Thanks for the links.. once my internet is cooperating more I'm going to read through them.
I've given 3 doses of Simethicone and still no improvement. He's looking really uncomfortable. Passing soft stools regularly now. I'm trying to keep him clean, but he's stressing so much. I'm trying not to wash the area more than once a day, but toweling isn't helping and his skin is irritated. I tried to shave some of the fur away to make it easier to clean, but my clippers are terrible and I couldn't get much off.
Any advice on how to keep him cleaner?
Anything I can use to soothe the skin? (he is grooming, so I know he'll lick it off, but if there's something safe that can help before he gets it all off, that would be great)
Anything else I can be doing to help him?
I'm going to email my friend who's a vet, I'll ask about the imodium (maybe she can check VIN for me), the Marquis, and biosponge, but she doesn't routinely see exotics, just has an interest and a general broad knowledge. I don't know if I should wait a while longer to see if he'll make an improvement or if I should try to get him to the vet again. I am hesitant because of the cost and because I'm not sure there's actually anything else that WOULD be done that I'm not already doing..