Just thought I'd share whats going on in my life right now...I know I don't have any bunnies anymore but I do still enjoy this site as it is an animal forum

There's been a lot happening so I may miss out some important details or something, and I apologize in advance if you get confused.
First off, a couple weeks ago I decided it was time to inform my parents about me moving in with my fiance. I had no idea how they would take to such news as we have only been together since October of 2009 and I am only 19 years old. I was ready to be completely shunned, possibly have to deal with no financial help from them, basically I was ready for the worst. But to my great surprise and relief, they are completely okay with it! And they will still help with rent or anything else, like groceries, if needed! So needless to say I am extremely happy about that. Brandon's parents aren't too thrilled but hey, he is 22 years old so they will just have to get over it. They can't make the rules for him his entire life.
That happened two weeks ago. I was on vacation at the beach the 17th through the 24th and when I got back I immediately started packing my stuff up for the move this coming weekend. But my mom scheduled me to have my wisdom teeth removed on Monday the 26th, and a follow up appointment on the 2nd, so that makes things a bit more difficult. My mom works as a paramedic and her schedule is a bit crazy, she works every other weekend and my dad works Monday through Friday, so in order to get a weekend off where neither have to work before my college classes start, I have to move in this coming weekend. I have most packed except my clothes and other stuff I still need to use. I am going to start packing up clothes soon, and leave only enough unpacked that I need to hold me over until the 2nd.
On Monday I had my wisdom teeth removed, and everyone had been telling me I was going to be way out of it for a few days, but actually I feel quite normal so long as I take my pain meds. No drowsiness, no sleeping for hours on end, just some occasional jaw pain. And it takes me a very long time to eat anything, but that's okay, I need to go on a diet anyways lol.
I am very glad that I wasn't out for the past few days, because I have gotten a lot packed already. The plan is to move all my furniture and stuff to the apartment this coming Saturday, and anything else we might be able to fit in the car/uhaul, and then I come back home for my wisdom teeth followup appointment on the 2nd, and then I take everything else that is left back to Raleigh with me in my car. I hope that is all I have to do, because I have most of the furniture and I am bringing my dog and my fish back to Raleigh too. I don't want to have to make too many trips back and forth. Brandon has all the snakes and stuff, plus the cat, so hopefully he can get all that moved without my help. He will have his parents helping him, though I don't know how they'll do moving all the animals because they're not really snake people...Brandon is actually moving all his stuff this Saturday as well because that's the day his current lease runs out so he has to be completely done by that night. Saturday is going to be a really busy day...
Sorry if this post seems a bit ramble-y, but I am not the best at explaining things, especially when there is so much to say!