Well I've been busy of late, which is a shame because it keeps me from my lil buns. I take care of my mom now practically full time, in the middle of buying a house, and generally working so its made me a stranger. The only time I feel my rabbits get time with me is when Im cleaning, grooming or feeding them. They never really liked me so now I guess they run from me more then ever. Oh well.
I went on vacation two weeks ago and left my In-laws to take care of the destructive duo. Poor In-laws, they did a great job but they weren't used to the process so they had a difficult time. Funny enough even with these great little pains they enjoyed the rabbits and called them cute. As owners of cats, they see that rabbits are their own creatures and bring their own joys and stresses. To me it reinforces the idea that rabbits are not beginner pets, at least not giant ones.
Conan and Xena are healthy and happy, though lately even more destructive then usual, and are losing their litter training somewhat. The destructive part I understand, I haven't been as careful with their surroundings as I usually am. The loss of litter habits has me scratching my head though. They poop more often everywhere, which i can let go since thats easy to clean, but often peeing outside the box is getting annoying. I dont think its illness related since they just had a check up and its not often enough, so I think it might be obstinacy on their part. I put another litterbox in the 2nd floor of their condo and put down some carpeting to make traction better, and yet still they pee outside the box. I'm trying now to lock them in their cage for a few days to limit their freedom and hope they get back to better habits. I'll expand their territory slowly, but I'm sure Im not doing our relationship any favors like this. I just feel bad punishing them like that, and I'll probably end up doing this all over again when we move.
Oh and that's another concern. I have to figure out a new set up now. We'll have more space, and now since I'll own I can make changes like cut a hole for a pet door so my rabbits can wander as they please without letting the cockatiels out (the current situation is he rabbits get full run of the big apartment and night while the birds are sleeping, during the day they're in the pet room). Of course we now want to limit the cockatiels a bit, not let them have whole room all the time so we need to buy a walk in aviary, which could also work as a rabbit den, but it also Means I got to get creative in making it a custom enclosure for both birds and rabbits. Dont need poop raining down on rabbits, while making sure the rabbits can come and go while the birds are a bit more restricted. Then again if the buns keep pooping and peeing like they've been, maybe he whole lot get their time a big restricted.
Its tough trying to give all the animals free time while making your life at lest somewhat easy. I wonder if they are truly my pets, or am i just theirs