Considering Breeding Dwarf Rabbits

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Apr 13, 2016
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So my boyfriend and I recently started a rabbit colony.. We typically breed medium sized rabbits (Champagnes and New Zealand reds), but we also have a breeding trio of Flemish Giants because we noticed that they are in high demand in our area as breeders or farm/house pets and we use the money from selling them to expand our operation, pay for the food, and to help with our farm status application.

I've started hearing that dwarf rabbits are also in demand, and am considering picking up a breeding pair of dwarves at the auction next weekend for the same purpose - pay the bills and contribute to our farm status application. Can anyone tell me if they are popular enough for this to be a worthwhile venture? I know from experience that it can be hard to sell certain breeds (like NZW or mixed breed meat rabbits).. Do you find that people are more interested in dwarf rabbits? Also, are there any major differences breeding them compared to medium or large sized rabbits? What age can you breed a female?

Thanks in advance :)
If you're talking about Netherland Dwarfs, I'm a little surprised they are that popular. You see 'dwarfs' in pet stores but that typically means it's a small breed rabbit, not that specific breed. In our area lops are very popular as pets, mainly Hollands. I wouldn't normally recommend an ND to a first time rabbit owner because they can be temperamental.
Honestly we'd never even thought about dwarves until we started getting repeated emails/phone calls asking if we had any available. It seems like Flemish and dwarfare what we get asked for the most, but we get a few for dwarves. The flemish are at least a dual purpose for us, as they can be both meat or sold for pets/breeding, and we really need those sales for our farm status application. Dwarf rabbits would be strictly pets obviously. What about mini lops or lion heads? When you say they dont have the best temperament, do you mean that they bite or are just too energetic? Anything small that you would recommend for temperament?

Thanks for the help!
Lionheads tend to be popular. And yes, ND's have been known to bite or be obstinate, and they can be active. We raise Polish and they make good pets. They get to 2-3 lbs max and are pretty docile. The youngsters can be a little more active but make good lap bunnies. Get parents with a good disposition, which is true of any breed you want to use for pets...and Polish are actually considered a commercial small breed rabbit.
Thanks majorv! I had a girl come over to check out my rabbits the other day and it turns out that she used to breed ND. Between what I've been hearing on here and what she told me (that they wont hesitate to bite and have drawn blood on her), I'll likely be moving towards one of the other breeds.. Polish are pretty difficult to find here, but we've narrowed it down to the following..

Dutch: Not as easy to find here, but have seen some. I've been told that if you can't sell them all then they can still make a decent meat rabbit. Not too big, good personality and good mothers.

Lionhead: Possibly, but I've heard that they require quite a bit of grooming maintenance?

Holland Lop: Seemingly popular, but not sure about the personalities or mothering abilities.

Anyone have any input that might help?
Dutch are another pretty good choice. They're a little bigger than Polish and can be good pets. We actually considered showing Dutch, and had one for awhile, but ended up with Tans and, later, added Polish. Skinheads are good as pets but do require grooming.
She meant lionheads lol

I say out of those I would recommend Dutch. It is very easy to get litters of 6-10 babies and they are VERY good mothers

Hollands are a pretty active breed. I don't hear much about them biting mostly that they are docile but can be hyper. I'm not sure of mothering ability but googling raising and breeding Hollands from other breeders websites say that they can have 4-8 babies. I can't find specific info about mothering ability so that must mean they're good. Mostly people say breeding for show is more difficult

As far as dwarfs go I wouldn't do it unless you absolutely love the breed. Not only are they temperamental but they can have bad mothering skills and difficult births. Plus litters range from 1-4 kits
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