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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Rosedale, Victoria, , Australia
I just went outside to see Lilly again and she'sgnawing on the wood of her hutch. Therez a chunk of wood in there butshe prefers the hutch. What should i do to save the hutch? Is thisdangerous?

I cant put any pics of Lilly on here all mine are too big and i cant make them smaller

try some bitter apple spray and maybe get her some of the same wood her hucth is made out of.

also she maybe doing this out of boredom are you leting her out enough?

I've let her out four times already today forlike 15-20mins each time and itz only 12:20 pm lol. Ill try to get somewood for her. What is bitter apple spray? where could i get some?
becc_boland wrote:
I've let her out four times already today for like 15-20minseach time and itz only 12:20 pm lol. Ill try to get some wood for her.What is bitter apple spray? where could i get some?

Hi becc,
Is Lily inside or out??? ( I mean in the house inside or out in theyard)If she is inside the house I'd maybe let her out at night for acouple of hours, do you have toys in her hutch for her to play with???Bindy has toilet rools (empty ones of course) and baby keys, a ball,and some dangly stuff hanging from her hutch roof (one is a bunny toydangly thing the other is a toy for birds they're rings but hey shelikes them)

At the pet store there is stuff similar to Bitter apple spray over herein Oz, I have asked my pet store and they have something similar, it'snot apple but it works just as good so they say, thankfully I haven'tneeded to get any yet.

Make sure to tell them what you need it for and tell them that you canget it in the U.S if they know what they are on about they'll be ableto point you in the right direction.

How'd you go with the time thingy????

Lilly is in a hutch outside in my backyard cozmum didnt want her to be an inside bunny. She hasnt got any toys inthere i will put a toilet roll in there in a sec, and i will buy sometoys for her too. Whenever i can get to the pet shop i will get somespray and toys.

I havent worked out the time thing lol. I have heaps more on my mind but i will do it soon.

Thnx for everyones help

lol. that was taken a few hours after i got her.Shes much bigger now. Ill take more pics later and tomorrow will sendthem to Lanna and get her to make them smaller (if she doesnt mind! :p)

Becc & Lilly
I hav the same problem! But different... If Imade a wood cage would they be able to chew through it? And is wouldessential to their diet since my bunnys refuse to eat the blocks ofwood I put in the cage for them! They now go pee on them! They think itis funny.:X:p

YAY Becc I love your avatar!!

If you want some cheap toys go into Big W or even clints crazy bargainsshop or Go LO if you have one and get some plastic baby toys, like babykeys on a ring , and some things like that are good as Lily can chewthem and through them around. Not the teething rings though 'cause shewill chew through them and the liquid inside wouldn't be good for her,even get a cardboard box and cut out some doorways for her to run inand out of.

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