Well-Known Member
Sending good thoughts for a quick and healthy recovery.
I didn't about that Pam. Thanks for letting me me know so I canpray for him. For those of you who don't know, Danté comes from LeoCollins line of red mini wasn't sure if you had heard the news that Leo Collins hasbeen diagnosed with lung cancer. I saw him this weekend andhe looked really good and has a very positive outlook.
My horny rabbit's testicles have not descended yet!!! Yes, hard tobelieve a year and half old rabbit's jewels are still up too high.Therefore, Dr. Hutchinson did not have time to do the surgery on anon-jeweled rabbit. So now I have to reschedule the neuter and thesurgury will cost 175 instead of 95. Just when I thought I've heardeverything. Arrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!~
Why does it cost more?I have to reschedule the neuter and the surgurywill cost 175 instead of 95.