Daisy Mae

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Hurray! Tumnus and I love Daisy Mae videos!

You wont believe this, Susan, but he was in his condo when I played thevideo, and when he heard your voice he perked up and ran over to theside closest to me. I told him his lady was on the screen, he was veryexcited!
Haley wrote:
Happy Valentines Day, Daisy Mae! Im Twitterpated :bunnyheart


Love, Tumnus :heart:

:laugh:What a Face! Such a Babe!!

By the way, it's not nice to make fun of what my hair looks like in the morning!! :nonono:

Look at that beautiful girl!

That side part she has going on is very sexy!
Daisy Mae, my love, where are you?

This Lucy twerp is driving me bonkers! You need to come visit :kiss:

Love, Tumnus
Hi Mr Tumnus, I miss you. Can you tell your Mommie to give that Lucy to your two brothers so you can be all mine. I think you and I better start planning on how to meet, if we wait for our Mommies to do it we will end up old and gray.

Has your Mommie taken any Easter pictures of you yet? I need a new picture of you for my house. Did you send my Easter present up yet? Maybe the Easter Bunny will drop it off tome.

Hey Mr Tumnus have you signed up yet for the Bunny forum, Buttercup my big brother put a message on yesterday, he said I was too small to have my own I don't agree with him. Maybe you and I can send messages to each other, then we can figure out how to meet up with eachother.I better go now I hear Mommie coming up the stairs and we don't want her to figure out thatwe are going to elope.

Here's a picture of me Mommie took for you.

Love Always

Your Daisy Mae


Hey Mr Tumnus, Mommie just took this picture of me for you, my fur is a little messy because I just woke up.



aww Im going to print the first one for his condo. He needs a new pic of his lady in her Spring attire :D

Daisy Mae, Tumnus is in time out right now (I caught him chewing mywood furniture!) but he sends his love and says we'll get some handsomeeaster photos for you tomorrow!

PS. He loves this one. He said you mustve been dreaming of him:


So I went to Build A Bear today, Daisy Mae got a couple of things. Here she is in he Igloo, I think she likes it.



Oh that is just too cute!!! Love herin her Igoloo! And I Love the bows! Haven't putHolly's in yet.

Holly decided to knock her Princess Castle down LOL Bandithasn't really bothered with his Igloo yet. It's in his cagethough, I'm sure he'll play with it later.

Oooh! Tumnus and I think she looks beautiful! I love the bows and flowers, did you get them at build a bear as well??

Mr. Tumnus just asked me if he could have an igloo like his girlfriend. I told him we'll have to see...

Gorgeous photos though! This one is my favorite:


Give her lots of kisses from me and mr. T :kiss:

Hi Haley, yes I got the Igloo at Build A Bear. What a great store, they have the cutest stuffed bunnies.

You tell Mr Tumnus that he doesn't need his own Igloo, he can come and share Daisy Mae's.

Susan and Daisy Mae:bunnydance::bunnyheart
Thanks Mezeta, yes she's spoilt along with her two brothers Buttercup & Wilburand one sister Jackie.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

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