Dog Crates for Larger Buns?

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I definitely like the fact that they fold down. We go on lots of vacations! For whatever reason, I just don't want a NIC condo. I just don't like them very much. They're great for people who like them, though. I could probably build a shelf with my dad's help... hmmm. Gretchen's gorgeous, by the way... I discovered your blog on Blogger a few weeks ago and have been checking it out every few days or so.
I decided not to have a NIC condo. Gretchen is in my living room, so I need her area to be real easy to clean and contained.

WOW!! That's great that you read my blog!! I like writing it. I try to write about Gretchen every now and then. There are quit a few bunny bloggers out there.
Yeah, I have a list quite long of bunny bloggers on my website, and my bunny will DEFINITELY have one on there once I get him. Actually, I already made it... it's just waiting for his arrival, lol. I love how the bloggers are all a close-knit little community.
Are there any step by step instructions on how to make a shelf for a large dog crate? I think Kahlua would really love one and we have plenty of room for one in the crate she is in right now.
canela_2004 wrote:
Are there any step by step instructions on how to make a shelf for a large dog crate?
I used NIC panels to make one for Shadow's crate. I just attached them with zip ties to the cross bars on the crate. I put another panel upright in front of one side of the shelf, zip-tied it on all sidesand that provided enough stability for the shelf. It also prevents him from falling off the shelf. I covered the shelf with coroplast and then put carpet on top for traction.

Some buns chew carpet, so you have to watch out for that. There are other things you can use, of course, like pegboard, grass matsor even cardboard.

Shadow wouldn't hop up on the shelf, so I attached a bird ladder and he loves going up and down it. I covered the rungs with pegboard so he wouldn't hurt a leg.

here is herman's cage a few months ago, some things have changes (like he has no blanket down now) and his level moved sides, another water bottlewas added, he has a box normally in there to hide in,and he got a larger litter box, he was the size of my mini lop in the photo (so around six pounds) this was my golden's kennel until he didn't need it anymore (i can get you the measurements later if you want for a comparison):



hermans level is a grooming table i used when i bred/showed rabbits(you can normally buy them from vendors at a show, a breeder on the board *might* know a website that sells them), it latches onto the side and he loves it. but i have a friend that has a grill rack (one that you would toss over a firepit to grill veggies and stuff) that is in her cage, it is covered with a piece of carpet like mine is (in the photo it is a piece of towel, but it is carpet now).

it is a little small, but he doesn't seem to get terribly cramped. and he is out only when i am home and winnie is penned (as up till yesterday he wasn't fixed). i think the key is that he has toys in his cage that keep him busy, he loves to roll the easter eggs around (they have a small nut in each so they make a noise).

another option that i LOVE is the puppy pen. winnie has only jumped out of it once and that was because i put a box inside of it tall enough to let her jump out, i think mine only cost me $75 and winnie is in a6 ft by 2 ft cage with it:


i love it because on nice days i move it outside for a few hours and it folds up, gives her room, and i can put it in a bunch of shapes and sizes.

I see lots of blankets/carpet in the dog crates, is there a need for those, or is it just something nice to do.
I don't have a blanket in mine, just a fleece towel for her to lay on when she wants. The floor of my dog crate is made of textured plastic. She doesn't slide around on it, but it is kind of noisey
yeah that is what my tray is made of too, it is really noisy when the rabbits hops around but she doesnt slide around on it or anything.
it is the noise for me, hermans cage is in my room, right next to my bed, so i could hear him walking around on the textured plastic, i still do, but have gotten more use to it, and he has gotten more use to sleeping when i do
I've always used dog crates for my buns and think they are better than anything else when you let the bun out you just need to open the door and he can goin andout on his own.
Thanks for the pictures and info, Katt. I love your exercise pen... looks like she has plenty of room in there, and it doesn't look bad, either. If only I could find one that cheap! I may just have to shell out the big bucks for this bunny's enclosure, lol.

Jenni and Kat, could I use the pictures of your cages on my website? I know you sort of already did this but could you sort of write up a little paragraph on what you like and dislike about it a sort of description ofitand how much it cost you? Ifits okay with youI will include your first name and your rabbits name to give you credit on my website. and by the way The shelf idea is a great idea! I own one of those hanging grooming table at home and it work great as it is design to hold large rabbits on a wire surface and it comes in different sizes and it already has carpet on it. Here is the link to my Giant rabbit housing page


Jess_sully, if you can I'd recommend going for a 48" long dog crate, or using a pen or building a cage out of NIC wire shelving grids. I have a 42" long dog crate that I used to use for my 5 lb dutch. It was about the smallest cage I'd be comfortable keeping him in, and he wasn't really happy in it. He needed more space to move and to have toys in. Here's a pic:


Its fine if you use my picture. I wish it were a little clearer.

My name is Jenni and my bun's name is Gretchen.
naturestee wrote:
Jess_sully, if you can I'd recommend going for a 48" long dog crate, or using a pen or building a cage out of NIC wire shelving grids. I have a 42" long dog crate that I used to use for my 5 lb dutch. It was about the smallest cage I'd be comfortable keeping him in, and he wasn't really happy in it. He needed more space to move and to have toys in. Here's a pic:
Thanks :) Even that little dutch looks a little cramped in there, I can't imagine a larger bun. I'll probably just shell out the $100 for the big one, or maybe consider a pen? The 36" high ones should be high enough to contain him, right? I heard that smaller bunnies actually jump higher than larger ones, so I don't think he'd be able to jump it, but I could be wrong!
Some rabbits are really good jumpers/climbers and no pen will keep them in, so it really depends on the individual.

Have you looked into building a cage with wire shelving grids (NIC cage)? They're usually much less expensive than dog crates or rabbit cages and you can build them to suit your rabbit and your available space. They're also easy to remodel, so if one cage plan doesn't work you can easily tear it down and build something that works better for you.

There's all sorts of ideas and advice for rabbit cages in the Bunny 101 section:

Here's one example of a "NIC" cage which is linked through that thread:

And here's the Cages Only thread, where tons of members have posted pictures of their cages. You can get a lot of ideas here.

I think I got a good deal on NIC cubes online!!!
$19.99 for 17 grids...AND FREE SHIPPING for orders over $50.:happydance

I bought 3 sets so the shipping was free!!!!:dancing:

We're doing a complete move and renovation for the bunnies. They will literally have twice as much room as now.:bunnydance:

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