, so I can't post any pics. I think thedog broke it. As soon as I get it fixed I'll post some pics, but untilthen

Jade, just give my mom some pics of your rabbits and she can make you something if you want.
Now, my momma finally got the camera working, so here are some pictures.

What are you doing with that camera?

Leaves taste good. Er... I hope they arn't poisionus.


And, my mom got a picture of Sky, so I think I'll post it. Isn't she pretty?


Ronnie and're both gorgeous!! did you learn to use the computer...did you sneak intoyour former home and use theirs? I'm sure they wouldn't havenoticed, given that they didn't notice where you went outside...

I think you should teach Skye how to use it, too...I love to hear whatshe thinks of her new home! Boy, she's a beauty! :)

P.S. Love your red eyes, Ronnie...very lovely! :)

Your mom is very talented! That looks wonderful. I bet you were makingeyes at Jade's little Teresa, she sure is a looker (but shes alreadytaken ;)).

Now, I want to hear more about this new lady? She sure is beautiful! Ihope she is altered (or maybe you are?) so that you two can playtogether!

Cant wait to see more of you two!
Sky isn't altered yet, and neither am I. After today she is going to make an appointment for Sky to get altered. She said if she had the money she would also alter me, but I am her brothers bunny, so maybe he'll pay for it. I hope so, because I want to play with Sky.

Anyways, I am just coming on to wish you all a merry christmas! I hope it stops raining where I live. Maybe momma will bring me inside. I can shred the wrapping paper for her! I'll tell you more about christmas tomorow, but remember...


Merry Christmas to you too Ronnie!

I hope you and Sky had a wonderful time and that santa brought you lots of craisins and other yummy treats!

Ok, so Ronnie wasn't able to update the day after xmas. That is because he asked me to tell a little about myself and I was preocupied. Oh... you don't know who I am? I am Sky, the new rabbit.
There is not much to tell about me. So I don't know what Ronnie was asking. I live in the room with my momma. The cage I am in right now I can get out of so momma can't wait to find some NIC cubes and make a NIC cage. I don't know what the big deal is. Last night I wanted to explore a lot and finally about 1am momma put me in the dog's crate. It was sorta like a cave and I liked it. It smelt like dog, but what doesn't? The dog and I get along fairly well most of the time. If the dog is getting rough momma tells it to lay down and it lays down and watches me. I've come over a few times while she was laying down. She tried to give me a bath, yuk! Don't dogs know that rabbits don't take baths? We clean ourselves.
Christmas was good. I got lots of presents. Oh, and I was a present for momma.
Ok, now for some pictures, since Ronnie tells me humans like pics.

That camera thingy is annoying, but Ronnie ad the dog seem to like it. They always act like clowns when momma gets it out.

I try to hide in the shadows.

Unfortunatly mom has flash

So I tried to run away

But mom caught me and picked me up.

And some pictures of the clowns who like the camera.
"let me out!"


And one of Maggie.

Oh yeah, this is what I got for christmas. I had to share it with Ronnie and the hamsters though. Good thing there was two of some things.

I'm not white, but I want you to think about me. Hmm... I know! I'll use photoshop.

Ronnie, you are so cute! How manypounds do you weigh? Can't wait for more pics. Yourmom is awesome w/ Photoshop, and that pic she made for Jade is justwonderful.

Sky, you look like a bigtime fluffball. Cute.

Oh, and Maggie, you're cute too!
I saved it and sent it to my mom so she couldsee it. When we went over X-mas eve she had printed it out one for homeand one for Dh's desk at work. She has a photo printer.
Hehe...I love you and Ronnie and Maggie, Sky. You guys are just adorable!!

And I love the new "Don't think about gray bunnies" idea...wonderful!!

You guys are so blessed to have such a wonderful mommie!! :D
Today I decided to mimic the dog to prove I can do everything she can do.

She can pose for the camera:

I can pose for the camera:

She can say hi to Skyler

I can say hi to Skyler, but mama wouln't let us together on the same side of the cage.

She can sniff the ground and so can I

She can... ok, there is NO WAY I am doing that.

Don't think about white bunnies! Or grey ones either.:apollo:

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