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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


aww cute little chubby bunnies! I know I havesome picsfor sure...I'll have to search...Max andBasilboth have moolaps ;)
Hmm so what is the difference between a dewlap and a moolap?? Ive never heard of a moolap before!

This is my beloved Molly who died a year ago.


And her sister Bonnie who also died a year ago :(


Is there a difference between moolaps and dewlaps? Pepperdoesnt seem to have anything under her chin :?But Dottie hasgot a realy fat neck all over! lol


Linz, very cute pics!

A "moolap" is just not really a technical term. ;)Itssupposed to be that just girl bunnies have dewlaps, but many of ourboys (eating more than they should be..or just retaining a little extrain that under the chin area) develop a little dewlap (or mooooo lap) oftheir own ;)
missyscove wrote:
What is the purpose of a dewlap? I've alwayswondered, but haven't been able to find out.
It's extra space for girls to pluck fur from when they're making anest. I'd guess it's also extra energy storage too, becauseof the babies. Human females are just supposed to have ahigher body fat ratio for the energy storage.

Fey's old dewlap. It's mostly gone now, I guess it was mainly from poor nutrition.

Tank's marvelous lopsided dewlap!

Penny grew a dewlap, and then got a littlechuby. So dewlap is still there, but you can't see it as wellanymore, like this picture, because Penny was never skinny again afterwe spayed her.
I waslooking in awe at Darry's dewlap,got me wonderingifherdewlap has grownmuch since I got herin March, and if she was overweight, andthen Ithought, 'why not a Dewlap PhotoPhile!' So here it is: The first one isthe most recent, from a couple of days ago, I thought she was going totip forward from being chest-heavy or trip over her skirt! ;)


Darry today.


This is the day I got her...


This is a week or two after I got her..


And Darry before I got her...

I guess she has grown a little-- time for a diet -- but it's always beena biggie!

So Lets see some other dewlaps!

I remember the dewlap thread, it was a greatone, thanks for the bump!! (I never thought Darrywasoverweight, at least not by much, so that explains a lot!):)

Yup, Penny may win this contest, but Darry comesclose! (I'm merging my Dewlap thread with this one, didn'trealize it was here!)

Besides, the 'dewlaps/moolaps' title fits Darry to a tee!!

sas :D
Do Darry and Dill get along as well? I noticedthem in that pic together (and I think if I remember correctly, yourescued them together?)

Great Dewlaps though!
Here's Hazel, proudly sporting her dewlap :D.She's a bit too chubby (but we're working on that) so it's a doubledewlap, I guess.

BTW, she is a wild cottontail, although domesticated (read: proud ownerof 5 slaves :D) so unlike what some people claim, wild rabbits do getdewlaps! (especially well pamperd ones, says Hazel :bunnydance:). Iguess they just don't usually get a chance to sport one, being underfedand leading a stressfull life most of the time.
Here are a couple of Maisie's dewlap.I've noticed Flower's got quite a dewlap now, but we haven't anypictures of it yet. As soon as we do, I'll add them tothis. :)

Maisie's a little smooshed together for these, but you can definitelysee the dewlap! :D I try to get pics of them layingdown, but the second that camera comes on, they hop back into theircages! :(


Yes, Hazel looks SO proud of her dewlap here. :)

Hazel-Mom wrote:
Here's Hazel, proudlysporting her dewlap :D. She's a bit too chubby (but we're working onthat) so it's a double dewlap, I guess.

BTW, she is a wild cottontail, although domesticated (read: proud ownerof 5 slaves :D) so unlike what some people claim, wild rabbits do getdewlaps! (especially well pamperd ones, says Hazel :bunnydance:). Iguess they just don't usually get a chance to sport one, being underfedand leading a stressfull life most of the time.