cleening the cage

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
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norwich, , United Kingdom

i would like to no the best way to clean cages.what disinfectent do u use please help and do u hide treats in urbunnys cage i do it is really fun for barney to scrumage and find hisfavirote.

from me:dude:

I clean out Bindys hutch every 2nd day, I remove all paper, do littertray, sweep out everything and Once a week I take her hutch outside andhose the whole lot and clean it out with baking soda and water.

I don't use any particular cleaning product I find baking soda works fine for us

Never thought about hiding treats in her hutch though, sounds like fun LOL
i like vinegar and water, it breaks down anyareas urine has sat and left a flim. Some bunnies are cleaner thanother, and don't need as much cleaning as others. But I alsobought a steamer steam cleaner after there was apost aboutthem on this board. they are supose tosterlize all the areas it goes over. with just steam, so iwill go over a cage with vinegar and water or sometimes simple green ifsomeone had some smoosh poops and then steam it off after.

I must say though, those areas that you may have given up as they willnever be clean.. i had 2 buns like that, one just had a corner likethat and the otherhad a wall of his cage, thesteamer worked awesome to get that baby clean again.
fantastic Gabby i will definitely be using mysteam cleaner from now on Austin has one of those corners that i gaveup on a while ago but im gonna give the steam cleaner a shot!

Em x
My indoor cages are constructred such that thereis rarely any need to clean them regularly. The outsidehutches, however, need at least annual cleanings with a scraper,vinegar, bleached water in a steamer recently gifted to us, and plentyof sunlit drying time.

There is a bit of urine build up in Cosmos litterbox. think vinegar would be the best at getting thatoff? What kind of vinegar? Would anythingelse work just as well? Thanks
Em wrote:
fantastic Gabby i will definitely be using my steam cleanerfrom now on Austin has one of those corners that i gave up on a whileago but im gonna give the steam cleaner a shot!

Em x
Please let us know how it works for you:)
VNess2010 wrote:
There is a bit of urine build up in Cosmos litterbox. think vinegar would be the best at getting thatoff? What kind of vinegar? Would anythingelse work just as well? Thanks
just your regular whitevinegar, and if possibly let it soak to really get into the buildup...If there is something else out there safer and works better I'dlove to hear it. The only other item i have had remove urine build upis my steamer steam cleaner.
Gabby wrote:
VNess2010 wrote:
There is abit of urine build up in Cosmos litter box. thinkvinegar would be the best at getting that off? Whatkind of vinegar? Would anything else work just aswell? Thanks
just your regular white vinegar, and ifpossibly let it soak to really get into the build up...If there issomething else out there safer and works better I'd love to hear it.The only other item i have had remove urine build up is my steamersteam cleaner.
Gabby, I can't imagine a cleaner that is as cheap as vinegar and works as well.

Vness, just do what Gabby says. Cover the area with vinegar. Buy a big jug if you can LOL.....

I usually put about 1/4" of vinegar in the bottom of Bo'span. Then I let it sit. I have a second pan he canuse if he needs it during that time. Some people have asecond pan to trade out with each cleaning.... whatever works for you.

Then I let it soak for a minimum of 5 minutes. Remember, I dothis each week at least one time. Then, I drain the vinegarinto the commode usually, and then use a papertowel to wipe away anyresidue... rinse well with hot water and dry with apapertowel. His litterbox looks as if it's brand new.

Since I have been using WoodyPet, it's gotten even easier as the woodypet seems to absorb even more urine!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Gabby wrote:
VNess2010 wrote:
There is abit of urine build up in Cosmos litter box. thinkvinegar would be the best at getting that off? Whatkind of vinegar? Would anything else work just aswell? Thanks
just your regular white vinegar, and ifpossibly let it soak to really get into the build up...If there issomething else out there safer and works better I'd love to hear it.The only other item i have had remove urine build up is my steamersteam cleaner.
Gabby, I can't imagine a cleaner that is as cheap as vinegar and works as well.

Vness, just do what Gabby says. Cover the area with vinegar. Buy a big jug if you can LOL.....

I usually put about 1/4" of vinegar in the bottom of Bo'span. Then I let it sit. I have a second pan he canuse if he needs it during that time. Some people have asecond pan to trade out with each cleaning.... whatever works for you.

Then I let it soak for a minimum of 5 minutes. Remember, I dothis each week at least one time. Then, I drain the vinegarinto the commode usually, and then use a papertowel to wipe away anyresidue... rinse well with hot water and dry with apapertowel. His litterbox looks as if it's brand new.

Since I have been using WoodyPet, it's gotten even easier as the woodypet seems to absorb even more urine!

I use vinegar, too.

Either straight for tough buildup.... or 1:1 with water for disinfecting.

Works good for water bottles, too.

Use it for the hamster cages and it works wonders. You think rabbit pee is tough.

And there is something about WoodyPet for sure. I started using in thelitter pans and I haven't had to scrub any of them yet. If I'm reallygood and change the pans everyday, the pans don't even seem to get wetor smell of urine. I can usually just wipe them out with a paper towel,however I wash the pans at least every other day regardless.

I'd use WoodyPet in the hamster cages, but they like the aspen shavingbetter for building their nests. I suppose I could put WoodyPet in thecorners where they pee.

:~) Jim

Jim, I got another email from Dave, Jr. I'll postit in a bit. I totally agree with the Woodypetthing. It's SO absorbant!

On the water bottles, another thing to use is salt and ice! Yep that'swhat I said... and you can use a bit of vinegar in there too.When I worked at a family breakfast place that's what we used to cleanthe coffee pots. The ice works as a scrubber with the salt(you swish it around). Of course you can get the bottlebrushes, but if you don't have one it works to do this other thing.


I also use a steam cleaner.

I bumped up a post by Buck Jones called, "Brusha Brusha Brusha". Take a look.


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