Corky's in surgery....

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Corky's Cave, , USA
He is in having surgery today...I'm scared todeath and it was one of the hardest things I've done leaving himthere...I told Dr Mark I wasn't ready for this...he said he'd call assoon as he's done, even if Corky's not awake yet. I tookquite the mixture for him of things to eat when he wakes up...hopefullyhe'll like something out of all of it! I cried all the way towork....

Hang in there Corky...Mom loves you!
Corky will be fine, Mom. Don't youworry your pretty head. After what that little Strong Man hasbeen through, this surgery is a piece of cake.

I'm not taking it lightly, but I do have such belief and hope for Corkythat I refuse to believe he'll be anything but 100% better when the dayis done.

Please keep us posted.

I know how you feel it's a very anxious time butit will all be over soon'try not to worry to much i know thats easiersaid than done.Thinking of you and little Corky:4hearts:
you just have to think, that at the end of theday you are giving him the best possibleresources to be happyand healthy. Just think that if he were in another home (not anyone'shomes on here of course! :))he maybe wouldn't have gotten thesame quality of should be proud that you are such a goodbunny mommy and know you are doing the best you can for him..and he'salready made it thru several hurdles, sohe'll be a champ withthis one!

*GULP*.....i know how you feel PGG. Ibawled my eyes out whenever I had to leave my dog at the vet just forx-rays! I was a wreck when Ellie got spayed.

Sending good thoughts to you and Corky

I just called and he hasn't even gone in yet!BAH!!! They took my # again and will call as soon as hedoes...she thought he would be in shortly...I think he was a lastminute I'm guessing hes gotta work around things.
FreddysMom wrote:
you just have to think, that at the end of the day you aregiving him the best possible resources to be happy and healthy. Justthink that if he were in another home (not anyone's homes on here ofcourse! :)) he maybe wouldn't have gotten the same quality should be proud that you are such a good bunny mommy andknow you are doing the best you can for him..and he's already made itthru several hurdles, so he'll be a champ with this one!

I totally agree with FreddysMom !!!! Corky will make it. He's a strong boy who obviously loves his Mom very much !!!!
Good luck to Corky! When my boys got neutered Iwas so worried, and I may have called the vet a bit *too* much. Butthey both came out wonderfully, as I'm sure Corky will!
I'd be much better if it was just a neuter...butafter all we've been thru the last 3 weeks, almost loosing himetc...I'm pretty scared...the neuter is just being done cuz he'llalready be out for the other things....I'd still be worried if it was aneuter..but he's having fairly major surgery to get out infection andclose up a large wound.
I'm SO mad at myself for not having caught this sooner....

Here's the update:

Docsaid it was a real mess in there....he wasn't able to get all the
infection out,he thinks its sterile, but it could become active again
at anytime....he's sending tissue out for a culture. If it hasn't comeback within about 6 months we should be fairly safe that it won't.

right now he won't be able to use his right leg, and if the skin
doesnt stretch he may have to do a skin graph later to make it

didnt do the neuter today cuz he didnt want him out any longer than
he already was....but he did do very well with the anestesia...

he prolly has close to 100 stitches and will have to wear a thing
around his head to keep from pulling those, if i have him out he
doesnt have to have it on, but he cant be left alone for even 5
minutes w/out it. i also have to take him back every other day for
checkups as he wants to do so to avoid complications.

Why are you mad at yourself? What did you do wrong? How were you to know??

Carolyn wrote:
Whyare you mad at yourself? What did you do wrong? Howwere you to know??

Because he depends on me...he couldn't tell me....thats why I'm somad...I feel like I should have caught it eariler. I feellike I failed him somehow and he's going thru all this pain because ofme...its gonna tear me up to see him not able to use that leg....

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