Diarrhea and won’t eat hay

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Oct 5, 2021
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Hello ,I have two rabbit they are about 6 month ,today I noticed the stopped eating hay and pellets and only ate their veggie (dill and coriander today)and a small treat (a small piece of banana)but they won’t eat hay and their poop is soft I don’t know if it is diarrhea or their not eaten cecotrope,but he is active and move around but won’t eat Timothy and his pellets,also they had Timothy from 5 month of age because their vet said ,but they always didn’t like Timothy hay they prefer alfalfa and loves oat hay,oat hay was the only hay they eat very good so I gived them oat hay for a week but today I run out of oat hay so I bought a Timothy because I ordered oat hay but it will not arrive today,and they won’t eat,is the runny and soft poop dangerous today all the vet are closed I messaged their vet and they said if they don’t eat until tomorrow I should bring them for being checked,what can I do for today to stop the soft or diarrhea poop is there any home remedies or treatment?and what to do they won’t eat ?
Are they also producing normal round fecal balls? If they are only eating a little bit of veggies and no hay, or pellets when they normally would eat their pellets, they really need to be taken to the vet right away as there could be something more going on. If they aren't producing any normal round fecal balls and all of their poop is watery or mushy, that is true diarrhea and it's an emergency, which means you need to try and get them to a knowledgeable rabbit vet immediately if you can.

Symptoms and treatment of diarrhea
Tank you so much,they started to eat Timothy hay and barley grass hay ,and also the started to eat pellets again,and they act totally normal and their poop is back to round shape it is still a dark poop and it is not hard as always but it is round and they started to eat lot of Timothy is it still an emergency or I should wait to see
They might just have had a gassy stomach or a stomachache. I would recommend just keeping a close eye on them for a few days. If your noticing they have diarrhea again or are bloated. You can give them baby gas drops or something for stomachaches (people use several different things for stomachaches in rabbits).
You might also want to check their poop for hair. They might have had a wool block if they were molting. You can use papaya support by oxbow if that's the case.

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