Corky's in surgery....

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mambo101 wrote:
Ijust can't look at those picturesof the stitches and thinkafter all this bunny has been through, it's gonna make it.:wink:
Oh he's not givin up anytime soon...he's got all his spunk andorneriness..the vet was amazed yesterday at how he bounced back. Hecame thru this better than the other male did a neuter! Has had moreenergy etc..this morning he just sat and gave himself a I think he's happy about that! The kitten collar kept thelampshade on all nite so the spot he's been buggin looks much betterthis morning since he couldn't get to it!

Thanks all for the kind really means alot and has helped methru this..its been a rough few weeks and its not over yet, but himcoming thru this surgery so easily has really helped me feel alotbetter about things.

Having people that really understand to vent with and encourage me and not let me get down has meant more than you can know.

Corky says thanks for all the good vibes, thoughts and prayers, andsends out bunny kisses for all...he seems to have quite the surplussince surgery! :angel:
I'm dancing for Corky!!



Go Corky! Go Corky! Go Corky!
Well, I'm seeing alot of puss come out aroundpart of the wound...doc said he figured that'd happen....I guessitsa good thing...that much less left inside that couldpotentially become active again!

Took him to the farmers market this morning, got one of those coolersthat are made out of material that you can take lunches in one that holds like 12 cans maybe..put a towel in it,threw it up over my head/around shoulders and he rode in that....forthe most part he seemed to enjoy it....but he was worn out when we gothome!
What amazes me is how happy he seems thru allthis. (doc thought after surgery I wouldn't see happy bunny for a fewdays, but I saw him that nite!)..the only time he truly wasn't himselfis when I was syringe feeding and he was on deaths door...and I reallythought after this surgery he'd be down a bit...specially with his"lampshade"...this new one he is ok with and is fine with me putting itback on...he's really taken all this in stride....just amazes me thatpsychologically he's this strong.....He's had every reason to get downon life...instead he continues to give me a hard time!!! He's actuallykinda frustrated that I won't let him jump around and act all silly allthe time!

Geesh...crazy guy!!!
Time for an update.....its been awhile since hissurgery and about 2 weeks since his last's some updated picsshowing progress...

Here's the tummy...there's 3 holes that are still can kinda see white gunk in one of em..its real stringyand not wanting to come out..I'm afraid its still attached to sometissue, so I'll let Dr Mark deal with that one tomorrow when we go infor a follow up:


Here's the can kinda see the lil spot thats still left toheal, but overall it looks great, even starting to get some hairback....looks like some is even coming in white...he may end up withsome real neat markings from all this, battle wounds as I call em.. ;)


And here's a pic of his lil face...he wanted to say thanks to everyonefor their healing thoughts and good wishes.....says he and mom couldn'thave done it w/out all your support!


Oh, Corky looks so much better - you can see howbig the infection was, poor little soul! Yeah, I would let Dr Mark seeto the gunk left in the wound, especially if it looks like it won'tcome out easily. And look at that precious face - I still think heshould come to the UK on an extended stay;) - Jan
Wow, what a shame it costs so much to I'll have to take a rain check...:pBut thanks for theoffer...I fear I may have enough trouble getting him back from Dr Markwhen he takes care of him while I'm gone for a couple days!!! :shock:
I am so pleased how well Corky is doing.He is such a sweetheart. He has been through so much and is still assweet as ever. Hugs and kisses for Corky from all of us at theAcres.

Corky should be on one of those amazing animalshows. He's been thru multiple surgeries and been so awesome thruit.. ppl normally dont even do that well!! Keep goin strongCorky :)
Had another vet visit today and it all wentwell...we're getting there!! He's still not 100% sure hewon't have to go in and close the wounds on his tummy from all thedraining, but we're hoping that it'll close up on its own like the oneon his side is doing once the rest of the infection is out.... :)

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