Well-Known Member

I gave him more SQ fluids since he didn't get his full dose this AM. Now he's eating Kale pretty well.. but his right back leg is sticking out and when he tries to move it back into position he's stepping on his front right leg that's awkwardly held behind him.
I'm really worried about E. Cuniculi. I'm positive he's been exposed, and it could be the reason for his head tilt from before (they treated for inner ear infection and E.C., but the rescue sees so many EC rabbits, he HAS to have been exposed. He was born there and lived there for 2 years). I know EC can show (like coccidia) at times of stress, compromised immune system, ect.. so I'm wondering if this is what it is..
I'm going to try to go into work late or take it off and hopefully get an appointment with his regular vet tomorrow morning..