OK, I will have some pictures from Friday's playtime. The bunnies had about 3 hours of exercise on Friday, while we cleaned the rabbitry and ridded it of the nasty bug infestation that we have. We killed quite a lot of the nasty little boogers, so we don't have much left to kill.
We hurried really fast to build all the ex. pens, and make them bunny-safe. Some were bigger than others, and we ran out of NIC cubes, so Magic& Willow had to take turns in a small ex. pen. Whilst one exercised, the other sat in the carrier, still able to enjoy the grass and the fresh air!
Anyway, the bunnies all enjoyed their much deserved playtime! They binkied, dug holes, talked with friends, etc. They had much fun and were VERY exhausted at the end of the day!! They surely must of had a good nights' sleep from all the fresh air they got!
Lily and Kalea got a HUGE ex. pen and Kalea didn't even try nursing on her momma! Yay!
Enjoy the pictures:
Artie - He's such a cute little poser!
Savvy! Chomping on some grass
Kalea checking out her FAV toy!
Lily watching out for her baby and enjoying the tunnel!
Bruce diggin a hole
Lily, Kalea and Autumn.
Sippers - If you can't tell what he's doing, he's rubbing his chin on his ex. pen (also Kalea's cage indoors

Willow, sitting her turn in the carrier before she goes inside.
Magic in his carrier outside.
Oh tired boy! This was after lots of exercise and fun!
My same, verylovey, tired boy!
Autumn porking out on grass, and hay, after her day outdoors. See the grass hanging out of her mouth?
Willow in her cage. She's still longing for the outdoors by the look on her face! (She's looking out through the double doors out into the rabbitry-yard).
Lil'Lea enjoying her hay after spending all day outside
So the bunnies had loads of fun.
Today, Magic & Autumn had a wedding! Magic was a little hard to control, because he was VERY happy that all the girls were around him. He even mauled his flower girl - Savannah. I was picking her up, and he grabbed her fur and all, but no one was hurt. It's hard to explain but you had to be there.
Savannah was the flower girl, and oh my goodness she was great at throwing the bucket! I should of got a video of it. She was soo funny! lol.
So the wedding was very good and all.
Magic has been SUCH the lover boy lately. All he does is give me kisses and hugs and loves. It's very adorable. He really knows that I'm his mommy and all, and it's soo cute. His bond with me just seems to grow everyday! Today he was coming to me when I called (and I was sitting on the floor and he was in his cage up high) and he would look down at me and all. I was saying "Jump Magic, are you gonna jump?" because it looked like he wanted to jump into my arms. lol.
Well, I think I left you guys with plenty of stories and pictures for today!