do you perfer a dish or bottle

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Many folks here have reported that their buns seem to drink a lot more water out of a bowl than out of a bottle.

Bowls are easier to clean, but also seem to be easier to tip :). If you can do it, why not try one of both, and see which your buns like best?
Water bottles seem more sanitary to me. Bayou was always getting stuff in his bowl no matter how often I changed it. Especially hair. :grumpy:
I use bowls. Bottles annoy me with the noise they make when the bunnies drink. While they can be easy to tip or move, you can get metal ones that attach to the cage.
I have this one from Petsmart. It screws onto the cage, but the bowl comes out of the holder easily.
Dish for me!

Double dishes sometimes if im gone for the whole day.

I dont like bottles, dont seem clean to me.
My bunnies do drink more out of bowls than bottles. Ned, Rory and Phoebe Mae have bowls, but Skyler has a bottle because he's a messy guy and I just know he'd get stuff in his water all the time if he had a bowl. Ned likes to put his paws in his water bowl and occasionally drops food in it, but not too bad. Oh and when you buy a bowl, make sure to get a big, heavy ceramic one that holds a lot of water and that the bunny can't tip over!
my buns breeder used bottles so i used them in the beginning for consistancy. mine are free range buns tho' and i use a dog water bowl in the garden for them. at night when they are indoors they drink from bottles. it seemed to be great fun during the night to splash water all over the place:D
I had better luck with bottles myself... I have not had leakage problems and they are easily cleaned with a baby bottle brush - with bowls the water was never clean enough in my opinion.

When you get your bunny, ask if he/she is used to a water bowl or bottle and if you are going to switch from one to another, have both filled with water at first so you can see what the bunny prefers... Bowl bunnies I have switched to the bottle when they came close to investigate it and a tiny squeeze can get the water flowing to get bunny's attention... if bunny is thirsty at that moment, he/she will get the idea through practice.

Just my humble opinion. What kind of bunny are you getting?

i use a bottle and bowl...just have to clean the bowls out daily cause they get dirty so quickly.

but it is a lot easier to use a bowl i think, i use a cat waterer for my flemish since he free roams my room so there is water movement, he likes that a lot more
I use both - I have 2 bottles and a bowl set up in the bunny room. They use both. Ziggy seems to only like to use the bowl but the other two use the bottles more. The bottles are easier to keep clean, because they are always getting hay and hair and poops in the bowl.
Dish. My boys dont seem to know how to operate th bottle. I tried bottle before and it was difficult to clean, fill, set up... The buns didn't like em and neither did I.
Bottles definitely for me!
My buns get all sort of crap in their bowls and I have to clean them a couple of times a day, I don't have time since I'm at school all day and have homework in the evenings. My bottles never leak, I think it depends on what brand you get :)
You can use a baby bottle brush, dish washer or rice to clean them out, they are so cheap too that I replace them once a year.

I find them much cleaner and more sanitary then bowls, plus I like that I can easily monitor how much they are drinking. It's important to check that they are working though, at least once every two days.
I used to use bottles but they always leaked, leaving puddles of water on the florr of the cage. As others have stated, they also seem more difficult to clean than bowls. I use a heavy ceramic bowl or one that screws to the wire of the cage/pen.
I use a bottle. Lulu LOVES to shove everything around with her nose. This doesnt work so well with water bowls. I find that the bottle makes no difference to her. Also nothing gross gets in it.
I use both.

Bottles for Ebony & Ruby, they live in a hutch and are just far too messy to have a bowl. I've tried them before and it's just a disaster. The water is filthy in no time, and they like to tip them over. Both are more than happy with a bottle though and each drink about a full bottle per day. I've never had a leakage problem, though I replace the bottles every couple of months.

Maddie gets a bowl - she is a tidy rabbit, and is too little to tip over a heavy bowl. :)
General has a bottle in his cage, and a bowl in my room. He doesn't seem to prefer one or the other, and he's never had a problem with the water bottle.

He also gets alot of moisture from his greens.

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