Do You Believe in "Magic"?

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Thank you, Flashy :) :biggrin2:

I just finished making a video of Magic today on my Windows Movie Maker. I started it yesterday, andtook me about 5 hours tofinish it. I spent so much time on it, I have the songs stuck in my head! Lol.:biggrin2:

I wish I could upload it to Photobucket or Youtube, but I dont know how to convert the files on my movie maker to be able too, mind you my computer is a Dell Vista. That's part of the problem, lol. :?

I do have that video that I promised, but I must wait for slooowwww Photobucket to upload it! Then I will post it here!

ETA: I'll also put in some pictures of a training session back in October where Magic was practicing weaving poles! >Here is the video on my Youtube: [ame=][/ame]

Ok, here are some pictures of Magic's Weave Pole training session back in October. I need to get the weave poles back out and work with him on that. Anyway, enjoy! The video from today is at the end. ;)

This particular training session was working on Agility. There was an A-Frame, jumps, tunnel, Pause box, and the teeter totter.








And here is the video from this morning! :)

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Thank you, Flashy :) :biggrin2:

I just finished making a video of Magic today on my Windows Movie Maker. I started it yesterday, andtook me about 5 hours tofinish it. I spent so much time on it, I have the songs stuck in my head! Lol.:biggrin2:

I wish I could upload it to Photobucket or Youtube, but I dont know how to convert the files on my movie maker to be able too, mind you my computer is a Dell Vista. That's part of the problem, lol. :?

I do have that video that I promised, but I must wait for slooowwww Photobucket to upload it! Then I will post it here!

ETA: I'll also put in some pictures of a training session back in October where Magic was practicing weaving poles! >Here is the video on my Youtube:

I make all mine on MovieMaker. If you publish the video (which I'm presuming you've done) and then just upload it to youtube. It will do any conversions itself, and may take a while, but I've not had a problem doing it that way.
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
<<See the covered pen to the bottom left? That's Magic's pen, lol. You can actually see him in it too, hehe.:biggrin2:

wow they look like they;re having a blast there!
The pen is only 1 NIC panle cant the othe rbunnies easily jump over it? because my two 6 month olds can jump over two... but we have the smaller size NIC panel.. sorry im just a bit confused..

Prisca xx

p.s cant wait for more pics!
MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
<<See the covered pen to the bottom left? That's Magic's pen, lol. You can actually see him in it too, hehe.:biggrin2:

wow they look like they;re having a blast there!
The pen is only 1 NIC panle cant the othe rbunnies easily jump over it? because my two 6 month olds can jump over two... but we have the smaller size NIC panel.. sorry im just a bit confused..

Prisca xx

p.s cant wait for more pics!

Oh yeah, if they want out, they'll jump over it. Usually the ones who jump over are Magic, Autumn, Mississippi (which is why he got a bigger pen) and Minnie (and she also got one with taller sides) and sometimes Ray and the other buns jump out too.

We just have to really watch them.
Hey everyone! I thought it was time for an update of Magic! lol.

Did anyone watch the video of him that I made? I'd love feedback on it! :)

A couple weeks ago I was home from school sick, so I brought Magic up to the house and set up an ex. pen in my room for him to play in. I gave him a box, and he had his litter box, too. I also put a good size chunk of carrot in there for him to munch on and he loved it! Lol

I was listening to music when he was up at the house, and his song (Oh Oh It's Magic - Pilot) came on my playlist and it was so funny watching him react to the music when he heard his name! Lol.



"Why is that computer saying me name?" lol


Yesterday me and my sister worked on a photo set all day for Magic's photo entry in the "Winter Bunderland" contest. Here are some of the shots that we got, including the final entry:







And here'sthe final entry:


Well, I think that's enough for now! Will post more later! :)


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