Oreo and cookie <3
Well-Known Member
Hi ! My rabbit gave birth some time ago and got 7 babies. We already gave 4 to people which will take good care of them and we are keeping 2 which means that there's still 1 left. The assistant of the vet where i go told me that she wanted that rabbit. I know that the bunny will get good heath care . But i'm don't know if i should give it to her because she said she had 2 dogs and a cat. I suppose she keeps her dogs outside but what about the cat ? The cat surely is kept inside. I don't know if rabbits and cats get along or if the cat will injure the poor bunny. And when my dad was on the phone with her, she told him that she will buy a cage ! Well, i'm not sure if she is going to keep him in a cage or maybe my mother will talk to her about not keeping it in a cage but I don't like the idea of buying a cage at all. I always let my bunnies free roam half of the house because i don't like keeping them in cages. Rabbits are not made to be kept in cages , they're not capable to run or jump. But the other thing is that if i gave it to someone else , the bunny might feel very lonely , when the 4 bunnies were not there he felt sad because he wasn't bonding well at that time with the 2 others but now they are always together. He doesn't like to be left alone . I know people may be thinking what if I keep him myself . Only one answer : Impossible ! Because of my parents , they told me that at first we were going to keep only one but after i was so sad they accepted to keep 2 but they told me that was the limit we're not going to keep 5 rabbits , 4 is already enough. ( the other 2 adults rabbits i have ) My parents are pressuring me everyday about making a decision but the thing is i have no idea of what to do. I'm in a situation where both decisions can end up in a bad choice. Please , if anyone has any suggestions help me ! I don't want this bunny to be sad :'(