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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Marseilles, Illinois, USA
Ok I know you can feed craisins tobunnies....but can they have regular fresh cranberries?Curious to know BEFORE I try them with miss Mopsy
I don't see why not, except that freshcranberries are considerably more sour and acidic than craisins so shemight not like them. Worth a try though! :twocents

Snuggys Mom wrote:
I don't see cranberries on the safe foods list.

Aren't they kind of hard?
I found them listed on a couple of other safe lists.
And I was thinking they might be a bit on the hard side, too. I'd beafraid that the bun might swallow one whole and get it stuck.
Yes, cranberries are alright for bunnies, but Wiley doesn't like them.

I know a couple people who give fresh cranberries to there Bunnies andthey love them. She cuts them into little pieces and mixes them withthere food for a special treat.

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