Concerned about Leia

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I guess she could have an itch on her face where she's rubbing it against things, and maybe that's making her go nuts. It does seem really strange. Those neurological checks angieluv mentioned are good to do too. It's likely to be something beyond what we have experience with here, unfortunately, so it may be best to get her in to a vet.
Things are still getting worse. She now has taken to use the litterbox wherever. She has the little episodes more often, The vet can't give me a reason, she hasn't done it the times i've taken her in. He tells me she looks healthy and all the tests they did came back good.
I was wondering about an ear culture. Also possibly a skull x-ray to see if anything is picked up that way. I really don't know what else to suggest though, sorry. I'm sorry you are all going through this. Complex problems are a nightmare.
Could it be behavioral? Have you tried moving her to a different cage if you had one? Or a different area?

I know the cage she has now is really nice. Just a suggestion.

Is she lonely?

I really don't know we've not tried to move her really no were else to try an put her.

uploaded another video, once it posts it will be at this [ame][/ame]
I watched the video and I'm wondering if she's bored. Is it possible to bond her with another bunny? I don't see alot of toys. I know you have some. If the doc says she's okay, then you wonder if it''s behavioral. If thats the right word for it. It's almost like she's going in circles cause she's bored. Thats what I see.

I know this has been a frustrating for you. I just wanted you to know what I see and felt. Hope you can figure it out :) April
I could be wrong, but to me it just looks like she wants to be let out to play - especially as when she did it before and she was let out, she was OK.

Jester sometimes does this in his cage, and I know he is wanting out. Once he's had his mad exercise, he's fine.

nope she does the same thing when she's out. she has chew toys in her cage and on the top level of the cage paper to shred. on the lower lvl normally her willow house is in there but i taken it out for the video. She was bonded to Ruby but they started fighting so i had to separate them.
If this was neurological she would not have the balance that she has in the video; in other wodrs she would be running into the wall, or misstepping here and there which she is not doing.

Her behavior is very repetitive and sheit looksas if she is responding to something that you cannot hear.

Ithink of 2 things of them is whether ,despite the fighting, she is wanting to be reunited to the bun she was bonded with and is listeningfor the other rabbit ; she appears to be listening to or for something

if I separated a bonded pair and placed them separated this is how one of the separated ones may behave

She looks very much as if she is an animal 'pacing " in a cage.
if she is behaving this way outside the cage it definitely is not normal but I , at this point do nt know what it is
I wish I could have gotten the 1st part, she freaks out and then paces her cage. She will run into the sides, front of the cage or anything thats in her way. If i try to hold her she trys to jump out of my arms.

They didn't rebond after being spayed despite my trying, Anytime they are near each other they fight very badly.

I wish i could find her a friend. I've thought about trying to adopt her a friend.
Me too it breaks my heart to see her do this and frustrated trying to figure it out. I'm moving at the end of next month and getting a bigger place with my sister. I'll have 2 bedrooms one will be my computer/rabbit room. Leia will have half the room and I'll use half for my computer. I hope she'll like the extra space.
Thanks for making me feel a bit better about the situation =) It really could be anything making her freak out. Guess will know in a month when i move if its something here.
As you can tell, I'm not really good with words but I feel really bad for your bunny. I just would like to see her get better :)

She's outside now, right? Couldn't really tell. Something could be scaring her. Maybe if she's in the house, that might calm her down.(when you move):pray:please keep us updated.