Dere Sebastian

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Dear Iszy, my favorite food is craisins and oats.I clean my own self and I think dirty girls are nasty. I think I shouldtell you the truth I have a thing for Cali. She has great big ears. Weboth have the same colored eyes too. Maybe some other time it wouldwork out to get together. Keep your chin up. And your chubs clean!

this is my craisin cabinet



PS- Carolyn, I have to go to school now but I will try to call you tonight. Love SLG
PS- Carolyn, I have to go to school now but I will try to call you tonight. Love SLG

I'll call you, Honey! Have a great day. Talk soon!


Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Dear Iszy, my favorite food is craisins and oats. I clean myown self and I think dirty girls are nasty. I think I should tell youthe truth I have a thing for Cali. She has great big ears. We both havethe same colored eyes too. Maybe some other time it would work out toget together. Keep your chin up. And your chubs clean!
Okay, maybe another time. :)
You guys are hilarious!

Personally, I think Spice has his sights set on Fauna. As for Mocha,well he's currently looking for a new owner, not a girlfriend! lol, Iswear he wants to be SLG's bunny!
Dear Sebastian's Little Girl and Sebastian,

I'm so bummed! Ijust went home for lunch to visit my babies and they're all So Sad andDepressed. They didn't want me to leave. Can't waitto get home tonight!

My poor babies.


Dear Sebastian,

Finally! Someone who's not afraid of a Big Woman!

I could use a Man like you in the house, Sebastian. I'd very much like to meet you.

:shock:Now BUNNIES get their ownidentities?! *Faints.* I'll never got Mocha and Spice off thisforum if they learn to type. ;)

I don't want to set a precedence, I just wanted to goof with SLG.

I shouldn't've - you're right.


I was just joking Carolyn. :)I think we all know why you did that, lol.
ROTFL! Too funny Lissa!

Dear Sebastian,

This is Fergi's mom and I was wondering if you could give me someadvice on how to make Fergi more loveable. She always runs away from meif I try to cuddle her and it makes me sad. Sebastian do you know how Ican tell Fergi I love her and just want to give her a big squeeze??

I appreciate your help Sebastian,

Fergi's mom


dictated by Sebastian's Little Girl-

First, you have to pick them up some way and give them somelove and show them the bunny, Fergi, how comfortable it is when theirowner holds them. Then they'll figure out that it feels good and thenthey'll start coming to you and you can start holding them more often.Figure out which way they like to be petted on their ears, their tummy,their feet or whichever parts of their body they like to be loved onthe most.

By Sebastian

I hold Sebastian whatever way he likes most. I can figure itout by every day I hold him a different way and whatever position helikes most, he stays inthe longest. Once the week goes by Ifigure out which way Sebastian was in my arms the longest and I holdhim that way mostly.

By Sebastian's Little Girl

I know everyone likes it when she types but when she thinks shehas to write a book it takes her three days! :shock:

By Sebastian's Little Girls Momma
That is because youtwo are spoiled rotten to the core, both of you are short, Sebastian isfuzzy, and you have horrible morningbreath!


Raspberry - I cannot believe you said that to your beautiful little girl and her amazing bunny.

SLG - I am sorry I haven't spoken to you recently. Have you andSebastian been playing any games today? Perry and Pernod have beenchasing each other around the house and they are driving us crazy. I amwaiting for them to get tired out, then I am going to put them to bed.I also have a budgie, and he has been cheeping away all night, so wecouldn't hear the TV. These creatures are starting to gang up on us:shock:. Anyhoo, you keep that mom of yours under control. Speaksoon. _ Jan
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
That is because you two arespoiled rotten to the core, both of you are short, Sebastian is fuzzy,and you have horrible morning breath!


How mean are you!?!?!! Shameful, I tell ya!

Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Dear Iszy, my favorite food is craisins and oats. I clean myown self and I think dirty girls are nasty. I think I should tell youthe truth I have a thing for Cali. She has great big ears. We both havethe same colored eyes too. Maybe some other time it would work out toget together. Keep your chin up. And your chubs clean!

this is my craisin cabinet

Dear Sebastian,

You have a cute little gray tail! You are all fuzzy and that's cute too :)

Bo doesn't like his nails trimmed. He gets all scared and nervous. Is there a way to calm him about this?

Bo doesn't like being tranced. He won't let me.

He likes Craisins also. His favorite breakfast treat is a piece of banana or some oats.

Dere Bo Sebastian Is Perrtey Good with Nails.Sometimes he Freak's O.U.T. out on his back ones. Did you know that 63+ 45 = 108. Sebastian likesBunhanaustoo .

Sebastian's Little Girl
Sebastians Little Girl wrote:
Dere Bo Sebastian Is Perrtey Good with Nails. Sometimes heFreak's O.U.T. out on his back ones. Did you know that 63 + 45 = 108.Sebastian likesBunhanaustoo .

Sebastian's Little Girl
Bo always freaks out! *sigh*

You are pretty good at math for your age, aren't you? Smarty girl!

Bunhanaus :) We call them NANANO's for bo :)

Hey! Peppy here...boy do I ever hate it whenmommy tries to cut my nails too. I know how Bo feels...I think him andI need to have an old fashion dukes of hazzard style showdown :p

But, I usually let her do it because if they dont get cut they'll get too long and hurt me.

P.S I don't like having another bunny here :(


Someone help!

Samson here....Peppy doesn't like me :( I tried to be his friend and hebit me in the face...I don't know what's wrong :( Do I smell? I feelbad, I wanted a friend and got rejected....:( How can I gethim to be friends with me??
