Dere Sebastian

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Dear S.L.G. Pernod and Perry stoppedchasing each other. Pernod discovered the cookie tin on the floor anddecided to sniff all the cookies - Do you think she thought she wouldget them? You could have come to work with me today and helped me withmy math 'cos my computer broke down and I had to work out all thecurrencies on a calculator - scarey stuff :shock:.

Hugs to you and Sebastian - Jan

Dear Sebastian's Little Girl,

I just had a grilled cheese sandwich along with a pickle and ketchup. Ummmm, was it good!! :)

Nothing else to add at this point.

Love you!
Carolyn wrote:
Dear Sebastian's Little Girl,

I just had a grilled cheese sandwich along with a pickle and ketchup. Ummmm, was it good!! :)

Nothing else to add at this point.

Love you!
We had grilled cheese tonight for dinner. No pickles tho :(
Mocha dictatingto MyBunnyBoys.

Dear SLG,

My mom let me run outside in the snow today! It was so much fun! I gotto dig in the snow and I kept falling through so all mom could see wasthe tips of my ears! I got all wet since it was so warm and the snowwas melting.

Then mom took me inside to dry my feet off and she spent the while timejust petting me and giving me treats. I think she's trying to bribe meso I don't convince her to send me to live with you. :D

Love Mocha
I read Sebastian'sLittle Girl all of her messages as she ate her breakfast. Sheis so excited that she got so many messages but she wasrunning late for school and said she would answer when she got homethis afternoon. :)

Dear Sebastian's Little Girl,

I have been very good since you sent me the message that I better benice. I let Fauna kiss me me yesterday and I even cuddled back, I'mletting mom pet me, but I still don't like it when Cali's out and I'mnot.

I'm working on it!! :X


Dear Sebastian's Little Girl,
My name is Anna and I have a bunny named Chernish.
He is very nice, but does not like to be picked up.
Yesterday he got a piece of apple, but the apple's skin was soslippery, every time Chernish tried to pick it up, it would move awayfrom him. Poor bunny had to go all over his cage to catch that apple.Finally I had to feed it to him.

Say Hi to Sebastian for me.:)


You are a Little Angel, Sebastian's Little Girl! I wish I could give you a Great Big Hug right now!

All my love,
Dear SLG,

My name is Clinton, although mommy likes to call me sweety, even thoughI don't like it. :XIt makes me sound girly. Your rabbit seemsto have the good life. I don't really like to be cuddled, even thoughmommy tries to all the time. I'm a big boy and don't need all thatlovin. Nice talking to you, and tell Sebastian I said hi!




Perhaps IIIII could borrow Clinton for a while????

LOL. Somedays I might have just taken you up onthat offer. ;)He can be a pain in the behind, but he is stillmy baby - if I could only have one rabbit for the rest of my life hewould be it.

That's precisely how I feel about Tucker, Nichole!


Dear SLG,

Hi! My name's Spice. Momma keeps calling me a bad boy because I chewedthrough her phone cord but she never uses it anyways and I bit her. Idon't know what was so wrong, she was picking me up and trying tocuddle and I don't like to be cuddled!

I like to chew on momma's coat zippers and eat lots and lots of treats.Momma's mean, she teases me with treats by letting me get it in mymouth but she pulls it away before I can eat it and she wonders why Ibite.

I got to play in the snow today because it was so warm and I had lots of fun. I like to dig in the snow.

I don't like my brother, Mocha, because he's so mean to me! He bites mybum and eats treats in front of him. Then momma gets mad when I teasehim and it's not fair! Mocha's fat and doesn't need treats, but I'mfluffy and need lots of treats!

Love Spice
Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Hey Cali, would you ever think of dating a littleguy like me? I just love your big ears and that bushy tail of yours!Weboth have the bushiest tails on the forum I bet. I love thecolor of youreyes.


Here's my bushy tail. :) Pretty cute, ey?


Your Friend,

Clinton you are never to big to have hugsand kisses and cudels! I am 7 years old and I still let my momma hugkiss and cudel me! You are so cute!


Sebastian's Little Girl
Dear Spice, Same thing I told Clinton.You have to let your momma cudel you. Everebodey needs love. Dont be sojelos if somebodey else gets all the snacks. Momma wont forget you! Youwill always have a momma for the rest of your life. I thik you are abutefull bunny!

Love, Sebastian's Little Girl