Congratulations to Barack Obama, Joe Biden & the Democrat party

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
While I did not vote for President-elect Obama, I want to congratulate him, his ticket, his party - and even his supporters here on RO.

I love what I've been hearing lately from various people about how America is like an eagle - we need a left wing and a right wing in order to fly...and how there is a place in our country for BOTH wings. I think it is so true.

I thought that Senator McCain's concession speech was very gracious and based upon the commentators I was listening to - the people at President-elect Obama's party were listening and they were waving their flags and there were no boos during the speech. I do believe that Senator McCain will do what he can to reach across the aisle to work with Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the other democrats.

Watching this all unfold tonight though - made me think that congratulations are in order for something else - and that is how we - as the American people - can come together and vote and bring about change in a peaceful (mostly peaceful?) manner.

It is my hope and prayers that now that we've had our election - both the right wing, the left wing, and the centrists will come together to work for the good of our country.

Just my .02

Thank you! :hug:I voted for Obama. I agree that McCain's speech was verynice.

Tonight was truly amazing!

My boyfriend works in down town Kansas City for USPS. All of the residents are minorites. (Curtis is a blue eyed red head) They all harassed him about the election, and who he voted for. We all know this is a rude question. He got so fed up, he finally asked them why they voted for Obama. 100% of those people said they voted for him because he was black too.

I'm hispanic. If a hispanic candidate came up, I would vote on issues, not race.

It angers me that votes like that were counted tonight. I praied last night that the right leader would be choosen.

I hope that Obama can lead this nation into stability. I wish him luck and his family congrats on their historic victory.
I am so very happy for Obama right now, it isn't funny! I think he can bring change and I also think he is such a personable person, which is great to see in a leader!:D

Another thing, when he did his speech tonight, wow, he doesn't need a speech, he just goes out and talks to us, the people! I think he's awsome!
You know, I think there were a lot of people who voted for him due to their race and I know a lot of people in areas that normally don't have good voter turn out - had a huge turn out. Thinking about it........maybe they did vote for issues but don't say it in such a way? I think Obama understands better than anyone BOTH sides of the coin. Ya know?

My heart tells me that whatever the reason, he was SUPPOSED to be elected. He's stirred up a huge political awareness (and it was him before Palin was known at all!) and that's such a great thing! I saw kids reading books, newspapers, and all sorts of info on him..... KIDS! like Lexi! how awesome is it that we have children THAT involved/interested in politics and who runs our country! We've talked about it a lot.

This is coming from someone who HATED Obama originally. I wanted Hillary and Evan Bayh on the ticket. (Yeah she's a witch but she'd have been a good president! and Evan is a great guy!)

I've always said that McCain is a great person, a hero to Americans and such a funny guy! He's someone I admire, but not for what we need right now. Had he run at another time, I'd have probably voted for him (if that Palin hadn't been his runningmate LOL) had it not been such a time that we need NEW ideas and hope.

I haven't seen his speech as I went to bed and slept like a rock for a few hours.

Indiana is so close they don't know which way we voted for sure yet. It looks to be Democratic..... that's so weird!

Peg, I love the eagle! It's true! very true and I thing that maybe for once we might have a combination of right and left wings all under a single party name..... I really think it's going to balance things out and I think we are going to see GOOD things coming. I pray so at least. I don't think Obama is as left as everyone thinks he is... I think he'll be more of a moderate in his leadership.

Ok, done rambling! It's been great talking about this stuff with all of you tho :)
I grew up democrat and this is the first democratic presidential nominee I did not want to vote for. Mainly because from one month to the next he changed his stance on nearly everything to please the polls. It saddens me when I ask most liberals who voted for Obama why they chose him, their only response is, because he stands for change. He's such a nice guy. Nothing about the issues he will be putting through in office, nothing about the changes he wants to make that don't make any practical sense.. how will it be a good thing to decrease our military by 25% while we're still involved with Iraq and now Russia is given weapons to Iran.

What troubles me the most is the fact that our government as of tonight is not a democracy anymore. It is a 1 party rule throughout. Congress majority is dems, president, vp, cabinet, senate. So there is no two wings to make the eagle anymore. The dems will be able to pass whatever they want to without any opposition. This is scary, two sided government is what makes us America. I'll never forget when the Dems in congress tried to pass a law that allowed welfare to be given to all illegal aliens. How can they allow this when even starving, broke, sick American citizens cannot get welfare unless they are pregnant or a minority. I can't help but feel very nervous about these things.. one party should not be able to pass whatever they want without facing any opposition. How is this hope?

I genuinely hope Obama doesn't do anything to horrible or dangerous. I think he has some great ideas, but I don't see how they will be put into place without causing a lot of problems. I really hope it all works out well. I also think it is worrisome that America doesn't care about having a President who's political experience was only a short stint in the senate passing legislation that the majority of McCain had brought to the table himself.

I would never vote for someone solely on the color of their skin. This is racism. Nor would I solely vote for someone based on their sex. This is sexism. I vote based on proven ability to be the best at the job hired for.

That said, the next couple of years will certainly be interesting. I'm hoping for the best. I followed Obama every step of the way, every speech, every interview, and I'm pretty nervous.

A good guy doesn't give millions to a fraudulent voter scam organization (Acorn), or find cheaty illegal ways to be able to accept WAY more campaign money than is allowed, tens of millions more than is allowed by way of fake name donations and out of the country donations. There are too many behind the scenes actions that make him look not so holy for me to see him with rose colored glasses.
The results took so long to get in it was well into the night here in the UK before we even got the earlier state's results, so I gave in and retired to bed. So it was a bit nerve-wracking when I woke up this morning to turn on the news and see who had gotten in.:shock:However I am SO pleased that Obama is in. A big sigh of relief from me and my side of the world!:D

I did, however, feel sorry for McCain in his concession speech. He is a good guy, just a bit too conservative for me, and of course his horrible VP candidate let him down a lot (but let's not bring up bad memories.;))

Congratulations guys!:D

I think when asked, people give the short answer...... I believe change is what some of his policy/ideas are. So it's easier to say change than to list those things.

I personally like the idea that he's planning to do away with some of the tax breaks to some of the large corporations, and wealthier individuals.

I didn't like McCain's plans for a health insurance credit.... we'll see what Obama does...

He won't be able to do anything too radical because eventhough it's all democrats now, there are still republicans and democrats that will voice their stance, what the people want and all that.

And sadly, I believe that if he tried to be too radical..... something would happen to him.

I did just watch McCain's speech and he was very gracious and his speaking about the whole making history thing.... That was awesome.

God Bless the USA for the rights we have. One being the right to vote and another the right to speak our minds. The people have spoken and we want change. Hopefully it is the best. If not this country will get by and we will eventually find that right path as we have always done.

I have to say this again it will take more than 4 years to make all the change that this country needs. It may also get a lot worse before it gets better but it will get better.

I want to repeat something that Obama said. "We have never been a just collection of individuals orof red or blue states we are and always will bethe United States of America."

I may not agree with a lot of what Bush did, I may not agree with what McCain and Palin wanted, I may notbe happy about every choice Obama makes from this day outbut no matter what I am VERY proud of my country, Very proud of what this country stands for, I am proud to be an American. I proud to say that I live in a country that we have the right to not agree with our government but even when I don't I can still say I am proud of to be part of this country.
Two animal-welfare measures passed — a ban on dog racing in Massachusetts, and a proposition in California that outlaws cramped cages for egg-laying chickens

Woo hoo!
I did not vote for was a really hard choice for me... they both had some good points... I'm sure he will do a good job... and i hope he can pull the us out of this mess we are in
That's what's got me scratching my head so much. Bush spent 1 trillion on the war in Iraq. Obama will be spending 1 trillion in a experimental community service army so to speak that will give a $4,000/year tax credit for 100 hours of service given by skilled and unskilled citizens making under $250k (I really wondering how this will turn out, maybe good, maybe not), this is his "tax cut" and dozen of new corps put in place for everything from renewable energy to international diplomacy run by citizen volunteers (this is on his website by the way!). I think improving our diplomacy would be beneficial, but at the same time we don't need to cut military and then triple our international diplomacy corps which is what he wants to do.. allies yes, good to improve our ties with allies. But I doubt Amadinajad or Putin will care if we're just real nice and diplomatic in order to get them to not want to ruin our country. Military is good for keeping them from going too far imho :).

Change can be great and I really hope all his plans will make things better, but I can help but sweat at the thought of the younger generation now shouldering the burden of a 1 trillion war on top of this 1 trillion in experimental changes and well as the trilions in debt we already have.. I thought the idea was practical spending, less uneccesary stuff, more spending on only needed essentials. I'm just not seeing how 1 trillion for government run healthcare and voluntary community service army will be worth that much investment (renewable energy yes!). When I think of government-run healthcare, HMOs come to mind.. the health care provider that rips off all its customers and offers the least expensive options humanly possible to cut the most corners; they tell you what docs you can see and what docs you can't see : /. Our government has been famous for these kinds of actions, cutting corners for profit.

Not trying to offend anyone who voted for Obama, I've just been running all these things through my head since Obama declared them as his plans long ago and some of them are kind of nail-biters :).

But you're totally right JadeIcing.. Obama will have such a tremendous mess on his plate to fix, I would think he'd just begin nibbling away at some of these plans a good ways into his term.
For all the previous elections, that I haven't even been old enough to vote for, I'm used to the decisions being made by midnight. What didn't occur to me was that that meant I'd have to stay up until 3 am here...
I called it quits at 2 am. This is a pretty liberal campus; there were students literally cheering in the streets well into the wee hours of the morning. The Californians on my floor were staying up to see what would happen with prop 4 and prop 8. It looks like prop 4 didn't pass (As a teenage girl, I feel like if a teenage girl has a reason to get an abortion without telling her parents, she should be able to, for the safety of the girls. While I disagree fundamentally with abortion, I recognize that outlawing it will only cause women to revert to unsafe methods of abortion. Still, it is a choice I hope I will never have to make).
Prop 8 is still pretty close, but it looks like it did pass. I think a CA ban on same-sex marriage is more upsetting than the others that were passed last night because of the couples that were married in the interim; how can you tell a couple that their marriage no longer counts?

As far as the president goes, personally I was okay with it going either way, as long as VP Palin never got to be president. That was a truly scary thought.
Raspberry82 wrote:
What troubles me the most is the fact that our government as of tonight is not a democracy anymore. It is a 1 party rule throughout. Congress majority is dems, president, vp, cabinet, senate. So there is no two wings to make the eagle anymore. The dems will be able to pass whatever they want to without any opposition. This is scary, two sided government is what makes us America.
Actually - I was upset about this - but I am encouraged by the fact that the dems did not get a fillabuster-proof situation. This will hopefully keep them from being able to pass some of their more radical ideas.

My biggest concern is about the Republicans - especially in the Senate. Will they grow some backbone and stand up for us...or will they continue to be weak?

My mom is in Maine and she frequently calls or writes to her representatives in Washington and says, "If you're going to vote with the democrats...maybe I'll just vote for the democrat in the election next time...". It frustrates mom to no end when her Republican representative leans more towards the democrats in some decisions.

I told mom that I think they see her number come up on caller ID and go, "Ok...its that kook up there in Aroostook county who is going to threaten to vote democrat..".


Anyway - I do think it will be an interesting two years until the next election...
I suppose I could have worded it better. I've been dealing with race issues my whole life. I just get riled up. I believe there is no color, we're all just people. Animals don't mind it, why do you have to care? A persons a person, no matter what they look like. It's all in their heart, not their skin.
I disagree that mostblack people only voted for Obama because he is black too. Yes, that was probably part of it, just like plenty of whites didn't vote for him because he is black... but they showed manynational polls throughout last night that showed the majority of American'soverwhelming thought that someone who could bring CHANGE was the most important quality.
I am just glad the election is over. For a while there all that ever seemed to be on was coverage of both our election and the American election.

Anyways, as a CanadianI am happy Obama got in. As is everyone I know (that I have talked to). We really want to see change in the US.
Thank god Obama won!..(he's part Irish):)..everyone here is delighted for him, especially since whoever is an American president influences the world!.. I am so so glad Mc Cain lost! More so that that Palin women got no power!! What an idiot! She is a laughing stock here anyway! Sounds to me like she would love to shoot everything that walks! It would be a scary world if she got in....

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