Dog Crates for Larger Buns?

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Who was it that told me where to get them cheap!!!???!?!??

I think they were floresent colors....maybe Home Depot...was it Laura maybe told me??


........binder clips I got. I'll do the initial setup with clips and then tie it where needed.
That's awesome, Jim!

Home Depot usually has them decently cheap. It's cheapest to buy in bulk, which you'll probably need anyway.;)

I don't know how you're planning on making them, but I've found that they're the most sturdy if you use both the connectors that come with the grids and the zip ties. I use the zip ties to strengthen weak spots where the connectors feel a little loose.

I want before and after pictures! I was so ticked when I started my renovation of the bunny room and realized after we ripped up the carpet that I had never taken a "before" pic! Oh well, I did have pics of the cages. Just in the old apartment, not in the new house.
Be careful with the x-pen. Gretchen climbs right out of them--although I think that might be unusual for a bun.

I laugh when I hear of people blocking rabbits with a single or double row of NIC panels with no top!! That would never work for my bun. She would think it was a jungle gym!
Jenni wrote:
Be careful with the x-pen. Gretchen climbs right out of them--although I think that might be unusual for a bun.

I laugh when I hear of people blocking rabbits with a single or double row of NIC panels with no top!! That would never work for my bun. She would think it was a jungle gym!
:laugh:Tootsweet, too! Especially in the morning when I'm not dishing up the pellets fast enough. The chair and table are right next to her pen and she tries to jump into my lap. She actually made it a couple of times. Most times she just stand up on her hind legs and looks over the top of it at me. I gotta get pics. There's some in our blog where she stretching up for a treat.

When unattended the buns will all be in enclosed living areas...tops included. All are 18" high.Tootsie's will be 4'x3' and she'll have the use of the run most of the time due to the fact that she's twice the size of the rest. The other 7 will have 3'x3' quarters. We'll have to rotate the run area usage, but each will be able to enter and exit as they wish....when it's their turn of course.

And we're going to try to bond Brindle and Benji. They've had several brief direct contact encounters, and they seem to be okay together. We'll see. If it works, I'll remove the barriers between them and they'll share a double space of 3'x6'.

I've already drawn up the preliminary plans and it looks pretty good. I can't wait. I'm so excited.
naturestee wrote:
That's awesome, Jim!

Home Depot usually has them decently cheap. It's cheapest to buy in bulk, which you'll probably need anyway.;)

I don't know how you're planning on making them, but I've found that they're the most sturdy if you use both the connectors that come with the grids and the zip ties. I use the zip ties to strengthen weak spots where the connectors feel a little loose.

I want before and after pictures! I was so ticked when I started my renovation of the bunny room and realized after we ripped up the carpet that I had never taken a "before" pic! Oh well, I did have pics of the cages. Just in the old apartment, not in the new house.

Thanks!! I'll try HD first.

Yeppers....gonna use the connectors, too. They'll keep all of the spacing/measurments on the same page.

YES yes....before and after pics. I need a new memory card...I'm getting errors :(. We've got 3 other digicam so I'll get SOMEONE to take them for me if I have to.
Jenni wrote:
Be careful with the x-pen. Gretchen climbs right out of them--although I think that might be unusual for a bun.

I laugh when I hear of people blocking rabbits with a single or double row of NIC panels with no top!! That would never work for my bun. She would think it was a jungle gym!
I was going to take the cage doors off, but I think I'll modify them so they open up instead of down. That way I can use them as part of the tops. The NIC grids will fit perfectly to fill in the spaces between the top of the next cage.

The cages have top and side doors, so I'll still have easy access through the top.

I have no idea if this is making any sense to anybody. :?
I gotta take pics.
I couldn't find info on the multi-colored ones, but I did find these. Good price???No?Yes?

Gardner Bender
7-1/2 in. Black Cable Tie (1000 Piece)

Model 46-308UVBM

JimD wrote:
Who was it that told me where to get them cheap!!!???!?!??

I think they were floresent colors....maybe Home Depot...was it Laura maybe told me??


........binder clips I got. I'll do the initial setup with clips and then tie it where needed.
It was Freddy's Mom who used those multi-colored ones, I think. I could never find them.

I saw some multi-coloured ones at Rona the other day.

You may also want to check some local electrical supply stores. They tend to have lots of cable ties for cheap, and they should have a good colour selection.

JimD wrote:
Gardner Bender
7-1/2 in. Black Cable Tie (1000 Piece)
Wouldn't 4" Cable Ties work? And they would be cheaper.
They're still long enough to connect the gridswith theconnectors.
They may bethinner and narrower, but secure once you tie them down.
And you don't have to snip off and waste as much.

I think the dollar stores carry them, but I don't know how many would be in a package.

Rainbows! :)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
JimD wrote:
Gardner Bender
7-1/2 in. Black Cable Tie (1000 Piece)
Wouldn't 4" Cable Ties work? And they would be cheaper.
They're still long enough to connect the gridswith theconnectors.
They may bethinner and narrower, but secure once you tie them down.
And you don't have to snip off and waste as much.

I think the dollar stores carry them, but I don't know how many would be in a package.

Rainbows! :)

I was able to find the 4" ones at the same source, but they only came in smaller packs and were more expensive in the long run.

I've got a couple hundred of the 4" ones, but I'm not sure it'll be enough.

The dollar Store is a good idea. Thanks!!

aurora369 wrote:
I saw some multi-coloured ones at Rona the other day.

You may also want to check some local electrical supply stores. They tend to have lots of cable ties for cheap, and they should have a good colour selection.



I'm such a hay-head!!!!

My neighbor is an electrician and works for an electrical contractor. I'm thinking "FREE!!"
LOL!! That would be awesome if you could get some for free.

There's a big electrical store in Vancouver that I'm going to check out. I just bought 12 boxes of grids, and I'm going to build and sell cages with some of the profit going to Small Animal Rescue.

aurora369 wrote:
I just bought 12 boxes of grids.
MMB mentioned a while back that Costco were selling the grids.

They were $19.99 with enough grids for 8 cubes.
But the neat thing was that it came in different colors now. There were the basic white.
Then a multi color package of blue, red, and green. They even had sets of chrome colors.

Rainbows! :)
Yeah, I got them at Costco, 18.99 a pack. 30 panels per package, and I got three of each colour: white, black, chrome, and multi-coloured.

Cheapest by far of all places I've found.

I hope they don't run out too soon so I can go back and get more when these ones are all gone.

My dad's really handy and loves doing "projects" building things, so we already have rip ties, binder clips, and lineoleum for the flooring... just not the cubes. If I wanted to build a NIC condo, I'd have to buy the gridsonline from Wal*Mart (only place anywhere near me that sells them) and it would end up being around $50.00, which is cheap. However, NIC cages don't look very portable (and I do a lot of travelling) and I'm not fond of the lineoleum flooring, especially for the littertraining. I just don't know what I'm going to do yet. Knowing my luck, my bunny will probably be able to clear a 36" pen, too :D

Thanks for the links, Naturestee, I already checked them out before, but I'll have another look :)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
aurora369 wrote:
I just bought 12 boxes of grids.
MMB mentioned a while back that Costco were selling the grids.

They were $19.99 with enough grids for 8 cubes.
But the neat thing was that it came in different colors now. There were the basic white.
Then a multi color package of blue, red, and green. They even had sets of chrome colors.

Rainbows! :)

I'm wondering if those are only available at the Costco in Canada.:?

I inquired here (in the US of A)at a Costco and I'm not having any luck.:(
I remember seeing them on the Costco USA website a while back. So I know they carried them at one point. The problem with Costco is they only make one or two orders a year for the grids, and they go pretty quickly.

They are normally in the office section.

The brand they are using in the Canadien ones is from a Canadien company, so I don't know if they ship them to all the Costco's in the states too.

I believe they are called "MOD". I'll see if I can get you the SKU/product # when I get home. That will help them find out if they carry it or not.


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