Well-Known Member
TF - thank you for such an informative and helpful post.
Money is tight, and I doubt anyone on here wants to buy my bunnies. I do love them but I have other priorities right now in my life that, I'm sorry to say, take precedence over the bunnies. This is the first time I have ever seriously considered selling any of my pets. I wish I could keep them but the cleaning and constant supervision outside the cage they need is just getting to be too much. Turn my back for an instant and they're trying to chew things they ought not be chewing. They've started trying to fight through their cages too, and they smell so strongly you can smell it through the closed door. I clean them daily and it doesn't seem to do any good. Its just too much. I didn't realize how bad their habits would get after maturity, but you live and you learn I suppose. I wont be getting any more bunnies after this, that's for sure. They're just not the pet for me.
I have at this point read carefully everyone's stances on the original question. I also posted my own opinion. One question I have is this-- if you've ever sold an animal you no longer wanted, desired, or felt you could care for, then do you have a right to comment about others selling? Regardless the reason? It's drawing lines... and where do you stop? If it's okay to sell your snakes because a bad break up has put the financial stress on you then is it also okay to sell your snakes because of a marriage to a person who doesn't like them? Is it okay to sell them because you want a jet ski or a more expensive car? What if you just found out your wife is pregnant-- with twins??? What if you lose your job? What if you want to take a job that is lower pay, voluntarily? With regards to the "herp of the moment," well... I bought a crested gecko pair in December of 2007. I enjoy them and have used them in educational situations. I hope at some point to breed them. They are well cared for and live in an appropriate cage. So what if they are the "herp of the moment?" If I can care for them well, then does it really matter? I guess my point is that each of us has our own reasons for getting into the hobby, and many got into it at an early age. It appears that many of us have once or twice purchased an animal only to find out that it did not meet our needs, goals, or expectations, and have then sold it to a different owner. We each have our own ideas about what is the right or wrong reason to sell an animal. It doesn't mean one is better than the other... just different. Tara and I debtated this the other day. She made a comment about a person that had put their collection up for sale for a reason she found ridiculous and stupid. I mentioned to her that she had sold a snake once because it was a biter, and yet I have three biters living under my roof who I can't and won't sell because I'm far too attached-- to me, selling a biter is like putting up for adoption the child that wets the bed at night. I may not agree with her decision, but I don't judge Tara for that, and I won't judge anyone else. If you're doing what's right by the animal, that's really all we can ask.