You're not being a pain, Bradd.
There's a lot of answers to your questions. Would highlyrecommend you by going through the
Cheat Sheet for RabbitCare post at the top of this forum.
To help keep them healthy, you have to have a good amount of airventilation/flow, fresh water, keep them out of drafts, protect themfrom the weather - (be sure to check out the posts "Keeping them warmin the winter" and "Keeping them cool in the summer".)You want to keep their stress levels down, so other animalstaunting them has to be kept in check and things such asthat. The change in weather can stress them out.Some say that if they aren't in a routine, such as if they don't gettheir food when they're used to it, it can cause stress.Being in pain causes stress. If they have a companion that isconstantly bullying them, they can quickly become stressed.All of this has an effect on their heart and how well their immunesystem functions.
It's hard to say what caused the death of your rabbit without havingtests done, but one way to try to figure it out is what the symptomswere. You might have a look at the
GI Stasis postmyself and Lanna pointed you to earlier in this thread, it's link is inthe
Cheat Sheet post. Some of the symptomssound like that, but as I said, it's hard to be certain and I wouldn'twant to say it was that for sure without medical records.Dehydration can quickly kill a rabbit, so you really need to be surethat they don't become dehydrated by syringe feeding them.
Do a search on Toys in this forum and there's a list of posts that willappear. As to food, a good rabbit pellet should have at least12% crude protein and 18% or more of crude fiber. Somesuggested brands are Purina, OxBow, Heinold, Buckeye, BlueSeal. Fiber is extremely important in helping their systemmove, and although most of the brands above have enough fiber in them,some like to add hay to help scrape their system clean of furballs.
Feed can go bad after a few months, so some choose to freeze theirpellets. If you don't have the means to freeze it, just makesure you put it in air-tight containers.
Can't think of anything else at the moment, but again, would highlyrecommend you look over the websites, book recommendations, and notesin the
Cheat Sheet and do searches for certain topics you'd liketo query.