Oh, geez, where to start?
1. I can't stand people staring at me when I eat. It freaks me out. =/
2. I sleep with a light on. AndI don't mean a small night light- Every night, I actually sleep with a /lamp/ on. Unless I'm with someone- than I'm ususally okay.
3. I have a "thing" for odd smells. IE- I love the smell of canned cat food.
4. I have to say good morning/Good night/Good bye to BunBun, or else I feel guilty.
5. I don't know the 12 months in order.
6. I /HATE/ it when people watch my computer screen. On youtube, of forums, playing a game, whatever. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I look at things I don't want them to see (not old enough for that), I just hate hate HATE it when people look at my computer screen! I wanted my computer screen to face the wall when we moved our computers, but unfourtunatly I was denied that request.
That originated from my brother. Whenever I was doing things, he would look at my computer and make comments. (IE- "What are you looking at?", "What's that?", "What site is that?", "Who are you talking to?", "What are you doing?", "What's that say?" (Yes, he'd try to READ things off sites I was on), etc etc. I really hate comments like that, as well as people looking at my computer screen in general...)
7. I have certain "moods" on whether I want to be neet and clean, or messy and unorganized.
8. I love the sound of ice popping. If I'm getting water, I'll make sure that the water is warm enough so that the ice will pop when I put it in.
9. I hate the sound of snow crunching.
10. when people mess with my hair, I tend to randomly get a chill.
11. I'm actually more organized when I'm unorganized (in most cases). For instance, if you were to ask me for something (IE- a ruler) I could look around at my mess, pull out a ruler, and hand it to you with hardly any trouble.
12. I have to have someone/thing with me when I cross a dark room to turn on the light. (this companion is usually a cat)
13. I keep my bedroom door shut all the time. This is because I don't want cats in my room. They go ontop of my shelves/etc and knock things down. I can't stand stuff like that.
14. I'm afraid of hights
15. I have a fear of drowning.
16. If I'm in a deep pond/etc, and there's an anchor/etc going to the bottom(and the chain just does down into the darkness), I get scared if I look under water and see it.
17. I bit my nails. I mean, a /lot/.
18. When My mom is talking to me about BunBun's needs,She'll often compare his needs to a wild bunny's. I. HATE. THAT.
wild bunny wouldn't have _______, a
wild bunny would ____________, A
wild bunny would eat ___________, A
wild bunny wouldn't need _______________, etc.
19. 202 is my "stalker number". It's basically just a number I see /everywhere/.
IE- My bus number is 202. If I were to look at the clock when staying up late, it's probably be 2:02am, If I were to pause a video, it would probably pause at two minutes and two seconds in, last year in science class, the room across the hall(I could see it from the science room)was room 202, I'd have 202 points in a game, I'd buy something on sale/with a coupon/plus shipping/etc and the final price would be $2.02, etc. I could go on...
20. Not about me, butBunBun has just an /amazing/ ability to find zip ties I've left on the ground.
21. It really irks me when people write BunBun's name as "Bunbun". Writing "Bun-Bun" irks me, too, but not as much. Saying "Bun Bun" still irks me, but not nearly as much. If someone is filling out a form that involves writing his name, and they write "Bunbun", I force them to go back and correct it.
22. As people have said- I can't sleep with the covers tucked in. I have to have the freedom to move the covers.
23. I don't care if it's over 100*F out, I have to sleep with a /least/ a sheet. I just can't sleep with nothing covering me.
24. I almost always wake up right before my alarm goes off (8am) I swear, almost every day. The strange thing is I'll wake up minutes before 8, lay there for a few minutes and try to go back to sleep, my alarm will go off, I'll turn it off, than just go back to sleep with hardly a problem.

Strange, really.
25. I hate milk. I'll try to avoid drinking it when possible.
I think that's enough for now. I could go on and on, I swear.
^^ Thanks for reading!