CrystalBalls Babies

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Great pics!!

It's funny how well we know our rabbits. I know that if Iever were to put the cottage where you did in Holly's cage, the firstthing Misty would do is climb to the top like Holly did... and themjump over the side and out of the cage. Charlie would go upto the top, but he would be too scared to jump off... but he wouldcomtemplate it.


I might get one for my two - it looks like they are having a blast. You got 2 of them?

I was worried at first Holly might attempt tojump off. But it's way too big of a jump for her.She loves her cottage though. Bandit hasn't ventured to thevery top of his yet. Holly loves her's. Bandit isstill trying to figure his out I think lol Yes they each gotone.
I met Crystal's Babies today, they are thecutest bunnies. I even got to hold Holly, she's a tinybunny. I wanted to leave with her but I couldn't get Crystalto leave the room long enough.

Bandit was adorable too, I got to give him a quick nose rub then he ranaway. He reminds me of my two Wilbur & Jackie, Ithink their moto is look but don't touch. He's got thesebeautiful BIG ears and the cutes MOO face.

Well Bandit and Holly got more presents the other day when we went out to Build A Bear.

Here's Bandit with his Igloo:


And this is Holly's Princess Castle. I'll get pics of her in it when she's all better:


And this is just cute, Holly watching the Simpsons :):


I never thought of going to build a bear for rabbit things. That's a great idea.

I love how you have things blocked off in your house. Cute and imaginative!
Yea they have some cute houses and stuff forthem. I even bought Bandit a little Yellow Construction HardHat. I still haven't got pics. He's Daddy's littlehelper hehehe

Yea excuse the mess of the place. Kinda messy, but yes thoseLattice pieces are always in front of the tv Stand. Banditlikes to go behind there, and chew.We learned that reallyquick!
Build A Bear ear bands make for cute pics, too!


They're like ponytail holders and Snuggy didn't mind wearingthem. Don't worry - I took them off as soon as I took thepic.

I NEED to go to Build-a-Bear. They are all so far away :(, but I will make the trip for so many cute things!!!

I love the stuff you got them!!

You definitely have to check outBuild-A-Bear. Bandit LOVES his Igloo and Holly is always inher Princess Castle. And they were so cheap! Ithink Holly's castle was more expensive. I think I paid $18for it. But the Igloo was only $12.50



New Living Arrangements!

After having Holly and Bandit out together all day playing I decided tomove Holly in to Bandit's cage. They've never faught before,and they've bonded really well. They both seem sohappy. Holly has been in his cage a few times before whilethey were out playing she found it and checked it out.

They both seem quite content, snuggling together. My onlyconcern is Bandit and Holly aren't on the same Pellets. She'sstill on alfalfa. I'm going to start transitioning her to theTimothy tomorrow, but Bandit keeps eating her pellets. Isit okay if he eats some until she's fully transitioned?These new living arrangements will make life so much easier.They both seem so happy to be together for bedtime.

I've put Holly's food bowl, Water bottle, litterbox in thecage. I've put her litterbox in the same corner it would'vebeen in her old cage. I hope she goes to it.

Here's a pic, her litterbox is in behind her castle:


Here's a couple other cute pics from today

Bandit Flop:


And Holly in the cage before the official "move in":


Success! They had their official "sleepover" last night :)

I checked on them a bunch of times and they seemed to be so happytogether. They made a little bit of mess, but that'sokay. They're cage/litterboxes will be cleanedtoday.

Here they are together in "their" cage:


Congratulations,you must now have a "Wedding Ceremony" for them.

They look so happy.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart


Did Holly try to jump on the second level?
Thank You :)

It's funny, I opened the door this morning when I get up as usual andBandit usually is out in to the livingroom in like a minute.Well they're both still laying together in the cage hehehe Socute!!! I guess I should stop saying "Your brother", or "Yoursister", cuz thats what they are to me lol Oh well.On to the Food Transitioning. Hopefully she takes to it asgreat as Bandit did. I think he ate quite a bit of her food,little bugger.

No I don't think she tried going up to the top level. I'llsee if Chris can rig up something for her this weekend.

OOH, Wow, I missed all this action! That's great that they are 100% together now. YAYA


Their cage setup looks great. I think it shoul dbe fine forBandit to sneak some of the alfalfa pellets, but just keep trying toswitch Holly over asap.

More pictures!!!
