Devon's neuter and Amber's spay

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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, , USA
Hello everyone,

Devon and Amber are both getting fixed on Tuesday, and I had a few questions.

First, the vet had said not to use Woody Pet for about a week after surgery. She said we need to use a dustless litter. What would you all recommend? Could I just shred newspaper or something?

Secondly, should I remove their fluffy pet beds? I'm afraid they might ingest some of it? (they live in separate cages, they both have a pet bed in there)

Thirdly, how long have some of your bunnies taken to recover from a spay or neuter?

And finnally, is there anything else that I should know?

You can use shredded newspaper, that's fine. Just make sure to change it often so it doesn't get nasty.

I would just to be on the safe side. You can always offer themsome grass mats to lay on. Plus they can chew those and it woun't hurtthem. Just make sure they aren't treated with anything.

I haven't had mine done yet but I was told a week for a neuter and 10-14 days for a spay.

You can get some Nutrical and give it to them to help boosttheir appetite. Have plenty of their favorite treats on hand to help tocoax them to eat.

They are going to be fine. Please be sure and keep us posted ok.

Tina and the Zoo crew

When the Monkeys! were done, I used news paper,and changed it everyday. I also cut a doorway into thier litter boxesso they wouldn't have to jump over the side.

Buster and Tucker healed up pretty quick. The next day they were trying to binky, and jump all over the place...

I never had a problem with them eating, infact I think it was Tuckerwho started eating as soon as he woke up from the anesthetic.:shock2:

They'll be fine, of course when I was in your shoes I was the exact same way, even worse I think...

Let us know how it goes!

My males recovered very quickly, by the next daythey were pretty much themselves. I haven't had a female doneyet, but from what I understand they are alot slower torecover the surgery is MUCH more invasive!!!
Bring some of their favorite foods to the vetand have them ready at home. Have some Nutri-cal ready incase they aren't eating. I had to hand feed Mocha for a fewdays after her spay- she just didn't seem to eat anything withoutme. And follow your vet's recommendations on restricting themto their cages. You might want to block off their shelves,too. Jumping up and down from them could irritate or pull thestitches.
This is O/T from what this is about but i knowfor like cats they can't eat before they come in for a spay/neuter. Forrabbits is it true you can't do that, they still need to eat.?
Rabbits are allowed to eat and drinkright up until they have the surgery. My vet went as far as making sureI bring extra hay and pellets and to even bring water from home. When Iasked why water he said sometimes rabbits won't drink water if ittastes or smells different then the water at home.

No, they should not be fasted because they can'tvomit. Although my vet reccomended fasting for two hours so that thestomach isn't over full.
Sending good thoughts and prayers for tomorrow.

Make sure your vet sends pain meds home. Animals don't showpain like we do. Even though they may appear to be fine, theycould be in a lot of pain.


FreddysMom wrote:
try and sucker as many treats as you can out of him!!!
[align=left]***Devon and Amber glance towards the alfalfa box***
We had no problems with neutering our boys, it was a breeze.

Our doe, however, had a rougher time of it. One good thing to have onhand is baby aspirin for pain relief. A sign of pain is hunched up in aball, grinding their teeth.
Thank you everyone. We'll be taking them in about an hour and a half.
We just got back from dropping them off. The vetsaid that she would call when they are done, around 5:00. I'll let youknow how they are doing later today when they get back.

:pray: :pray:

Let us know when you hear from the vet.


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