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I know Lyndy I've considered getting a piano again. We have room for one now as we have a front living room that we rarely's my favorite room in the house! I read out there and there are big windows and a tall open ceiling and I love reading out there with the sun coming through the windows. It's a very Feng shui room for me I just like how everything feels in there with how the furniture is placed....anyway my whole point to this ramble is that I don't want to "mess up" that room with a piano! Haha.

That is so funny aboutndoc falling backwards. One of those things you wish you could catch on video!
Awh, I know she said Aurora never showed aggression but perhaps she never tried to have Aurora with another bunny. I mean, Phoenix does not have an aggressive bone in her body, she is the most laid back bun I have ever set eyes on, and I could probably literally throw her in the air and flip her around and she wouldn't care (not that i'd ever try!) but she did display signs of aggression towards Hippogryff when I got him. It's a female thing, normally females are more territorial but we all know Hipster is the grump in my household!

Haahhaha Doc flipping onto his back reminds me of Phoenix, its like no matter how many times she periscopes, she always manages to fall and rock back and forth... she has learned to lean against things like walls/pens when she periscopes!

I'm sure everyone would love a picture update soon ;)
Chris - Doc does it at least once a day that I witness. I guess sometimes he doesn't fully fall backwards, that's once in awhile, but he frequently ends up teetering onto his hind feet and getting this look of surprise on his face. "Why am I falling over, isn't it normal to reach my face back like this and remain perfectly balanced??"

Lisa - I totally know what you mean about feng shui! I actually don't know anything about feng shui and how it works, but I do like to have everything arranged just so, and it's so nice when it's all set up and looks good. I think I saw you mention you're a clean freak awhile back on maybe your blog or someone else's.. I'm kind of like that too, where I can't just clean one thing. Like if I clean the bathroom, my room being dusty bothers me, so I'll have to dust. And along with dusting I will need to pick up clutter and also vacuum. Then I might as well clean the living room and kitchen while I'm at it, especially since if I'm vacuuming my room, I'll want to vacuum the living area so I don't track in dust/BUN FUR/HAAAY into my freshly-cleaned room. It's like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, but with cleaning!

Michelle - That does make sense about the aggression, but at the same time, Aurora was housed in a shared area with the two boys that were found with her. (From her litter, presumably the only surviving kits as no others were present.) I don't know if she was okay with them since she'd already been with them/they were from her litter? That's so cute about Phoenix leaning against things when she periscopes! Doc is nowhere near that intelligent.

Let's see if I have some pictures for you guys. It's been a busy couple of weeks to get the camera out, but I know I have some good ones!

Doc's butt. I don't know why he picked that particular place to stretch out, but apparently it was an extremely comfortable spot.

Rory loafing in her box. She actually looks just like a loaf of bread that's risen perfectly!

Her back legs are crossed!! What a little lady!! I originally busted out my phone to take a picture of the two of them (Doc is in the cage stretched out in a similar fashion) but then I noticed how Rory's lying and it cracked me up.

This also cracked me up. She was actually standing there for maybe 20 minutes, then she got into loaf position and stayed there for maybe 20 more minutes. She must have been feeling contemplative.

Luke was visiting this weekend, and yesterday we went for a walk through the Venice Canals. Yes, in LA! It's actually a neighbourhood with reeeally fancy houses all along these canals. Everyone's backyard is right onto the pathways that go along the canals, and they all have little docks where they put canoes and kayaks and stuff. No motor boats, the canals are maybe 2 feet deep at most! Anyway, I had never been, and I always like looking at crazy houses and thinking about which ones I'd want if I was a billionaire, too. We saw one house where you could see a projector hanging from below the second floor landing (that had a library with shelves to the ceiling) and figured out that they probably had a huge screen they could pull down in front of the window that was two stories tall and watch movies from the projector. So crazy. Though, people are always visiting the canals and walking around, so all the people that live in these houses have people practically in their backyards all the time.

There was a park in the middle of the canal neighbourhood with an area "for ducks only." We saw a mama duck with four babies! I had never seen baby ducks before, that I can remember anyway. I took lots of pictures on my phone and thought they were all blurry since the duckies were running around, but they actually came out pretty well!

When we first saw them, all the babies were huddled by mom. Then this one little guy started sneaking off, and mama duck would quack after him. Eventually they all got going and went to drink some water, and they all left the cutest little footprints!

Snuggling duckling!

They made the cutest little quacking noises.

I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend! Luke and I had a good time together, though it's always hard to end the weekend since we usually don't know when we'll see each other next. This weekend we actually were productive on Friday, whereas usually we just hang out every day and then have a really stressful Sunday afternoon/evening of trying to get stuff done once we're both back in our respective apartments, hahaha. Also, I should probably let you all know that we went to get pho on Friday night. I think I'm all pho-ed out for awhile!
I just love Doc´s butt, he is so funny and Rory is so pretty in both pics, I just love her color. The ducks remind me of a local park here when they have lots of ducks, geese, swans and you quite often see the ducklings, they are too darn cute.
Loved the pictures! Docs butt looks so funny sticking out of that tunnel. And Rory looks so cute crossing her legs. I loved all the loaf positions she is such a cutie pie!

Those ducklings are so cute! I loved the pictures of them, especially the close up ones. They are so cute! And I loved how the mamma hen was trying to keep them with her.
Those baby ducks! AHHHHH! They're SOOO CUTE! I love baby ducks. They grow so quickly though, then they turn awkward and then their ducks. I actually really do love ducks, they're so funny.
I LOVE the picture of Aurora in the bun loaf position! She looks so cute with her big ears and her no feet. Its such a great picture of her!

It must be hard to be long distance. But then I look at my husband and watch the mess he makes and I think to myself...hmm..that could be nice for a period of time. I'm kidding because I can't be away from him for more than like a day or two, I miss him and I worry that he isn't eating right or that our house is burning down and he's asleep or that he hasn't feed my animals. So I could never be away from him! Ugh, but he makes me insane...but I guess thats what love is? We laugh a lot too, so its not all me being grumpy!
And there is my life story! Jeez, its a long winded day today I think! Sorry for throwing up on you!
Thanks for all the lovely comments! I do put all the cutest pictures on here, though it's probably impossible for any bun to have a "bad photo" like us humans, hahaha.

Lisa - That's such a cute story about your baby ducks! Did they have names? Were you "grown up" about it when you had to give them back?? :p Also, I'm pretty sure I have anxiety as well. The more productive I am with anything, the more anxious I get about the things that I'm not getting to. Probably why I have to clean the whole apartment at once instead of one room one day and another the next. This happens when I'm practicing as well - I've been really focused on a few things lately, but am overly-anxious about the things I'm putting off, even though I'm putting in some great work with my bassoon! Gah. This semester for Luke and me has been really busy - we've actually only seen each other three times, with about a month apart in between each visit. Usually we switch off more, but he's been really understanding about my rabbit issues and been the only one making the drive this semester. (Typically I'd take D&D along every once in awhile and have my roommate watch them at other times. But Aurora is sensitive and really only responds positively to me and is shy with everyone else, plus it'd be hard for my roommate to give separate time out instead of a general rabbit playtime.) Long distance is hard! And it's harder when we don't see each other every couple of weeks, which is how I normally like it to be. To break down our relationship time line for you - we just passed the 4-year mark, the first year and a half was spent long distance between Santa Barbara and Pomona (2hr drive), then we spent a year living together during my first year of master's and Luke's year off, and now we've been apart again for a year and a half, this time between LA and San Diego. (He's in law school now.) Funnily enough, the drive from LA-SD is pretty much the exact same distance as SB-Pomona was. How ironic! :p We had planned on my moving to SD after finishing my master's last May, but I ended up getting a full scholarship to stay at school for my graduate certificate, so we signed on for two more years of long distance. We have discussed the future before, I don't mind you asking! We're definitely looking to move back in together after the next school year is over. (It will be the last school year for both of us.) He wants to get into entertainment law, which has a lot of opportunities in LA, and LA is full of opportunities for me! We're hoping he gets a summer internship in LA this year, which means he'd spend the summer with me, too. Having already lived together for a year, we're positive about doing it again. We've discussed other things, like the big topic of engagement/marriage, but neither of us wants that during long distance or before our careers are off on a good start.

Chris - Once when I was a kid, I got bitten by a goose! And when Luke and I were in Europe, we took a bike ride down by the Danube. We saw some swans, and got really close to take pictures. We didn't see a guy walking his dog behind us, and all of a sudden, this one swan opened its mouth and stuck out its PURPLE TONGUE and GROWLED at the dog! It was terrifying. Also hilarious, and we spent a good part of the rest of the afternoon growling at each other.

Ilovemyrabbit - Doc will forever be the silly one. I feel like his cuteness is more geared towards the ridiculous side, and I'm always laughing at his little face (and butt, he's always sticking it out!). And of course, Rory will always be the pretty pretty princess, and she's so proper! The legs crossed, and her typical lounging position inside her cage is her with her little front paws exactly together under her face. Always a lady.

Morgan - I loved your reaction to the ducks! I actually thought of you and all your animals when I saw them, hahaha. I love the loaf picture of Rory too, she just looks so disapproving! Bahaha. Long distance is so hard, and I totally know what you mean about worrying while you're apart! Luke also makes me insane, but then I miss the things that drive me crazy. For example, he snores AND kicks in his sleep, and I get so grumpy on the nights he's more active and I keep getting woken up. I shove him really hard to get him to roll over, or I kick him back hahaha. But then when we're apart, I'd rather be woken up by snoring and feet than not at all! Don't ever worry about throwing up on me, I'm fine as long as it's life stories and not actual puke!! (Sorry if Lisa reads this and gets way grossed out!!) Anyway, yeah long distance is hard, but it's definitely taught me to be more independent. And it works well for us as we're both the type of person who keeps their friends even while in a relationship. (Haaate the type of people who get a bf/gf and all of a sudden they never hang out with anyone else anymore.) But I'm definitely ready to be back together again, since it's been a year and a half of being apart after a year of living together, and about three years of being apart total. With one year left! I just really hope he's able to work in LA over the summer, since I'll be here teaching.

Anyway, a bit on the buns.. I think Lisa asked in her last response what my next step will be. I am wondering myself! Every morning for the past while, I'll go out and find them sitting in the same exact loafing position as close as possible, right next to each other while separate. The cages are actually riiight next to each other, I'm sure if they were determined, they could get a good nip in and pull some fur, but that has never happened unless someone is out playing. I'm wondering if they aggression while playing (mostly Rory) is due to the fact they both want to be out and the one in is jealous? Rory is not near as aggressive when she is out and Doc is in..

Okay guys, I have to share this video. Luke showed it to me and we died. [ame][/ame]
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I love the goat video! I love goats so much, they're so funny. They're like dogs. I'm actually trying to talk my husband into getting some goats, pygmy goats. When I was a kid, the way I got to ride horses was by taking care of goats. A whole herd of them. I had to feed them and milk them and give the babies bottles. I swear, there is nothing more precious that feeding a baby goat a bottle! haha. Its so funny and adorable. They follow you around when they realize that you're the caretaker, they bump into you and lick you. They were just so fun to be around.
Now I REALLY want goats! One more goat story. So on the way to my in-laws house, there is this farm that has a few horses and a herd of goats. Well, they have a pasture to themselves and next to the pasture is a hay field. The hay is super green right now and growing. Well all last year and now, the goats get out of the fence and make their way to the hay field for the fresh green coastal grass. The other day, we saw the billy goat leading the whole herd to the field. He was walking and as he got like 30 feet from it, he took off running towards it and the whole herd started running, the babies and everything. They got to the middle of the field and I swear they looked so happy to be in the green grass! It was amazing. We sat at a stop sign for like 8 minutes watching them!
And now I'm done! But I love goats, if you didn't know.
Morgan, you should definitely get goats! From your pictures and what you say, you definitely have the room! My cousins who live in Washington (state) have goats. I think I mentioned that before on maybe your blog. My childhood best friend who moved to Texas also had a couple of goats for awhile when they first moved! I've definitely fed baby goats before, and you're right, it is too cute! I've tried to milk them before too, and thaaat is way difficult. I could not get a single drop out! I wish you had gotten a video of the goats running out to pasture! I squee-ed a little bit thinking about all the little baby ones running along at the back of the pack. I wonder what Ellie would think of goats. I wonder what goats would think of her! Pretty sure that's not a good mix. Does Ellie just hang out with the cats you have?
Does that just make you want a duck or what?! LOL!
AWWW your buns are so precious! I love when she has her legs crossed!!!!

I am reminded now of the song "I Love" by Tom T. Hall, google it or youtube it, Its a sweet song
here is the video...ok they made this video really funny lol
I loved the goat/sheep video. All of my goats only screamed like that when they got their ears tagged, tattooed, nuts cut, in one case he wee-wee cut (WITHOUT ANESTHETIC!!!! OUCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I am sure when they died too. I love goats. They are so similar to dogs I wish I could keep one in my house lol.
And here is another video that your goat video reminded me of, ENJOY!!!!
Goats are so funny and we have lots of them over here...I think the baby ones are just too cute. Lots up where my friend lives and boy are they noisy sometimes. I can hear them from miles away.
Lisa - That's so cute they followed you around! And neat of your parents to let you have them for a little while, I feel like ducks would be like chickens and be sort of messy. :p Yeah we have been long distance awhile.. It is getting to us a little, so I'm glad summer "vacation" is just around the corner. Things are perfect when we're together, though. Your "mushy rant" was so cute! Hahaha. I didn't mean we'd rather sometimes hang out with friends or something, more like we're the kind of couple that still goes and hangs out with friends, either together or, obviously, apart when we're apart. I have a couple friends that don't even go out when the significant other is invited too, and it sucks when you lose a friend to that.

Katie - YOUR GOAT VIDEO. Hahahahaha. Youtube is amazing, what would we do without it?? I wonder if animals know when they are being silly.

Chris - Are they wild goats? Yeah, goats are pretty loud, I remember from being at my cousin's house. I'm thinking you live in more of a city area, how close are you to the country?

Doc and Rory are doing pretty well. Actually, last night I was out with them and realized there haven't been any between-the-bars nipping in awhile. Rory's improved a lot with her attitude towards Doc. She used to go insane every time he was out, and even more insane when he neared her cage - ears back, batting paws and nipping, occasionally grunting. Now she still does rush up to him, but I'm not even sure she puts her ears back, it more looks like she's thinking of putting them back and then realizes it's Doc and they go back to normal. He nibbles her nose a bit, and she is close to putting her head down. No fur has been pulled in awhile, either. I miiight try a small pen in the kitchen date tonight. Maaaybe. My roommate will be out, so there will be no interruption.
Yes, ducks are messy like chickens. Probably even more so if you don't have a pond and you have to put a pool out for them. They poop in the water and poop everywhere, just like chickens. I would love ducks, but if I were ever to get a waterfowl I would get sebastopol geese. Google them. They're so pretty.
They're my favorite. But I have a pond, so they would be fine. Minus the snapping turtle. haha.

I'm glad the buns are doing better with each other! Or should I say Rory is doing better with Doc. Such a silly girl. It sounds to me like shes taking steps in the right direction of being approving.
I'm glad the bonding seems to be getting better. Hopefully if you date them tonight they will do okay. I'll be watching for more updates and I'll keep my fingers crossed for success!
You're right. What would we do without YouTube? Lol. After I posted that I spent an hour watching videos of music mixed in with goats, like so..."...we got each other and that's a lot for love...Baaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!...we're halfway there! BAaAaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!....livin on a prayer! Take my hand and we'll make it I swear!..BAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! livin on a prayerrr!!!!!!!"
Yep, I watched a whole compilation. It was hilarious!
I want goats! I have been thinking about it since we moved but can only imagine what the hubby would say. He likes animals and loves ours but he still thinks I'm crazy. I want a fainting goat but then I know it wouldn't actually be fun for that reason because I would feel bad making them faint just for my amusement so I wouldn't. :(

When I was young there was a house that I would walk by that had a single goat outside chained up. I don't know what kind he was just that he was big. I would stop and go in this yard and I have no idea who the people were but I would pet there goat every time I went by. I would be there for up to 20 minutes until one day out of the blue he charged me and hit me in the ribs. I never stopped again. Darn did that hurt!

The place down the road from us raises goats and they must have at least 50 out there in the field, some pigs, guinea fowl, chickens, the rabbits running loose. I like seeing the goats but never get to really watch them. I always wind up with traffic when I go by so can't just stop and really look at them. I stopped once to tell them their goats got out and were on the road but no one was home and I was keeping my eye on the roo and his chickens that were on the porch.
I love fainting goats. I like to run up on them and make them faint. haha. Its so funny to see. My dog used to act like a fainting goat when he was getting a bath. My husband said that we could possibly get a fainting goat because he would like to see it faint! haha. I want pygmy goats though, because they're smaller. I got rammed by a goat when I was a kid, holy crap it does hurt! haha. I think they get hormonal and get jerky! But it does hurt. I've been kicked too and bitten by a goat, not great but ahhh...what haven't I been bitten or kicked by?! haha. But I still love them and would have goats in a heart beat, just two of them would be good!
Okay, clearly I have to go Youtube fainting goats now!!

Morgan, I really want you to get pygmy goats. Luke's parents live in an area where people have huge 1 acre + properties, and some use the property for animals like horses or goats. Or ALPACAS, hahaha. I think alpacas are just silly. But some have pygmy goats, and his stepmom really wants some pygmy goats! His dad gets oddly silent when she brings them up, not sure he wants them..

PaGal - You got rammed by a goat?? That sounds really terrifying. I'm sure it did hurt, did you bruise? That's really weird that those people just kept him on a chain in their yard for no apparent reason, I guess he was pretty angry about that and took it out on you!

Finally, a lazy Saturday. This past week was crazy, I didn't get home before 9 or 10 every night! I had an extremely stressful performance on Wednesday, and it was the most anxious I've been in a concert in the longest time. It was our contemporary music ensemble, and the parts were SOO difficult for everyone. We had maybe three weeks to put it together! We have more time for other ensembles like orchestra, but for some reason the contemporary ensemble is always a scramble. Anyway, in one movement of the piece, I had to change my whole set up several times. Long story short, there were lots of ridiculously high notes, so I had to use different equipment on my instrument to get up there, then I'd have to change back so I'd be in tune on low notes. All the high notes came out, so I was really happy, but man there was one moment I thought I might pass out! It really sucks that nerves sometimes cause shortness of breath, and I have to use lots of breath! :p On a funny note, this movement was called "Hoedown, Mad Cow" and included an electronic "moooooo" near the end. Apparently the director spent $200 on the mooing machine? I'm in our opera production as well, which I usually enjoy, but this opera is by a 20th century composer and it's just not very exciting to play. It sounds alright, and I'm sure it'd be fine to watch, but the music is just so boring! I wish we were playing Mozart. Lots of people bag on Mozart, but I really enjoy playing Mozart operas. Plus, most of them are comic operas, so it's more fun all around. The one we're playing now is really serious.

I ended up not dating the buns last night. There was a little instance of a nip from Rory. Doc didn't mind, as usual, but I felt it was a bad sign. I know I need to do a date soon, but I'm just wary because of all the past experiences.

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