Diarreah or Urine? HELP!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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New Jersey, , USA
OK guys, I'm in a crisis right now because I'm at work but my new 10 week old rabbit Luna may be sick.
My sister sent me a picture of "thick pale yellow stuff" that she thought was diareah. I thought it could be urine because I remember when I first got Pup he peed yellow but this looked thick in the picture.
I asked her how she was acting and she said "normal, hopping around her cage."

The pet store was feeding her Kaytee rabbit pellets but i dont thikn they were for young rabbits.
Yesterday I bought young rabbit alfalfa pellets. Could this be the answer if it is diarreah?
Could she be actually sick bc i never heard of pale yellow diarreah in rabbits before.

I can't leave work and I am freaking out right now. Vets cant tell me anythig bc the rabbit "isnt physically there." You guys are my hope until I get home at 7 but I'm afraid that is too late.
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Is it sandy? Could it be sludge? Can you post the pic?

Here's what sludge looks like...


Normally a rabbit would be hunched up like they were in pain with sludge, but Jabberwocky has problems with it (Although he doesn't have as much as in this picture) and he stills runs and binkies. It doesn't seem likely that it would be sludge to me since she's a baby, but you never know. I thought I would throw that out there and see.

Could she just see what it smells like? I know that's gross, but that would tell you what it is.

Is she eating hay? Drinking? If it's diarrhea you'd want to get her eating and hydrated...

On a side note, I wouldn't recommend Kaytee food, it's not a very good quality pellet...
Can't view the photo, but is probably normal urine. If the bunn is active and eating/drinking, I wouldn't be concerned.
Okay - I can see the picture and that does not look like normal urine to me. It looks more like the picture of sludge. However, if the bunny is acting normally, it is probably not a life-threatening emergency. Keep your eyes open and reassess the situation in a little while.
If your looking at a urine puddle that is partially dried out, it can get kind of thick and sticky as it dries. If it is fresh, is it thick and jelly like or mucousy, and there may be little poop pellets in it? Did you just switch right over to the new food, or did you start to slowly transition her onto the new food?
If your looking at a urine puddle that is partially dried out, it can get kind of thick and sticky as it dries. If it is fresh, is it thick and jelly like or mucousy, and there may be little poop pellets in it? Did you just switch right over to the new food, or did you start to slowly transition her onto the new food?
i'm not home so IDK if it is fresh or a little old. My sister went to check on her and that's what she saw. I switched right over but i mixed it in with some of the old stuff.
That does look like sludge to me. What kind of hay are you feeding her? Since she is acting ok, you are probably fine until you can get her into the vet to have her checked.
That does look like sludge to me. What kind of hay are you feeding her? Since she is acting ok, you are probably fine until you can get her into the vet to have her checked.
alfalfa. the stupid pet store wasn't feeding her any hay to begin with! with is why i hate them! and is sludge bad? also, no rabbit savvy vets will be in until tuesday bc of the holiday weekend. i've called three places near me so far. :(
Sludge is something that can happen to certain rabbits that are prone to it. They have problems with excess calcium in their diet. Most rabbits just pass it normally in their urine. The urine will just be a little chalky from the excess urine. But with bladder sludge buns, the urine gets thick and gritty from the excess calcium. Until you can get her in to see the vet, I would suggest to stop feeding the alfalfa hay and get some timothy or other non grain grass hay, and feed that to her. Alfalfa hay is high in calcium. Also if you are still seeing sludge after a day on the grass hay, you may also need to limit pellets a little. It's also important for her to always have access to water. If she drinks from a bottle, it would be a good idea to give her a water dish instead. Rabbits tend to drink better from a dish, and will drink more, which is something she needs. And you'll want to make sure the water doesn't run out. See how she does after removing the alfalfa hay.
