Retired Moderator
I was thinking about getting a Cottontail Cottage...
or something else similar to it for Morgan, now that he free-ranges in the bunny room.
For those with the cottontail cottage...is it roomy for the bunnies? How do they get up to the 2nd level? How long does it last until you're rabbit destroyed it?
If you don't have a cottontail cottage, what do you have?
Pictures welcomed
ETA:....I just found this (http://www.catsandrabbitsandmore.com/inc/sdetail/41002) and it looks MUCH cooler :coolness:.
or something else similar to it for Morgan, now that he free-ranges in the bunny room.
For those with the cottontail cottage...is it roomy for the bunnies? How do they get up to the 2nd level? How long does it last until you're rabbit destroyed it?
If you don't have a cottontail cottage, what do you have?
Pictures welcomed
ETA:....I just found this (http://www.catsandrabbitsandmore.com/inc/sdetail/41002) and it looks MUCH cooler :coolness:.