Here is Izzy a few minutes ago

I don't think I've ever posted photos of the chicks being fed.
The process of hand feeding is:
1) Line feeding spot with paper towels and get out 2 tiny plastic cups, q-tips, gauze pads, and food.
2) Take syringes and thermometers out of disinfecting solution and rinse them as well as the jar they were in well.
3) Put powdered formula and whatever supplements I'm adding into one of the plastic cups (supplements include brewer's yeast, a spice blend that has antibiotic effects, crushed papaya tablets, Benebac powder, baby rice cereal, gentian and capsicum).
4) Pour small amount of bottled water or electrolyte solution into jar and microwave 20 seconds. Stir into formula, mixing with thermometer probes. Add more formula or hot/cold water as necessary to reach a temperature of exactly 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes I have to put the formula cup into a bigger cup of hot water to bring the temperature up. Usually while the formula is cooling I get the babies out so they're ready to go when the formula reaches the right temperature.
5) Fill first syringe. Set baby on feeding area and hold his wings to his body with my left hand and hold his head in place with the thumb and forefinger of the same hand. Stick syringe in right left side of mouth aiming towards the right side of his throat because the esophagus is on the right side and I don't want to squirt food into his lungs. Wait until he chirps rapidly and bobs his head and flaps his wings (or tries to, my hand is holding his wings in place so he doesn't reel around everywhere), then squirt in formula. Squirt it in slow enough that food does not back up into the baby's mouth. Remove the syringe every few seconds so the baby can breathe. Repeat with other babies if necessary.
6) Pour remaining warm water from jar into other plastic cup. Add 1 drop of grapeseed extract and stir with a Q-tip. Dab excess water off q-tip with paper towel, test temperature on back of hand, and use to swab out baby's mouth. Do until mouth is clean. This is important so bacteria doesn't grow in the mouth since baby birds don't make a lot of spit or swallow often. If rest of face or body has food on it, dampen gauze pad in the water and wipe off baby.
7) Change paper towels in brooder and replace babies. Wash out container of water that's in the brooder for humidity and put it back in. Cover brooder with towel.
8) Wash all syringes and equipment used to feed babies, then make disinfecting solution and put everything in it so it will be clean for next time. Throw away dirty paper towels and Q-tips and everything.
Right now the babies are getting 2 medications 3 times a day so I have extra syringes and everything for that also. The whole process of medicating and feeding them from start to finish takes about 20-30 minutes. I do it whenever one of the babies' crops empties.
And here is Izzy waiting to be fed, his wing span is about 7 inches!