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First of all I'd like to thanks everyone for their care and support!

We took Rocky to the vet this morning round nine and the vet was very helpful and definately rabbit savvy! Yay! She gave me three different kinds of medication. Metoclopramide, SMZ-TMP Suspension, and Metronidazole. He was a very good boy at the vet, even started eating some hay! He's home resting now. His poops are getting just a little more firm and Hopefully he'll be better next week!
She said it was probably dietary, that I hadn't been feeding him enough hay. Some rabbits need it more than others, and I've got everybody on more hay now. She gave me coccidia meds anyway though, just to be sure.
Well I do believe I have found out why Rocky has been ill! It seems that he cannot STAND TImothy hay! I found out when I caught him taking some through the cage next to him. I use Burmuda/Bahia hay as bedding in the outside cages as well as the one with my three babies (who have been binkying up a storm!). I put a handful of the stuff in his cage and he went for it instantly! I'm going to get a newer bail soon so I can have fresh stuff for the whole year for everybody to enjoy! I've got some more drying on one of the chicken houses now. Hopefully he likes it dry as well as fresh. He may have eaten some fungus from the old stuff so I think flushing it out of his system is a good idea, so I'll keep him on meds for now. Also there is still a chance of parasites living in his system so I'll keep him medicated for that too. Hopefully by the time I get him of the medicine he'll be all better! Hooray!

He's as good as new! I gave him more bahia/bermuda mixed hay and he gobbled it right up and he hasn't been seen in his litter box all day! Although I know he was in there because I see more and more little normal poops! I let him out just now and I could have sworn he just did a little binky! I am sooooooooooooo happy!

I am keeping him on meds though, (much to his dismay) just to be sure, after all I did pay for them!
How old is your rabbit? Rabbits should not be eating grass until they are at least 6 months of age. If it is diarrhea, there is an acid pack that you can give your rabbit that will clear that diarrhea up. If you do get the acid pack, only give a pinch(small pinch) to 1 gallon of water until he is clear of the diarrhea. You will know when the poops are normal again.

Good to hear that your bunny is doing better!