Devon's neuter and Amber's spay

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Yes, I do have good news, the vet called alittle bit ago to tell us that everything went fine. They are bothawake and eating. We can pick them up after 6:00.:):):)
Just wanted to let you know that we are back. And everything looks good.
Quick question. Devon is eating fine (not asmuch as usual, but considering he just had surgery). He has poopedquite a bit but they do not look normal. One was somewhat soft andclumped together. The others were small. Like I said, he has poopedalot, but they didn't all look normal. Should I be concerned?
are the soft one strung together? those mightcecotropes that he just isnt in the mood for eating right now cuz ofthe surgery ......i know when something really upsets me or hurts me,my stomach is the first thing affected maybe the stress of thesurgery has his Gi tract off for a bit...i think as long as he ispooping it will be okay .......but keep an eye out for good measure! ifyoure really worried ...since hes not crazy about his pellets rightnow..try some of the canned pumpkin stuff...Devon wont have to put toomuch effort into eating it and it will help keep movin everything along:)feel better devon and amber!
Well he did eat almost all of his regular dinnertime cup of vegetables. Amber's a little out of it though. She's justkinda sleepy.
I have a question about Amber. She is verylethargic and doesn't eat much. She ate before she left the vets andshe ate a bit of alfalfa here. I think she is too tired to eat rightnow. I think everything is okay, but my sister is very concerned. Ithought some reassurance from you guys would help. However, as per vetinstructions, after 12 hours of poor appetite we should call. I trulybelieve she is just tired. Do you guys agree?
Amber's surgery was more invasive than Devon's,so it's pretty normal for her to be feeling worse. Give hertreats to try to get her to eat- I found that holding them encouragesthem to eat more. As long as she's eaten a little since hersurgery, she should be okay. Is she on painkillers?
Thanks. I'll show my sister this. She is eatingalfalfa. While maybe not the most nutritious choice, it keeps her gutmoving, which is the important thing. The vet gave painkillers beforethey left. And they are on antibiotics (Baytril).

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