does anyone have any funny habits or quirks?

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I don't have too many really!

My main 'weird' focus is hair and fluff...

I MUST pick fluff off clothing, every little bit. I also pick fluff of out of the vents in electrical stations, computers etc or it drives me nuts. Once a fornight I totally dismantle my computer and clean the fluff out. Even the power supply :shock: (I do NOT reccomend anyone try this!).

I can't stand a build of of hair or animal fur in anything. I go nuts when I see pictures of rabbit cages on here that have a build of up fur in the bars or againts the scalp starts to itch and I want to yank it out SO BAD!

Editd to ad, I'm just the same with lights mezeta! I run and freak out till I have lights on. I always feel someone or something is gonna chase me and only the light will stop it.

Bah nothing much just a few odd things...

I absolutely must smell my milk before taking any. I HAVE to shake my milk before pouring it into my glass to make bubbles. I CANNOT drink my milk if it's not fresh from the fridge. When I was living with my parents, I had to pour my milk into my cereal before everyone else (even if we were all at the table together) or else i would find it too warm for me. If the milk I buy tastes cream, I cannot drink it. It has to be as cold and tasteless as can be. However, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE milk, and drink about 1-2 litres a day. Hehehe.

I love yogurt but now just any kind. I cannot stand it if it's too sweet, too creamy, too liquidy, etc. LOL. My favorite is the non-stirred one with fruit at the bottom but I haven't seen those in ages :(Now I make my own with berries and vanilla yogurt. Mmmm, it's my favorite snack!

If I put my alarm clock on (like when I used to work), I had to check it at least 4 times before going to bed. Then, once in bed, I had to check it every 15 minutes, 2-3 times. Finally, I would fall asleep, but I would wake every few hours to check it. Oftentimes, I would wake just a few minutes before it would ring. I never understood why I did this either, I had never been late prior to this.
Ah, remembered another of mine...

Alarm clocks, or alarms of any sort, DO NOT wake me up. The ONLY thing that wakes me at an early-morning time (and I've always been like this) is someone very persistantly talking to me, poking me, shaking me, SOMETHING that FORCES me out of bed. LOL!!

Alarms...don't hear them, automatically turn them off. I've even been known to sleepwalk across the room to turn it off, and just plain NOT WAKE UP!!

Hehe!! :biggrin2:

Yet, my daughter calling me from her room, ever-so-lightly, wakes me in a HEARTBEAT!! Aren't I odd??
maherwoman wrote:
Ah, remembered another of mine...

Alarm clocks, or alarms of any sort, DO NOT wake me up. The ONLY thing that wakes me at an early-morning time (and I've always been like this) is someone very persistantly talking to me, poking me, shaking me, SOMETHING that FORCES me out of bed. LOL!!

Alarms...don't hear them, automatically turn them off. I've even been known to sleepwalk across the room to turn it off, and just plain NOT WAKE UP!!

Hehe!! :biggrin2:

Yet, my daughter calling me from her room, ever-so-lightly, wakes me in a HEARTBEAT!! Aren't I odd??

My mom only wakes up if you say 'mom' and then she freaks out like a HUGE gasp and then sits up. She gets really freaked out for no real reason. My brother used to fight over who had to wake her up when we were little because we were scared of her.

Maybe you could get the kind of alarm clock they use for deaf people, the kind that shakes the bed?
Hehe...that's so funny! I know sometimes when I gasp when she scares me awake, it startles her, too. I think it's just the sudden "What's wrong?!?!" thought that mommies have that makes us gasp like!!

As for the deaf people's alarm, why would I get that when I have a wonderful husband to shake me and talk to me incessantly so that I HAVE to answer him? Hehe!!

I'm stinky, I!! :biggrin2:

tundrakatiebean wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Ah, remembered another of mine...

Alarm clocks, or alarms of any sort, DO NOT wake me up. The ONLY thing that wakes me at an early-morning time (and I've always been like this) is someone very persistantly talking to me, poking me, shaking me, SOMETHING that FORCES me out of bed. LOL!!

Alarms...don't hear them, automatically turn them off. I've even been known to sleepwalk across the room to turn it off, and just plain NOT WAKE UP!!

Hehe!! :biggrin2:

Yet, my daughter calling me from her room, ever-so-lightly, wakes me in a HEARTBEAT!! Aren't I odd??

My mom only wakes up if you say 'mom' and then she freaks out like a HUGE gasp and then sits up. She gets really freaked out for no real reason. My brother used to fight over who had to wake her up when we were little because we were scared of her.

Maybe you could get the kind of alarm clock they use for deaf people, the kind that shakes the bed?
maherwoman wrote:
Hehe...that's so funny! I know sometimes when I gasp when she scares me awake, it startles her, too. I think it's just the sudden "What's wrong?!?!" thought that mommies have that makes us gasp like!!

As for the deaf people's alarm, why would I get that when I have a wonderful husband to shake me and talk to me incessantly so that I HAVE to answer him? Hehe!!
Haha, I think the same thing. I sleep with earplugs in because I have problems getting to sleep and so I can't use my alarm clock. I use my boyfriend instead :biggrin2:
maherwoman wrote:
Alarm clocks, or alarms of any sort, DO NOT wake me up.

I do fine as long as mine is set to music. If it beeps it scares me half to death!
1. i hate anything eyeball related-it makes me shiver. i carnt watch films or see pictures of red eyes, poked eyes, things in eyes etc. i couldnt have laser eye be sick. ive only just started wearing mascara/eyeliner.

i wont let people put eye drops in, it drives my mum mad cus i keep fidgeting. i have to do it myself.


2. i hate lifts i will try any other way to avoid them. i dont wanna get stuck! :?

3. i have a fear of phones...i wont answer the home phone.i will just let it ring. i hate ringing people too. i carnt talk on the phone, people say i turn ito a jibbering idiot. i slurr my words and carnt think straight. im happy talking to people face to face. i will only answer my mobile cus i can see whos calling. i couldnt be a receptionist lol.

4.i used to o.c.d and tap all the time in a sequence or i thought something bad would happen. but one day i just decided this is silly as it takes forever to leave a room... so i just made myself stop! wohoo go willpower.

5. i have to constantly check the rabbit hutch is shut before i go inside. i carnt just walk away even if i know its locked.

6. i like neatness or mess nothing in between. if i start cleaning something i have to finish it and do everything. it must be spotless. or just a complete mess. not in the middle. WIERDO!

7. i have to check bread all over before i eat it. ive eaten so much moldy bread in my life and it freaks me out. evrytime i madea sandwich or somethingit wud be moldy, and id feel sick. so all bread must be checked before i make toast etc.

8. i have a fear of tornados but yet im facinated by them. im obsessed wen the clouds are funny outside theres gona be a tornado. we had one near us a few months bk which freaked me out cus its england and there rare here. i think its cus i have reoccuiring dreams of them.

im sure i have more... wen i think of them i will add them.

what a fruit loop i am. hehe

But everyone has weird little quirks to them. my friends have too...


I chew my water/drink. Actually i don't people just think i do. I swill it around my mouth a few times before swallowing and it looks like i chew it.

I know where this stemmed from, at primary school we used to get given this really yummy jelly (jello to some of you) that was really liquidy. I used to swill it around my mouth and turn it into this sugary drink rather than solid jelly. Then i kinda got in the habit of doing it with everything.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
This could be a very long post...

I have to check on the animals an even number a day, if I am in bed (at 11pm :shock: ) and realise I check up on them 7 times instead of 8 I HAVE to go check them or else I am up all night.

I can't leave hay/pet food on the floor, I hate it and it will bug me all day if I am out of the house.

The fleece in pet cages HAS to be straight, I cant stand it being messy so if it is I will take hours upon hours making it straight.

I can't throw away a drinks can unless I have squashed it first.

I have to fold crisp packets before I put them in the bin.

If I have an ornament and I see one to the set, I have to buy it, even if I dont put them out or dont like them.

I have to put animal supplies in a certain order (back to front: books, medical, bedding, cleaning supplies, hay, pellets)

If I wake up early (say, 4 am) I will have to clean out all the animals before I can go back to sleep, if I get back to sleep :?

I HATE when people watch a music video at the same time as listening to the music.

I dont like when you go into an elavator and there is other people there just looking at everybody and looking around, it makes me feel akward :p

I get scared when I hear something in the loft, I stay awake all night (ever see the simpsons with the evil twin?)

I dont like it when I am holding the rats on my shoulder and people say goodbye to me and not the rats (You know its there, just say goodbye! it dosent hurt you!)

I dont like it when people refer to my cat as a "she" when they KNOW its a he (and I have told them many times).

It annoys me when people leave a tap running

As soon as I wake up I have to walk to the back door and open it, even in winter.

Theres more but...
I'm weird :p
Ok I don't have many but if I think of more than I will add them.

I usually can't go to sleep if there is something on the middle of the floor in my bedroom.

I have to sleep with socks on, even in summer. If I don't I wake up constantly and don't get a good sleep until I put socks on.

It drives me nuts when picsture, or wall hangings are crooked. Even other stuff not on the wall some times drives me nuts.

I feel really bad if I don't finish a book.

I think that is all. I am pretty weird I guess. :biggrin2:
Oh lord..

If I wake up and it's say.. 7:02.. I will lay in bed till 7:05... I refuse to get up on odd numbers..

I can't deal with crooked pictures.. even at someone else's house.. I will straighten them.

I am obsessive about brushing my teeth and having them white.

I am obsessive about having clean shoes..

If I have one flaw in my nail polish, I will sit there and pick at it and pick at it, so I have learned to just go ahead, and take it all off and redo it all.

If I don't match, I can't function

If my clothes are wrinkled.. I really can't function.

And my food can't touch each other on the plate..

Oh and I am the same about the crooked wall hanging/picture, it really annoys me and when I go to someones house I wil sit stareing at it until they say I can go straighten it up :biggrin2::p
Wow.... this all makes me feel so normal lol.... :)

A lot of mine are to do with personal space...

I get really really cranky if I don't wash my hair everyday. I have gone longer than a day without washing it, when I was really ill. It's how I know when I'm ill, that I'm not as bothered about it

I have a complex about putting my hair up. Only at home, and only out of the house if I'm only popping to the shop or something quick. My friends bullied me at school and told me I was copying them and looked stupid if I wore my hair up and it's stuck with me ever since

I am absolutely paranoid about people touching, or even coming within one foot of my 'top half'. I completely panic and have snapped and thrown a strop if I thought someone was going to even accidentally brush against me before.

I get really cranky and freak out if people stand too close to me, like closer than 2 feet, particularly on my right hand side.

If someone reaches across the front of me, I recoil and freeze with paranoia. I have to try SO hard not to hit them out of the way or scream.

A lot of the above issues come from a past relationship, and when I think about that, I get REALLY angry (I'm fine the rest of the time lol) and have to go away and sit on my own, or not talk to anyone for a little while until I'm calm again.

If anyone should happen to be standing in front of a doorway I want to pass through, or any other 'pathway', I get extremely panicky and have to push through, and don't have time to even say excuse me. One time me and my mum were in my very small bedroom back home, and the door was closed. She couldn't get out of the way fast enough for me and I screamed and screamed at her and then burst into tears... :?:(

Milk, really freaks me out! Probably because I've had so much milk that has gone off in the past.... I can use if for the first 2 days, but after that I get scared of it, but it gets left in the fridge, because I think it's still good, and then it ends up as cottage cheese lol.... I absolutely CANNOT drink milk on it's own...

I have a routine for the shower as well: Wet my hair, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, wash face, body, shave, rinse conditioner, and then done. I never forget because I constantly worry if I'm doing it in the right order!

Other people's loose hair freaks me out. Especially if I go on a bus and someone in front of me has longish hair. I'm paranoid about it touching me. I always sit behind people with really short hair if I can.

If I need the toilet in the night, I can't go. I'm too scared, I have to wait until it's at least light, unless I'm about to throw up or something really bad. I have been known to wake Steve up for him to accompany me to the toilet before :?

A journey, anywhere, without music, is misery to me. I can't stand it...

I can't sleep with curtains, I have to have them open, or I have to have blinds open so they're 'slatted'...

Wherever I am I have to be able to stretch my legs, even if I don't want to (did you guess by now that I suffer from claustrophobia?! :p)

Erm, that's about it for now.... I think I must sound strange enough! :p:biggrin2:

Most of mine have occured this past year because of being around the boyfriend.

Whenever staying in a hotel, I must check out the room before bringing my stuff in from the car. The check includes checking the bedsheets for hair and the shower etc. Also before taking a shower, I must check the towels for hairs. Funny thing about this is I have long hair that likes to shead. :(

I must wash my hands before eating if I'm eating out. I'm not as bad as the bf and his family who have individual packets of wet-ones. Also before I leave I must also wash my hands, again wet ones work here too.

I CAN'T tolerate listening to people 'talking' on the radio. It must be music or silence, nothing inbetween.

If I am asked to be in control of an event, I can't stand having someone else trying to step up for the duties. Example: This past April, I was a rabbit show secretary and played the role of the show super.

The doors of my car ALWAYS have to be locked even when in the garage and I can't leave my windows cracked.

When filling my vehicle up with gasoline, my driver's door has to be kept open because I'm afraid I'll lock myself out even though my keys are in my hand.

I can't sleep with my sheets tucked under the end of the bed, I feel trapped otherwiseand can't sleep.

Can't think of anything else right now. :)
At first I was clueless as to what to say, but after reading your guys' posts, I remembered how weird I am:p

1. If I'm nervous, I bite/pick the sides of my fingers

2. When I'm eating (especially with meats) I have to wash my fork before I eat the next thing. (I HATE going back and forth)

3. I hate having dirt under my fingernails, and hate it even more when I can't get it out, I just have to pick my nail till it's clean 'I' in a sentence (talking about the person who's writing it i.e. I went to bed)MUST be capitalized, else I have to edit it.

5. I used to have a quirk with tapping/stepping with my foot or hands, if one foot stepped, my other had to as well. It always went in 3's, 6's but not 9's (3 taps twiceor two taps three times). One day I just tapped my left, I believe foot 5 times and said 'ha! and I'm not going to tap the other one either!' and that was that.

5. I'm really scared of sleeping in the dark at night.

edit: (I had to leave to go watch fireworks!)

6. I get scred ofloud noises and hatethe smell of firework smoke.

I'm a weirdo:p

maisy126 wrote: 'I' in a sentence (talking about the person who's writing it i.e. I went to bed)MUST be capitalized, else I have to edit it.
You must hate me then! Years of spellchecks automatically changing it for me have made me always put 'i'. When i'm handwriting is easier to write I, but when typing, its such an effort! Its weird though because at the beginning of a sentence i always do it but midway through a sentence i can never be bothered, and then i look back at it and think 'eww! What awful grammar!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
maisy126 wrote: 'I' in a sentence (talking about the person who's writing it i.e. I went to bed)MUST be capitalized, else I have to edit it.
You must hate me then! Years of spellchecks automatically changing it for me have made me always put 'i'. When i'm handwriting is easier to write I, but when typing, its such an effort! Its weird though because at the beginning of a sentence i always do it but midway through a sentence i can never be bothered, and then i look back at it and think 'eww! What awful grammar!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I used to have a thing about not having capital letters. I liked every letter to be the same size, so for years, I'd sign my name as 'jen' instead of Jen lol. This was while I was at college/uni- everyone must have just thought I was stupid lol!
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Oh lord..

If I wake up and it's say.. 7:02.. I will lay in bed till 7:05... I refuse to get up on odd numbers..
The way thats written.... is just wrong. Scary, because it makes sense to me.