Daisy Mae

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gorgeous pic of Daisy Mae!

Is she a lionhead hotot mix? Its hard to see in the pics, but it lookslike she has those black rings around her eyes a bit..or am I seeingthings?

it makes those beautiful baby blues just stand right out!
Hi Haley, yes Daisy Mae has black rings aroundher eyes. I was wondering myself if shewasaHotot/Lionhead mix.

Here's a couple of closeups of Daisy Mae:






Haley, make sure Mr Tumnus sees them. Daisy requested thather boyfried print one and put it up in his cage so he has nice dreamsevery night.

I never saw these new pics..very cute! I just love Daisy Mae. :inlove:

Once I get my photo paper I will have to print out one for Mr. T ;)

Oh, and Soooska, I love your new avatar!
Ohh wow Daisy Mae is the most cutest little baby doll,she is really lovely!

i'm in love :inlove:

Susan..nice avatar..i just love those pictures :)

Thanks Cheryl, Daisy Mae"s a real cutie.

She doesn't like me to pick her up but it's ok if her "Daddy" doesthough. Go figure I was the one who picked her out.

Thanks about the avatar, Michaela did it for me. I'm good atsome computer things, but doing these fancy avatars is left to theYoungons. LOL

SOOOSKA wrote:
She doesn't like me to pick her up but it's ok if her"Daddy" does though. Go figure I was the one who picked herout.

Ahhhh..so somebunny's a daddy's little girl ;)

I love the last picture where you can see her cute wittle wips..so cute!

Ohh and this picture i love..sheis so pretty,and it looks like she is posing for the camera too!:)



Here's a new picture of Daisy Mae napping.



Haley show it to Mr Tumnus, this is Daisy Mae's sexy pose for him.
Aww that is so cute. I will definitely be showing mr. tumnus

I love her little hut (that is so cute how you painted her name on it).All Tumnus gets is a crappy little staples box..maybe I will have tospice it up a bit ;)
Tumnus and I have done some interior decorating:


He also has the one of her lounging in her hide-out on the other end of his cage (where he naps). So cute!
I love it. And Daisy Mae is soexcited. She loves:heartbeat: the picture of Mr Tumnussitting there in front of her picture.

He really is the cutest.

So here's my first picture with the new camera.


Here's my baby Daisy Mae resting dreaming about Mr Tumnus.



Lots more pictures to follow in the future.


Love the new pics!

Im sure your bunnies will love you being camera-happy with that thing!lol. I just love the one of Daisy Mae looking grouchy. You need to addthat to the Dissaproving Rabbits thread.

Give Daisy Mae kisses from me and Tumnus :kiss:
She is beautiful! And I love herlittle wooden house with her name on it! I can tell she's avery spoiled girl :)

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