Do You Believe in "Magic"?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA
Well, since I have a blog for my English Lop, Mississippi, I figured that I would start one for my heart-bunny, my pride, my love and my joy....

For those of you who don't know Magic, or those members who are new, here is Magic's (long) story:

In March of 2005, my mom agreed to let me and my sister each get a rabbit...we did our research, constructed a beautiful 2-story cage, got all the supplies and did everything we could to prepare.

Our neighbor down the road had about 7 rabbits inside a dog me and my sister decided to adopt one of his rabbits, to give them a better home. I was immediatley drawn to my Magic-boy, because he was black, scared looking and just too adorable.

Of course, I thought Magic was the girl and it ended up that he wasn't, so within the first few weeks a dozen names came up and a few went down, when I finally decided upon Magic-Star....although most know him as just Magic, or Madgii, or Madge, or any of the other many nicknames granted upon him. The reason for this name? Magic reminds me of blackness...which is his solid colour (as well as his hidden brown) and I chose Star to add onto that, because he has those beautiful white markings that reminded me of stars lost in the black sky.

When I first got him, he was supposedly 10 months old, which would of made him 1 year that May 2005, but I didn't care. I picked his birthday to be June 6th, 2004. Either way, month-off, or month-on, he's still about 3 years old.

Magic & Autumn had 28 children together, 9 deaths, 4 litters. (This was before we realized breeding mixes wasn't a good idea). We loved all the babies we were blessed to raise, and we sorrowed at the loss of those who passed, as well.

In February of 2007, I heard of a sport called rabbit-hopping, and I knew that Dutch were good at it. After hearing that Magic looked like Dutch, I figured I would try him out in the sport. Let me tell you something, training a rabbit to jump obstacles is difficult, but you can create a better bond, a better relationship, and the rabbit gains your trust and all-in-all, you understand each other better. I never thought that Magic would ever jump higher than a 9-inch single-parallel, but now look at him...his Long Jump record is 18 inches and progressing; and his high jump is on the average of 17 inches!

Magic is one of the sweetest bunnies, to come out of his shell so softly, so unknown, and so afraid of what it would be like. He must of have the time of his life before being sold at a livestock show, because when I first accquired him, he was potty-trained, despite is lack of trust with humans; but eventually our bond grew.

One day last summer as we were preparing for an Agility compeition at the local county fair, Magic stood against me, he showed fear his eyes and I knew he was scared. The fact that he did that, made me love him so much more, because I knew he trusted me, and I knew he knew I loved him.

Magic has such a great personality, such a quiet, yet sweet disposition and he's such a smart little guy, so easy and fun to train (despite some ups & downs), but with all those bad things, the hardships and the fights, he shows deep down that he is a great bunny, and I couldn't ask for anything more for my first bunny, my :heartsheart-bunny:hearts.



I <3 You Magic!
Why thank you Michaela, and Trailsend.

Also, I have my first "story" to update Magic's blog...

Every morning when my sister and I go to check the bunnies, I open Magic's cage up (it's all metal, door opens up and in, and it sits about4+feet off the ground) so he can poke his head out and give kisses and cuddles. Plus, it makes him happy.

Well, apparently this morning I forgot to relatch his cage door. So, for all the hours (6) while I was at school, and then until an hour ago, make that 7 hours, his door was open! :shock:

I am SO lucky he didn't jump out...4 feet is a long ways for a bunny to fall...of course I've had babies fall from less than that height, and they were perfectly fine, but since Magic is almost a senior (well, he is a Senior), and depending on how he landed, it probably might not of been too good; unless he scaled the front of his cage (there's about 2 inches of plastic boarding in front of his protects the wooden cage underneath) and then scaled the side to the straw bales, he would of been ok, hopefully.

So, I go out there about 10 minutes ago...and I was leaving, My sister shouts "Wait! You forgot to shut Magic's cage." Poor guy :( He must think I'm trying to kill him! I went back and latched it, don't worry.

Oh, but if it was Sippi who had been in that situation...oh wow, his evil knieval instincts would have kicked in...his "teenage" hormones would have told him he had a [cough] imaginary [cough] parachute on his back and he would have jumped....let's only hope his ears would of broke the fall.!

So we're getting ready for a huge 12-14 hour long rabbit show tomorrow! Yay :) Magic isn't going, since it's just an ERBA (Evergreen Rabbit Breeders Association)sanctioned show, meaning there's no pet classes...but we're still happy to be compeiting!!

This show season we have been on top of it! Litteraly (sp?)!! We have been going to all the local (and non-local!) shows that we can get too, because we want more wins for our rabbitry & rabbits.

I won't be on tonight from about 5:45 until about 7:00 pmtomorrow (oh this is Pacific US Time ;)) since I'm gonna be SUPER busy.

I'm just waiting for my sister to finish up curling her hair, then we're off to pack up four bunnies (Sippi, Savvy, Willow and Brucey!) and yea. Then it's off to our 4-H meeting at 6:30 and then we're leaving from there at 8:00 to take the rabbits to the we won't get home until like 9 about, and then I'm going straight to bed since I have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning! (I dont -have- to, but I need to clean myself up and do make-up, etc. and then yea...boy am I gonna be tired tomorrow night!)

So all in all, this weekend is going to be ballistic and hectic and tiring. My friends have a dirtbike race on Sunday (track is right behind my house...) so don't expect me to be on much this weekend! Lol.

Well I just hope that our bunnies do great at the show! I'll update you all ASA we get home!

Well I have a thread for the Show Results, you can find it here:

The next show we're going to is in April. It's a 4-H Show, which means there'll be a pet class which means my cuddly bunny (Magic, ;)) gets to come! Yay! We'll be taking either 7 or 8 rabbits, all depends on if Lily hasany milk (which if she does, can she still be entered in a show?) and if Kalea is old enough to enter....So otherwise we may just take 6! Either way it should be fun.

At the last show (March 8th) I was watching everyone else cuddle their bunnies and I wanted Magic to be there so badly so I could cuddle him, but no...he wasn't there :( and the bunnies we had with us, well I just didn't want to cuddle them...I wanted my heart-bunny :p, :) That sounds mean, but I -did- cuddle them, not for long, but for some while, and I brushed them a lot too, so that counts, right?

Well Magic's not -much- of a cuddler, but I just like holding him and showing him off.

Oh also at the rabbit show, we put signs on Bruce & Sippi's cages that said "Stud Fee:" and then the price, right? Well this one girl comes up and asks to hold Bruce, so I let her and then she asks us questions about if we like showing, how long we've been showing, etc. Then she hands him back to me and leaves....the signs go off. Why? She thought he was for sale for $20! Uhm, sorry but can you not read? And why would I sell him for $20?

Oh, wow. And -no offence to you all who show bunnies, none at all.- but doesn't it seem like some rabbit owners (who show) are so selfish/pushy? It always seems like the people who are here that we show against a lot are so nasty- they take up more room than actually needed, bring unncessecary items - who brings a TV to a rabbit show? - and they're just so blah.... Well, either way I still have fun, and I just ignore the excessively rude....

Well, I'll update more of Magic later! :)


Hi everybunny! Dis is Magic! I sneak-ed onto my mommies' account betuz her is away right now, doin' sumsin! Ooh! So I am goin' to tell u allz abowt me, cince my mosther did nawt do a vary dood jawb!

My entyre nayme is Magic-Star Griffin-Lucas R. I relly luv my middel nayme, it's just so cuutte!!!!

So I am an almost 3 year old bunney; I am blac and wyte and barown. I have two wyte paws (front) and I have a wyte strype on my rite showldur, that actualy comz from my chest area. Most of me is blac, but I have sum barown splotches on my body....I am beleevd to be of Amairicun Saybel and Dutch antcesstorrey.

So I have a lots of kidss, mayb you sawed that? I am vary activ in the Northwest Hoovs, Paws & Clawz 4-H club....wutevr that meanz. I be jumpin' for sum tyme now...and I'mvary good at it. I perfur long jumpin' (from one point to another point) betuz I can fa-LING my body dat far-sz, but I tant jump in da air strait up vary high, so dat tis y i perfur long jumpin.

Well I am a show-bunneh. I have won lots of wibbons - they are dese perty colourful strands of whatcha-ma-kall-it that my hooman hangs over da cage after I wins it FOR HER! Gawsh - us bunneh's do so much to pleaze our hoomans and they tust shut us in tages! hmmpphhh! I tant tolerate it much mor!

Well, I have won a lot of those wibbons, yes, like 9 or maybe more zan zat. I like to be showed, but I don't really 'ppresheate da fairs, tuz, well, wut's so "fair" about dem? I hate how lotz of pee-pol come to "view"'s scary...they mite hert you or sumthin. I likes 'ttenshun, jus not from straingers. Da fairz are noizy and dey smell funky and it's vary hott at sum fairs....

Well today i'm just relaxin in my tage, but my mommy is gonna take me up to the house soon :) betuz I want to come up to cuddle and play and learn.

My heero is Fourrest Dump, betuz even win he touldn't run, he stell did. :)

Well, I gawtta Hop, talk wifs u latur!
Lovs, Magic

So I just got back from an hour in the rabbitry. All was going well, and Magic was having fun pretending to be a horse, lol. How, might you ask? Well you know how horses stick their heads over their stall doors to take a peek at things? Magic was doing this out his cage door, and it was so adorable. He would watch Sippi run like a maniac and jump head-first into buckets and he'd get this look on his face like "Haha, what a retard is Sippi!" and then he'd run to the back of his cage.

Oh and Sippi was just being the normal turd. He jumped onto the kennel and jumped onto the shelves - looking for treats? Mischeif? BOTH! lol. He did that a few times, despite being taken off immediatley (ahem, when he was immediatley seen, who knows how much damage could of been done before our eyes caught sight of a bunny climbing a shelf?) and then yelled at...but no, to our predicaments he'd just get on up and do it again!:grumpy:After we told him NO and he does it right as we're watching...what a little booger...:p

Oh right, back to Magic. I was holding Lily and clipping her nails and she flipped out and jumped onto the floor (don't worry, she's fine and it's wasn't that far of a fall, nothing broken, she's all good) and then Magic was looking at me with his head all sideways like "What the heck was that, mommy?" It was too

I'll take some pictures of him tomorrow :) yay! Lol.

Also, I was doing what Rosie had suggested to get him to bond with me a little better and not be head shy and he was doing it! I put my hand in his cage about level with his head and he would nudge it and scent it and just sniff it. He did it three different times so I went and tried with Bruce, who, being the submissive guy he is, just touched my hand with his nose and plopped it directly on the ground for a long nose rub...which he got and deserved :biggrin2:. When I tried touching Magic's nose/face though, he sort of backed away and cowered. I guess he'll take a little longer to be better bonded with me :?but of course, it can't take just one day..... ;)

So tomorrow I plan to read the entire "Bonding With Your Bunny" Guide written by our very own FLASHY!!!!! It's super long - 19 pages! - but the info is fantabulous....if you haven't checked it out and are having trouble bonding with your bunny, I reccommend it :) So I'll read that tomorrow during school if I finish the WASL and have time after I'm done with my math work, so yeah.

Has anyone ever heard of/read the book "Rabbits For Dummies" by Andrea Pavia? Well, during this week I've committed myself to reading the entire thing and you know what? I'm actually learning some things I never knew before...!!! Yay me!

Well, I guess that's enough for now; Please reply though! I don't see much replies :( and it makes me sad :( But of course I know you all want cute pictures of Magic, so you'll get some tomorrow of him just chillin and being a bunny :)

Ohkay, I decided to not let you guys's some pictures/vids of Magic....of course they're a few weeks/months ago, butenjoy!! hehe :)

Landing a jump during an indoor training session :)

More jumping...another one of his :clover:Lucky indoor training sessions...:)

Magic @ Spring Youth Fair last may...It's coming up soon! I will take LOADS of pictures....we'll have 8 rabbits there so we'll come back with probably a zillion photos. I def. wanna get some video of Magic jumping there too :)

Me N' Magic at his first compeition - Pocket Pets Division...we weren't in 4-H yet...and this was just like 4 months after I got Magic :)

Magic looking P'oed at Thurston County Fair last year...he didn't do so good ribbon-wise :nono

See that perdy sign at the left? We made cage cards for the bunnies at TCF :wiggle

Okay, now some VIDEOS!

Ok, enjoy and please reply! :)

:heartsEmily & Magic :tongue

Everytime I look at your photos and videos, it makes me want to go outside and teach Keiran how to rabbit hop. How about you send Magic hear to help Keiran learn, haha.

Magic is soo cute, and so talented. :inlove:
Aww Thanks Montana, lol.

Unfortunately, I would have to come too, lol. :) Just kidding. Haha. I couldn't bare to part with my Magic-boy.

I have some new pictures for ya'll of him! If you haven't read my rabbitry blog (I'll post link later ;)) then here you go:

*Just watchin the other bunnies do their thing!*

*Not paying attention :p*

*Saying Hi!* I LOVE this picture of him! So cute and the angle I got it at is wonderful!*


*Looking down from him cage!*

So that's it! I actually think my sister took some today, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look and then upload them later.

So today I was petting Magic and working on bonding with him and doing as Rosie suggested again. He was very happy with making sure my hand and fingers belonged COMPLETELY to him! Lol. He kept rubbing his chin all over them to make sure everybun knew I was owned...! I figured out that he's not so much head-shy as nose/mouth shy. He doesn't like me to pet his nose and he very rarely lets me take a peek at his teeth - which I need him to let me do to check for maloclussion and such...(we give our bunnies once-overs about 3x a year and Spring Check-ups are around the corner! We check over them all for mites, fleas, abcesses, cuts/scrapes, scabs, check their teeth, their feet for sore hocks, their toenails, their foot padding, their eyes, everything... we write this info al down to keep in our records (we've lost the previous ones... :shock:, but we'll keep these ones) and it also includes their age, their stats, showing info, etc.)

So anyway...I was just working on him with petting the nose, etc. And usually when I reach out to pet his whole body, he slumps to the back of his cage, well this time he actually stayed in the front! I was sooo happy! I also was able to pet just his nose to his forehead and stuff! Well, themiddleof his nose up anyhow. But darn I was soo happy! :)

Istill have to read that bondinginformation by Flashy, but once I do, I am hoping the tips and information I learn will work wonders for me and Magic's, and other bunnies', relationship!

Emily & Magic<3
Well I have been training Magic quite a lot lately! and I have some new videos of him too! Here are the links - please excuse the comments on them, apparantely someone has problems with how I train my rabbit, and they think I have no CLUE how rabbit hopping should be;), for unknown reasons ;) :( - I know I have these vids. someplace else, too. But I will put them here too :)

The first video (I'm not sure if you've seen this one, or not, but oh well!):



Those are pretty much the three "newest" ones. The first vid. was taken a few weeks ago and was lost in never-never-land, and I just found it so yah. ENJOY!!! I will take some new pictures of him jumping.... don't worry!

Anyhow, he has been doing EXTREMELY well on jumping and I think he's going to really kick it up at Spring Youth Fair! I am excited to see how he does then, and there's two days of it, so the first day I will probably use as a little practice/warm-up course and the next day I will really have him going for it, but if he does good both days I'll still be happy for him! :)

Other than his jumping, he's just the same old Magic - always curious and watching the other bunnies run around on the floor. Always wanting me to open his cage door for hugs and kisses in the morning - and always SO curious as to what Im doing! He loves to watch me and see what I'm doing- especially if it involves hay... :) lol.

Whenever I come in, in the mornings/or at night, he always makes sure I pay attention to him and unlock his cage door/open it so he can sway his head out and watch us do our chores. He has learned the command "back" for when I am opening his cage (it swings in and up and I clasp it too the roof; it's all wire ;) ) so he doesn't get smacked with the wire door (ouch!) and he's very good with this command.

I'll probably take him out for some cuddling and training tomorrow. :) And that means pictures and videos!


I thought I'd update Magic's blog, since I haven't done so in a while.

Yesterday was really nice out, and my 3 nephews and my neice were over (Oldest is 12...?) so me and my sister decided to harness up a rabbit for everyone and let them walk them....BAD IDEA!Well, my 12-year old Nephew was the only one was was brilliant at handling the bunnies. ;)

It all started out ok, everyone got a bunny they wanted to walked, brought them to me, I showed them correct fitting of harnesses, and then I told them where to take their bunny to walk it. Ok, so far, so good! Everyone took turns walking different bunnies, etc. The only bunnies that didn't get walked was our blind rabbit, Artie, and Karlee's bunnies whom we were babysitting (only us were able to handle them, note.) lol. So there were no breedings - which I myself, was pretty amazed at this. I figured at least we'd have a few incidents of boys with girls, but nope, everything was clean! There was only one "fight". Magic got a taste of Sippi, and Sippi bled a little bit, but nothing major and he was ok. This "fight" happened because my 8-year old neice wasn't paying attention to walking Magic, and he saw I had Sippi and BAM! He rushes under his jumps, and attacks Sippi, but luckily I was right there.

Well can you imagine a tinsy 5-pound bunny verse a large 9 1/2 pound bunny? Who would win? You're probably thinking Sippi right? Nope. I guess you could say Magic "Won" although the fight was broken up before anything else happened. It was pretty difficult for me to pull them off eachother, but I managed! Lol.

So by this time, Magic's super cranky, and I put him back into his cage (still harnessed) and me and my sister decided to give ANOTHER lesson on how to PROPERLY handle the bunnies, etc. Well this point, all bunnies were put away except the example bunnies. The kids lost interest, (of course...) and so I went on to training Magic.

Did I mention Magic was SUPER cranky? The kids didn't know how to handle him on the leash, and most of the time they were dashing behind him in the efforts to keep hold of his leash, as he bounded across the ground. So he was very angry with the kids, since they didn't know how to handle him, even though they'd been told COUNTLESS Times not to tug, not to run after/chase, etc.

So when I bring him onto the course, he does the first round completely fine, except for a few stallments at the first jump - leading me to believe his directionals had somehow been undone whilst being led by maniac children - this infuriated me, but he did do ok. The second round, he clears all jumps, making it to the 25 inch. long jump. He stops. He NIPS my knee as hard as he can - and I didn't realize what he was doing until I felt a sting! - and then he chases after me and nips my ankle! I of course, yell at him, give him a little pat on the shoulder and promptly take him to his cage after un-harnessing him. I look at him, ask him what the h*ll was wrong with him, etc.

Then later I come back, feeling sorry for yelling at him and giving him a disciplinary pat on the shoulder, and I apologize and he snuggles up next to me for a few minutes.

All-in-all, the day was pretty wacko with the bunnies, but we made it to the end; besides some mishaps of two bunnies being dropped, their all ok. (They were dropped, because my neice andnephewthink that when the bunnies struggle it's good to just release, and not hold on tighter...ugh, this made me VERYangry and they were in majortrouble and I explained to them a lot that if the bunny strugglesdont just let go!!!!Hold onto the bunny tightly, so s/he doesn't fall!)No videos, or pictures from yesterday's "mishap" but I'll try to take some pictures of Magic today, and maybe some video if we can get some of the kids out leading the bunnies - after a very prompt lesson on handling! lol

Ahhh, well please reply!
Well turns out our camera is being a pain in the butt! It has fresh batteries but now it wont turn on! I'm hoping it's ruined so then we can get a better camera with sound on the video options, etc! ;)All I hope, is that we're able to snatch off the pictures on that camera first! heheh. :p

So I wasn't able to get any pictures/videos, or anything. Today we started SPRING CLEANING! YAY! :biggrin2:NOT! lol. We washed all the dishes and water many food/water dishes and water bottles can one rabbitry have for 9 bunnies?! A LOT! We probably have about 20 dishes and 15 bottles! And only about 9 of those each are used! Well, we need the extras! :D

Tomorrow, we'll be cleaning ALL the cages (after we somehow set up a 9-hole ex. pen out in the yard! :?) and bleaching/disinfecting them! The floor will be cleaned, bunnies will be switched to different cages, and oh boy, it's going to take probably all day! Well, we have some little helpers who will be joining in on the fun! :dude:

And then at 6:30 we have a 4-H meeting! :) Karlee, if you read this, FINISH YOUR POSTER PRESENTATION! ;).

Well I think I'm gonna go check up on the bunnies and bring Magic inside for some cuddle time! :)

Emily & The Spring-Fever Bunch

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