Do bunnies have constipation?

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I was wondering how do you give ribbon malt,pumpkin or vegetables or olive oil to a bunny who won't take it.

She doesn't act like shes sickly but I am concerned her littler boxseems untouched. I did have towash her 3 days ago as she hada mess on her backside. Now she isn't going to the box or it looks liketiny green droppings.

Some one suggested mineral oil or olive oil. Can't get that into her or pumpkin.

I can't hold her tight enough to force anything in her mouth. Sheshakes the ribbon malt off of her paw. I'm having a heck of a timedoctoring her.

And if I put vanilla extract in her water do I take away all of her food so she has no choice but to drink?

I tried her on collard leaves, mustard leaves, brocolli, parsley.

All this seems kind of drasticcause I don't want to hurt my baby.

She does likes green beans and fruits like bananas, raisinsand seeds and pellets, alfalfa hay and timothy hay. Is her diet wrong?Too much or not enough?

I know I have to do it to get her better but I need some bravery and action tips!

Any suggestions would be so much appreciated.

Ginbunny, I highly recommend getting yourbunny to a vet. It sounds like something is seriouslywrong. Not eating, not pooping, and/or problems like messybottoms or very unusual looking poops need to be checked out.

How long since she's willingly eaten? How long since she haspooped? I start to worry if they haven't pooped for 12 hours,24 is definately a vet visit even if it's a weekend and I have to drivefarther.

Rabbits are very good at disguising illness because they are preyanimals. Visible weakness is a sign to predators that thisone is easy prey. But you can tell from the other signs thatyour rabbit needs help. Please get her to a rabbit savvy vetsoon.
The messy bottem could be too many greens andhigh sugary fruits. She could have gas as she's not eating much, andher diet (green beans and brocoli have a high tendency to cause gas).Try some baby gas medicine, anything with simthecone in it to see ifshe does. You'll have to force it in her with a syringe. Wrap her up ina bunny burito. Get a medium sized towel, put her facing you and wrapher like a baby then hold her under your arm and do it this way, I'vefound this is the easiest way.

I would take her to the vet with the green droppings, she could havesomething the matter with her digestion. I wouldn't try to treat it byyourself, as you may need advice from a vet and if she isn't easy tohandle to give medications, you might need help with this aswell.

How long has it been since she's eaten? Pooped? Pee'd? Drank?

You'll need a vets opinion on this.
I have an appointment for Ginger this afernoon at 5:45 pm.

I have a serious guess that she may have an empaction but I hope I amwrong. I know she eats a lot of card stock and she is shedding so muchthat I am afraid shes swallowed a lot offur. I brush herseveral times a day and I vacuum around her cage at least 6times.

Other than that she drank water today off and on. I put some vanillaextract in her bottle but I don't think that made a difference.

She has droppings and urine in her box except that the droppings look like her rabbit pellets (which she is NOT eating).

The vet told me on the phoneits best to bring her in to lethim check her out to see what needs to be done. He suspects impactionalso but maybe can be treated with meds. He doesn't want her to bedehydrated.

This morning she hopped and jumped and wiggled like a really excitedbunny. She even tried to mount my hand! So I thought okay shes finetoday too. But then I felt I had to call the vet. I did and now I'm allover it.

Wish Ginger luck!

A blockage can be treated. When my vet suspecteda hair bloackage, he prescribed this enzyime thing to mix with 5cc (Ithink) of fresh pineapple juice (not from can as the heating processkills the enzyimes, so it would have to be fresh). He also gaveprescribed enzyme tablets for humans that I got at a health food store.He also told me to keep giving her the kitty mult flavoured laxotivethat I gave her three dosages about a knuckle big every day. But if youdo this, you'll need to keep her hydrated by syringing her enough wateror the laxotive can coat the dehyrdated intestines and make it worse.Don't try any of these things to avoid going to see a vet, because itcould be a different situation, and only do them if the vet advises it.

If she's still pooping, that's a good sign. How much is she eating? Ifyou do put vanilla in her water, supply another water source so itwon't discourage her from drinking the water with the vanilla in it.Also put in a bowl of water to tempt her to drink if you haven'talready done it. Keeping her hydrated is the most important thing.

If Pepsi did have a blockage, then she was treated (Although I think it was gas but that's just me).

Post how the vet visit went please! :D

**Also, give her as much exercise as she wants to keep her gut moving, this'll help!

Update on Ginger

Well, she has a blockage from excessive shedding, eating paper and seeds.

He said it must be small because he couldn't feel it. But her symptoms were clear.

She was dehydrated slightly so he gave her a lot of water in an IV.

Then a shot of vitamins to increase her appetite.

No more paper or seeds! He also suggested a special litter shaving called Aspen.

She is eating a little better and urinating. Her droppings are few. Butshe is doing better than yesterday. The next 2 days are critical. Ifshes not better...I don't want to think that far.

She is still energetic though. She fought tooth and nail with all 3 ofus in the exam room. She was thumping so loud. The doctor, his aide andmyself were covered with fur and fanning the air to see each other.

Never Alfalfa always Timothy Hay. He suggested to try pumpkin orapplesauce. He knowsshe is very picky but he said if I takeaway the paper and seeds then she will pick up on the other foods. Andribbon malt 3 times a day. Shes going to disown me for that! You gottado what you gotta do. She will get over it.

You know a lot of this I learned from this Rabbit Forum. When he saiddo this or that I was thinking "Wow, thats what the Rabbit Forum said!"

Thanksfor all your advice and support. I'll keepyouupdated. You guys are great!
:pray:for Ginger.

Hope she feels better soon!

If she'll eat alfalfa hay, I'd give her some forextra fiber. Alfalfa is very high in fiber, amongst other things. It'sok to give as a treat :). Try the pumpkin, she might take it willingly.

I've used aspen when I had Pepsi in her plastic cage, but when I movedher to her big cage I had to change because I'd go through a bag or twoevery three days with the cage cleaning and providing bedding.

Just a word of encouragement, I've been through this not eating similar(not the same, sometimes from stress ect, but still) situation around 6times (I've lost count) with Pepsi and there were times whenshe was in worse condition then Ginger, and she's recovered perfectly.As long as she's eating a bit, and pooping a bit you have nothing toworry about. Just keep alert!

Also, you could try wetting your hands and shaking them so they arejust a bit moist and firmly stroking her to get as much fur as possibleout. Do this as many times till you see no more fur sticking to yourdamp hands.

Do you have pineapples where you are? Try getting one and see if she'll eat the pieces? The enzyimes do wonders with blockages.

That's really all I can suggest, and also give her as much exerciselike I said as possible. Staying active is good in these times. I'll bethinking of Ginger and hoping she'll get better soon!

:bunnynurseYour doing a great job as a bunny nurse/mommy! :)
"Houston, we have Poop!"

Yes my little ginger is getting back tonormal. She has attacked a new bag of Timothy Hay. I now have a haybasket set up with the hay, carrots, romaine, a cucumber circle andsalt spool. About the cucumber circle the vet told me to remove all thecenter with the seeds init because rabbits have a tummyproblem with them.

I started her out on the Aspen pellets forher litter box. It is a bit expensive to a small budget like mine butit'll have to do.

Sometimes she looks for cards tochew on and she sits up staring at me waiting for her seeds. Its notthat the seeds were a bad thing but I was buying bird seed for birdsnot rabbit prepared seed treats.

And I found out that the rabbit pellets I purchase for her bythe pound was other rodent pellets "in the rabbit feed"!Yeah,thats the second time they did that! I should report them orsomething. No wonder she wouldn't eat it!

But hooray she is going to the box and she is drinking bettertoo! Shes doing the twist and what do you call it whenthey shake their ears! :bunnydance:Looks like she'sdoing the hokey pokey!

She wouldn't take the pumpkin (no surprise there)! But I amgoing to keep offering it to her on a pretty plate. Maybe somedayshe'll taste it and like it.

I really appreciate all the encouragement and support you have all offered to me.

And if Ginger could speak she would be saying Thank You too!:thanks:

God Bless You All !!!


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