CrystalBalls Babies

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I have started to transition hertoday. So hopefully within a couple weeks she'll be fully onthe Timothy pellets. Then no more worries. Theyjust love being in that cage together.

They went in to the living room for like 10 mins, now they're back in the cage together.
There has been so much successful bonding goingon lately! They are such a cute couple too. And I nevernoticed that the castles had matching pillows too, very neat!
It's funny about the pillows. Sooskamade them for them, before I even bought the castle and igloo and I wasthinking when I bought them, but they match perfectly.
Two LAZY Bunnies!! Holly has becomequite the lazy bum like Bandit, since she moved in with him.I think she enjoys all the room she has her in new cage?!Bandit, well he's always been quite lazy :)





I missed this! They're so adorable together. Itjust melts my heart when I hear about new bondings.

You've done such a great job with them. I'll bet they're so happy.
Aww Thanks Snuggy's!! It actuallywasn't a whole lot of work to Bond these two. They lovedeachother from the start. They sure love being together allthe time. I think Holly really enjoys the big cage she getsto hang out in now (the one she was in before was small, but it had todo until after she was spayed)
Well it's official, I have the 2 most Laziestbunnies around. Since I've put Holly in with Bandit theyhardly leave the cage. Maybe for a couple mins then they'reback in laying together again. Crazy Bunnies!!


Oh and they're Daddy made a little Ramp so Holly can get to the 2ndLevel of the cage too. Bandit can on his own, but Hollycan't. She hasn't tried it out yet, but she's checking it outfiguring out what to do with it.



Oh wow, I have been missing some blogs lately! I am so happy to see these two successfully bonded. They look so happy together.


This will make them easier to bunnynap. A two for one deal :D
I live close to Crystal, I'll make you a deal I will bunny nap them for you, but you have to give me Mr Tumnus. LOL

LOL Thanks Haley, they bonded reallyeasily. I'm very pleased, they sure do loveeachother. They don't pay attention to me anymore, and suredon't come out to play. They're such lazy buns!

Note to self: Must put extra deadbolt on my door and watch Susanlikea hawk when she visits!! LOL (Although, good luck gettingat them in their cage anyways hehehe)
Crystalballl wrote:
LOL Thanks Haley, they bonded really easily. I'mvery pleased, they sure do love eachother. They don't payattention to me anymore, and sure don't come out to play.They're such lazy buns!

Note to self: Must put extra deadbolt on my door and watch Susanlikea hawk when she visits!! LOL (Although, good luck gettingat them in their cage anyways hehehe)
Ummm Susan, you can bunnynap them and then it will be easier for me to bunnynap them and Daisy Mae for Tumnus :)

And I know just how you feel Crystal, once they are bonded theycompletely ignore you! I try not to be a jealous mommy, but I have toadmit, sometimes Im jealous :embarrassed: