Critical Care

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Nov 6, 2014
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Hey everyone!
One of my buns - Latte - had a visit to the vet yesterday because of a few different issues. He was placed on two different medications to encourage his bowel movements and his bladder. The vet also gave me some critical care formula - I was told to give him 25 ml 3x per day. I just wanted to know which ratio of formula to water I should make. I remember her saying 15 ml of the formula, but the bag says otherwise on the back.. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I will usually do 1.5tbsp and add small amounts of water until I get the consistency I want. You want it to have a cow patty consistency. Smooth enough to go through a syringe but not too watery.
Because Critical care absorbs so much liquid I tend to make it more watery than thick; it is much easier to syringe feed when thinner. I also use a blender to thin it down. I have never followed the bag instructions. If Critical care is not allowed to soak up fluids prior to feeding it has the potential of actually dehydrating a rabbit who probably already is dehydrated.

I also do not feed the whole amount at one time but feed small amounts every few hours. I try to gauge the stress level of the rabbit. If I am feeding a large amount of CC into a rabbit that is strongly resisting it I worry how that will impact digestion. You need to keep their guts moving but also keep the stress level of feeding at a minimum
It's okay if you don't have the ratio exactly right. Most people just do it until it seems right. Generally I put some critical care in a bowl and then use my syringe to stir it, adding water gradually. Once it's thin enough that you can suck it up into the syringe without it getting clogged, it's ready. About the consistency of applesauce.

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