Concerned about Leia

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No she's not she lives inside the house.


In the room I spend most my time in!! Its our porch that was made into another room, it's air conditioned and all.
stephiemarie78 wrote:
No she's not she lives inside the house.


In the room I spend most my time in!! Its our porch that was made into another room, it's air conditioned and all.

I agree that is one nice set up....

I am very puzzled by this; I can't figure it out :?
me too, days go by and she's great then for hours she'll act that way off and on. Its driving me nuts!!

I loved the wood cage! The thing is HUGE. its about same size as a 3x2 nic cage, but as u can see much taller!
I had seen it in some random pet store once and i've wanted it ever since. So i asked the store i buy my oxbow and stuff from if they could order it. I had seen it online at petsmart so i knew who made it. Well they were able to order for me and at a really great price. 288.00 way better then petsmart price! I know its alot for a cage when i can make nic cheaper.

it measures 48"L x 24"W x 51"H, she has chewed the wood inside but seems to have stopped now. The ramp took her some getting used to but she can do it fine now. I was thinking about covering the wood with peel n stick tiles for easier clean up
I wonder if she might have rabbit OCD or something, perhaps an anxiety disorder? I know dogs can get these, and there are even rat/mouse models of many psychiatric disorders, so I don't see why a rabbit wouldn't have it. I really think the best thing for her would be to have a bonded friend, if possible, but an animal behavior specialist may be able to help.
Candyfloss used to do that when she was panicked. Now we have given her more space she doesn't do it anymore. Is there anyway you could get her more floor space? Maybe but attaching a pen to the front and having the bottom doors open? she looks like she needs to run (for whatever reason, could be anxiety, could be pent up energy, etc).

WHOOPS! Just found the next page, sorry. But it does still remind me of Candyfloss when she was panicked. She would do something VERY similar.
LuvaBun wrote:
I could be wrong, but to me it just looks like she wants to be let out to play - especially as when she did it before and she was let out, she was OK.

Jester sometimes does this in his cage, and I know he is wanting out. Once he's had his mad exercise, he's fine.

What a great set-up! I'm envious. If you ever want to find her a friend, Gainesville Rabbit Rescue does bunny dates!