Corky's in surgery....

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Please don't be mad at yourself !!!!

The most important thing is that, in the end you did find it, and Iknow that he's been through a rough ride, but I have a feeling, if itwasn't for you then perhaps Corky would not have made it.

From the way Corky has been reacting to his treatment, and how stronghe has been, it can mean that he knows that you are helping him, and byhim fighting this, shows you that he is not going to give up either. AsI have already said, he loves his mum and HE IS a fighter.
Let that go, Dear Heart. You would'vetaken care of it had you have known it gotten to this point.Corky's forgiven you. You being upset and angry at yourselfis negativity that he'll pick up on. You've gone 100 extramiles for this little guy and he knows it. A lot of otherpeople would've given up on him by now, but you neverhave.

Remind yourself that he's okay and he's in good hands. Yourdoctor was very wise not to do the neutering too. Thatwould've been an awful lot for the little guy. He'll use hisleg again, just not at this point in time. With the way he'sgoing to be getting waited on, loved, and treats, he'll forget whatit's like to do for himself.

I know what you mean, but it's unfair to you and I know that Corky,most of all, loves you and doesn't want to see you being treat the wayyour treating yourself. It's time for forgiveness.

We all learn, unfortunately sometimes, the hard way. Corky'sjourney was one that has been a great lesson and given great comfort toall of us. Perhaps that was his gift to you and the membersof this forum. Perhaps it's not about what you didn't do, butwhat he's teaching us along the way.

Take it easy on yourself. You're upset enough and you don'tneed to keep punishing yourself the way you are. It's notgoing to do Corky or you any good to have that sort of vibe in thehouse.

Hun, do you dare be mad at yourself overthis. Rabbits are masters of disguise when it comes to hidingpain and illness, so an illness might have been ongoing by the time weas owners even notice. Corky knows you love him he is goingto to his best to get better for his bunnymommy. :)
Thank you Carolyn! I have been saying the same things to her in chat.

And even the vet said most people wouldnt have caught as soon as youdid PGG! Remember? He said they wouldnt know until it was a lotworse!!!!!


he's gonna be ok :)
So glad she has you to talk to, Rowena.


-Carolyn're not failing him now. It's not like you knew, but didn't do anything.

A very wise and caring person once told me "Don't wear the hair shirt".;)

There is an old saying: "Don't wear the Hair Shirt."

It comes from a long time ago in our history.

When someone would commit a crime, they had to wear a hair shirt. TheHair Shirt was a shirtmade with a very course hair. It was tobe worn with the hair against the person's skin. The criminal wouldhave to wear it as punishment for a specified amount of time. The HairShirt was most uncomfortable as it hurt, it itched, it was heavy, andit was a symbol to the rest of the community that this person was bad.

* * * * * * * * * *

You've felt the pain, you are forgiven, now it's time you continue to be the Good person that you are.

"Don't wear the hair shirt."

No it hasn't. been a good day in bunny land.. :( :(

I just snuck out of work and went to see him..and he ate forme!!!!!! His lil side is a mess (I'll try to get pics later)and he can't use his front leg...hopefully that skin will stretch...buthe ate...Doc was VERY happy to see that and says he thinks we won thisround. ;) Said he's prolly the toughest lil bunny he's ever seen...I dofeel better after seeing him...He's gonna get TONS of snuggles tonite!

Thanks all for the kind words...I feel a lil better after seeinghim...I'm not constantly so hard on myself...just when I get news likethis...he had been doing SO good that I'd almost forgiven myself....Butseeing him eat almost made me cry...and when I picked him up hesnuggled right into me. :) :)
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
But seeing him eat almost made me cry...and when I pickedhim up he snuggled right into me. :) :)

That little guy would do anything for you, PuterGeekGirl. He adores you.

Eating is a Huge Plus, and hearing that the Doc says we won this one is what brought made my heart skip a beat.

Yeah, it helps alot...he really thinks we can beat this thing...said its gonna be tough..but thinks it can be done.

I'm taking tomorrow off to hang out with my son before he goes to hisdad's for 2 weeks, so Corky will get lots of extra snuggles and lovestonite and tomorrow....then the weekend...hopefully by Monday he'll befeelin a bit better!
Oh PGG, don't blame yourself. You'vedone and continue to do everything you possibly can forCorky. He's alucky little guy to have a mommy whocares so much for him. I'll say some prayers for him.

Well, we're home and he actually seems to bedoing well...he has to wear a lamp shade thing over his head as he'strying to mess with the stitches. He was sitting on mechowing...wanting to be VERY active so I put him in the playpen and hepromptly started messing with his I had to put hislampshade back on. Doc said if I'm with him I can take it off...buthe's too active right now and didn't wanna sit. So I'll takeit off later and cuddle...He's laying down right now and actually seemsfairly content (as much as he can stretch out with that thing on hishead and the leg pulling)....all in all he seems to be doing prettywell...I'm suprised at how he seems.
I think if there was a Bunny Bravery Award,Corky would have it. What a trooper he is. The way things have beengoing on the board today, this is good news. I'm pleased he's home withhis mom getting cuddles. I'm saying a prayer for him andyou. - jan
Why are you surprised at how well he's doing?Corky's a strong little bunny! And he obviously loves his momma! He'sdoing his best to show his love for you so please don't blame yourself.You have gone above and beyond the call of any parent. No one should beasked to go through all of this and you have come through with flyingcolors.

Suprised cuz Doc said he'd be in alot of pain,and he really doesn't seem to be too bad in that regard.Hopefully it won't be bad in the morning, but I've pain killers for himeither way. He said he'd be suprised if he's "happy bunny" in the nextfew days...and other than the lamp shade thing he's wearing..he'sgreat. He'd be in real good shape if he didn't have that todeal with!
Oh finally some good news. Corky isreally a little trooper!! What a tough guy. Youhave to love the E-Collars (lampshade), they are such a pain.LOL

cirrustwi wrote:
Oh finally some good news. Corky is really alittle trooper!! What a tough guy. You have to lovethe E-Collars (lampshade), they are such a pain. LOL

Excuse my ignorance, but what is the purpose of those things anyway?:ponder:

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