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HA. The only reason I got him over all the other rexes was because I thought otters were rare! Oh well, definately one of my favorite colors, if not my fav. Yeah he likes those ears almost as much as I do, and he loves grooming them! He's doing better now, he even startes exploring again last night. I will keep feeding him the hay and medicine, other than that I'm going to leave him alone for today.
No, in fact I found this in his litter box. I am very worried and scared right now.

I'm pretty sure his poops were just very runny, rather than diarrhea, but this really got me scared. I found just a tiny bit of blood too. I got no car in the driveway and the vet is a half hour away. :nerves1
Another thing, everyday now for the past three days he's spent the day in his litter box, only to come out to lay next to it, and then around nine he comes out to play, so I let him out to hop around the room until I go to bed. Last night he went straight for the dark spot between one of my plastic drawers and the wall, and he stayed there for maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Not a good sign at all I say. He's still drinking his medicane, and he even tried eating some pellets yesterday. He's been eating his hay pretty regularly and he still seems comfortable because he licks his paws and ears often. No teeth grinding or anything. It's very strange.
Have you taken him to a vet? This doesn't sound diet related if all he is having is hay and a little bit of pellets, especially if he tolerated pellets fine before.
The going into the corner and sitting is abad sign; one of my rabbits did that when she was in stasis and being a really new rabbit owner i didn't realize the gravity of the problem.

can you tell me exactly what you are feeding him right now ..everything including the medicine, fluids etc. Does her belly feel soft ordoes it feellike a drum, ;does she look bloated?
I.m think that you should take him to a vet that is rabbit knowledable because we really don't know what the problem is .

Ok, since wednesday I have fed him timothy hay and homemade pedialyte using this recipe:

1 cup clean water
2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/16 tsp salt. I've been using half of a 1/4 tsp for this measurement

I will note that last night I used baking POWDER rather than soda by mistake, which I quickly corrected. He didn't drink much of it, but he did drink some. As for his belly, it feels very much the same as the day I got him, which was two weeks ago tommorow. And last night when he was over by the corner he did move from it afterwards and started hopping around trying to destroy my guitars and desk.
I don't have rabbit savvy vet in the area which I should have looked into as soon as I decided to get into these things. Very frustrating. There are some breeders in the area so I'm going to call them. One of the people we contacted said to feed him Spanish moss? What's the deal with that?
I don't know if that recipe is correct or not because I don't use anything but pedialyte which is safer
it looks like your rabbits is not pooping at all right ?
I would also go out and get baby (infant gas meds)(you want simethicone as the only acting ingredient. it is called infant mylicon or infant gas x . This is a product that relieves gas in a rabbit. and will not harm the rabbit,

you can give 1-2 cc in that large a rabbit and then repeat in a few hours X2

if you contact a breeder and are going to continue to use the electrolyte formula double check with her re. the ingredients to make sure that it is accurate.
I also hope that Pam sees this post

you could Pm pamnock who is a breeder ; I am not sure where to go with this without a vet but she may have a suggestion.
Idon't have a good feeling about letting these things go.

is he eating any hay?
We called a vet in Lake City (the nearest metropolis) and she said the formula was dehydrating him, so I've got him on bottled water and hay. He drank a lot of water when I gave it to him. He hasn't eaten any hay since I gave him some maybe 5-10 minutes ago, but that just means he probably ate earlier. I think he is pooping normally as well as those hideous blobs now so yay! maybe. I really don't know what to do at this point, I really feel like I need to keep him on grass and hay for now to see what happens... That formula may be what's been giving him problems, as I just found the one blob this morning round eight thirty and it looked mighty recent. I really don't want to give him a lot of medication now because that may confuse his system like the medicine did. From now on I'll just use regular store bought pedialyte for times like these. He is so weird, even as I worry sick about him he still wants to get out of the cage I just put him in and cause mischief!
I'd recommend getting him to the vet. Sounds like it could be a parasitic or bacterial infection that will require a proper diagnosis for most effective treatment. I'm especially concerned with the blood in the stool.

I agree that it is probably an infection. Dehydration would not cause poos of that color or shape. It is time to get him to a vet, along with any poo samples you can find.

I also will look more into rye grass because I thought it was ok and even bought some seeds from Whole Foods to grow for my bunnies (haven't started them yet).
Well then again they do sell "rabbit" food with corn in it. I did do some searching and didn't find anything bad about annual or perenial rye. I've been feeding it to the rest of my rabbits for months so I really don't think that could be the cause. I'm going to see about a vet visit tommorow. Here's hoping....
Nope, just a standard otter rex. I bought him mainly because my sister wanted another bunny, so I figured I'd give it a go. I figured if I had an inside pet bunny, I'd gain more experiance in that area to further help my customers, and am I ever gettng more experiance....
I bought him not knowing anything about his age, health history, or anything, not a mistake I will likely make again after this. I'm going to buy rabbits straight from breeders from now on. It's just not worth this for an under ten dollar bunny :(
When Mr. Z pouts he lays in his liter box. I know he is wanting something or I forgot to give him something.

I have a Mini Rex that haddihareha for a long time. We thought it was just something we had to deal with giving medication when it was a problem. Had a poopy butt most of the time. I ended up cutting out pellets and way back on the veggies. I also found some hay she likes. Now she is normal. It must be she was more sensitive than the others to the foods.
